>SOCIETY: get married
>SOCIETY: have children
>SOCIETY: get married
>SOCIETY: have children
If you're white and asking this, kill yourself
If you're white and asking this, kill yourself
If you're white and asking this, kill yourself
>kill self
>even less white people than before
this is a well thought out plan
If you're white and asking this, kill yourself
If you are married and have children you are more likely to not take risks. As a whole, it's much safer for a society.
>find a mate, be in a monogamous relationship
>have children
That's biology talking you faggot
Why be upset about it? The government literally pays you and your partner to fulfill your biological duty.
I'm LMAOing at your life.
If you're white and asking this, kill yourself
>biological duty
Nothing like this exists
Except the chemicals in our brain telling us to do it.
it's pretty fucking obvious that a human's and all other animal's biological purpose is to survive and reproduce you fuckwit
>Have someone to stand by you when you need support
>Have someone you find attractive to bang every night
>Be there for someone to genuinely improve their life
>Carry on your lineage and make the world a little less shit by teaching your child to be a good person
Well fuck me, it just boggles the mind why people would want to do this.
Because you know how much money all that costs? I don't know, probably a lot. Gotta stimulate muh economy
If you're white and asking this, kill minorities
That's not duty
That's not duty
Biology does not know the concept of honour so it does not know the concept of obligation. There is nothing like biological duty.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you dont have white kids, whos going to pay for little Sheniqua's future 7 kids?
doesn't matter one way or another, senpai.
So that women can divorce us and acquire half of our assets and for our children to subsequently become taxpaying slaves.
>Polish philosophers
>letting chemicals in your brain dictate what you do in life
weak willed faggot
I would say it's definitely the opposite today. Where do you live OP? Like rural Utah or something?
To continue or expand your family line
chemicals in your brain only tell you to fuck.
Chemicals in our brain are telling us to do exactly what blacks are doing. Fuck a lot, have a lot of kids, don't give a shit about them. Some people here seems to glorify it for some reason. Muh biology I guess.
To increase the worker force, goy.
>Go make some kids so they would suffer in a world that will be even more shit than it is now when they're growing up
Yeah sounds like a nice plan, I am a complete psychopath who can't feel empathy for anyone else after all, only my feelings matter.
Fucking idiots
Uhhhh I don't know what society you're living in but the SOCIETY you're attempting to cite ended a long time ago. This entire thread is like some sort of inverted b8, m80s.
>Have someone to stand by you when you need support
>Have someone you find attractive to bang every night
A distinct impossibility. You're a man, you ARE the support. And the moment she puts the ring on she stops feeling the need to keep any pretense of eating healthily or exercising.
You can, if you're lucky, improve her life, and assuming she's not cheating on you you will get to carry on your linage.
>36 years old
>be in relationship for 11 years
>no plans to get married
>no plans to have children
>feels good
Fight me, faggots.
Because the retirement system is a snowball scheme