Get them all out, Brits. Half a million is not enough, make it 1 million or better 2 million. All the whites must leave!
Yeah, a bunch of slavs standing around on corners glaring at passers-by and muttering to each other in NOT FUCKING ENGLISH really makes me feel racial solidarity, not that they're yet another group of fucking foreigners here to leech of the system.
You have to go back.
whites are whites, Pakis are brown
>EU """nationals"""
Congratulations on figuring that out. That doesn't change that slavs are still parasitic foreigners that don't seek to assimilate. Some have been here for thirteen years and you know the language they talk with their friends (because they only hang out with each other)? NOT FUCKING ENGLISH.
>>EU """nationals"""
Yes, that is the correct term.
>That doesn't change that slavs are still parasitic foreigners that don't seek to assimilate.
There is an estimate that there are between 2-3 million Polish folks in Germany... Germany doesn't know how many because 1-1.5 million are indistinguishable from Germans.
Meanwhile, 4th generation Turks can be pointed out from a crowd within 2 seconds.
My sleeping pill is kicking in lad
Reminder that the immigration that "based" Farage is against is immigration from EU countries. He supports immigration from shitskin Commonwealth countries like Pakistan and India.
Maybe that's because all Germans (and let's face it Austrians) are Russian rape babies. I can spot a Pole in 2 seconds.
The wogs begin at Calais.
Hello user how is Iraq?
>My sleeping pill is kicking in lad
Thanks for going back, Muslim. We don't want you in Europe, you Iraqis have to all go back to your shithole desert country.
North Iraq is like a slightly better Detroit
Dont invade other countries if u dont want people to come to urs
While I agree with what you're saying here the point is we'll still be importing people from places like fucking Pakistan by the thousands,something our EU membership has absolutely no bearing on.
If I had to choose the lesser of two evils i'd take slavs anyday over some backward fucking middle easterners.
>Dont invade other countries if u dont want people to come to urs
We are neutral. We haven't invaded anything since 1914.
Last I checked, it was your lot who screwed up the Middle East and Central Asia.
>EU Nationals forced to leave
How does that even work?
They mean European Nationals living in the UK right?
or do they mean Middle Eastern Nationals living in the UK?
Finally someone that thinks like me instead of shitposting "based poland". Fucking slavs are literally the niggers of this continent, especially poles.
Picking on slavs and not pakis or niggers is the ultimate form of cowardice. They have to go, but they go last.
What is wrong with being forced to get a visa or whatever to go to another country?
Source? Sounds interesting.
How many times does this opinion that has literally no fact base get repeated on here?
Farage wants ALL immigration lowered to a net total of 30,000 a year.
Last year Britain took in 277,000 non Europeans, net 188,000 non-whites. Farage said he wants immigration to be non discriminatory i.e not be open door for all EUs. He wants controlled immigration, but he wants 30,000 a year net.
Farage has never, at any point, implied he ever wanted MOAR immigration from anywhere. He wants all immigration vastly lowered.
Even if all our immigrants were niggers, or pakis, if it was only 30,000 a year, it would be massively lower than the amount of non whites we currently take in a year. Not that he ever implied all, our even the majority, or even a significant amount should be non-europeans. He used India & Pakistan as a means of stopping people calling him a racist in the media.
>They mean European Nationals living in the UK right?
They mean EU nationals living in the UK, mostly Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Czech, Slovaks, Croatians, Cypriots, Greeks etc. - that is people who came recently and have little in terms of skills.
>What is wrong with being forced to get a visa or whatever to go to another country?
That is not the question. The question is whether people already in the UK, who hold a job there, should be deported.
And this thread brits realize they don't know why the fuck they vote for Brexit.
TOP KEK this is hilarious please carry on.
>yuroos OUT
>pakis can stay tho^^
>to a net total of 30,000 a year.
>net total
Dude, you know what that means, right? If you throw out 500,000 white Europeans, you can then import 530,000 Pakis. Farage wants an Australian points system, which works this way - you set net migration targets and let in everyone based on a points ranking. So you will end up deporting whites and importing a shitton of browns.
Paki shills. Please ignorore these rats.
there getting a 6 year halt on all immigration
But he is not going to let in that many fucking idiot, besides it's (((Therea May))) who decides.
Just worry about your own fucking election as it is important in it's symbolism for the whole of Europe.
>And this thread brits realize they don't know why the fuck they vote for Brexit.
Do you think brits care that some Slavs have to go home, I'm sure it's worth their independence, not that you would understand
Any non-EU migrant who earns less that £35k per year is also being sent back
All the good (actual) greeks left within the last century.
Now Greece is nothing but Turkroaches
Britain for the British! No Islam, no Judaism, no coloureds, no Slavs, no Meds, no Spaniards!
>If you throw out 500,000 white Europeans, you can then import 530,000 Pakis
And why exactly would that happen?
>Farage wants an Australian points system, which works this way - you set net migration targets and let in everyone based on a points ranking. So you will end up deporting whites and importing a shitton of browns.
Why would the government do that? The point system is set up to take in the most educated people. First world countries, ethnically European countries tend to be better educated, it would also allow us vast amounts of space since we don't need to allocate to eu nationals who we have no idea the figures that will arrive.
So the scenario you set could happen, even thought it's extremely unlikely because it would serve zero purpose. We could of course import people from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or any European country, which we can't do now because we need to keep the space available for what ever EU nationals decide to come.
Either way, if immigration isn't vastly lowered when we leave the EU, the Tories are in trouble, and considering labour are a complete shambles, UKIP will do very well at the next general election. We might actually get a coalition Conservative/UKIP government next, and UKIP will just need to call them on their shit publicly to win even more support.
>there getting a 6 year halt on all immigration
Who? Pakistan? The UK?
The UK gets in hundreds of thousands of Pakis each year... there is no halt and the EU has nothing to do with it.
It's like this
10)Portuguese and Spanish
>But he is not going to let in that many fucking idiot, besides it's (((Therea May))) who decides.
The Tories have already let in million of Pakis in the last years. Do you think they won't seize the situation to let more in?
>Any non-EU migrant who earns less that £35k per year is also being sent back
HAHAHAHA, just like any illegal migrant to Austria and Germany (and the UK) who doesn't get asylum is deported... sure.
The UK doesn't deport anyone. No one. If you are in the country, that's it, you are in. The law doesn't really care about those people any more.
>The point system is set up to take in the most educated people. First world countries, ethnically European countries tend to be better educated,
Well, the interesting thing is that some Paki going to the Islamic University of Islamabad to study Islamism gets higher points than a Polish plumber. And that is why gets in first...
Lets give May a chance and see what happens. Immigration is the #1 issue in British politics, they fuck up here & UKIP will steal a large section of their vote. That's why I'm not surprised she's putting off triggering article 50, they might actually run the next general election of the basis of immigration, and don't want us to actually leave before then, and be forced to actually lower the immigration numbers.
They will probably try to delay it just in time for when we officially leave, then they can run on the basis
>Now we are out we can control immigration
>We'll lower to tens of thousands
When they have no intentions to. Hoping they can con the electorate again. Like I said though, UKIP will do well next general election, with the threat of an SNP/Labour coalition again, labour will bleed voters to UKIP. We actually have a good chance of a UKIP/Conservative coalition next government.
Sending them home now we're don't care about you eurocucks and your cunt of human rights
The left are furious and their tears are delicious.
>Protesters throw hundreds of live insects into Byron burger restaurants amid backlash over immigration raids
>'m not surprised she's putting off triggering article 50
The reason she is putting off Article 50 are two fold: (1) the 2 year period needs to end at year-end, and 31 Dec 2017 is too close, so she can only trigger the article early 2017 to go for a 31 Dec 2018 exit, and (2) she will have to discuss, in detail, the positions the UK will take for the negotiations on migration, the EEA, budget contributions, trade details etc. - and that requires preparations in particular with regard to horsetrading within the Tory party.
Why not both?
Why one or the other?
Personally I'd kick everyone out except Celts and Anglos. Then deport the Anglos.
Go the fuck back to Germany and Scandinavia.
where did they go?????
If any of them are cute girls they can crash on my couch.
EU nationals out, Pakistan nationals in
> United Kuckdom
She is also putting of triggering article 50 because next year there are elections in France and Germany. Goodbye Hollande and Merkel! She wants to see first with whom she will negotiate. Now it doesn't make much sense to talk with Hollande and Merkel since they probably won't have any influence next year.
... around Pakis, spread your daughter's legs
Well, they don't live and are just visiting, right?
Even better, the youth turnout was still pretty low
Brexit is a step in the right direction, the jew will try to take possession of it obviously.
If they do import more pakis and nigs the real problem is going to be fitting them into a declining economy.
The mass immigration Europe has suffered from for 50 years was only possible due to cheap credit inflating the economies.
People still hate pollaks?
What did we ever do to anyone?
>EU nationals out
>EU nationals
Filthy nigger loving commie Greek detected
Now niggers are the niggers of your continent, and are fucking your cute white crush who you wanted to be your wife. Literally lmaoing at you Yuropoors right now
The Eternal Anglo will replace these with even cheaper Darkies from Bongoland, to make even more profit.
Beady and greedy.
I only met Russians that hate you. But they hate everyone they haven't colonized yet.
Send them here
>Many lawyers argue that EU foreign national workers living in the UK legally at the time of Brexit would have individual "acquired rights" under international law.
>This is based on the Vienna Convention of 1969, which says that the termination of a treaty "does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties created through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination.”
>The House of Commons Library says that "withdrawing from a treaty releases the parties from any future obligations to each other, but does not affect any rights or obligations acquired under it BEFORE withdrawal."
>mfw Abubo Karim Hajaar gets to stay while my college educated, working family from Croatia has to leave
> proper English gentleman
All the Torah Party cares about is money. They have never been nationalist in the slightest.
>>This is based on the Vienna Convention of 1969, which says that the termination of a treaty "does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties created through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination.”
This applies to people who have permanent residence rights in the UK acquired due to 5 years continuous residency.
It does not apply to people who have less than 5 years continuous residency or who have been absent for longer than 6 months from the UK in the last 5 years and do not hold UK citizenship.
>Funeral of 80 year old priest held today after being murdered by two 19 year old frenchmen.
>19 year old frenchmen.
stop fucking up Europe then
USA is across the Atlantic
We're not he jews you are looking for
This mudshit is what the most pro EU part of the UK voted for.
>the most pro EU cucks in the UK are mudslimes, niggers and leftists
I wonder if Turnbull ever smashed that?
Continental Europeans aren't white. Get fucked.
>This mudshit is what the most pro EU part of the UK voted for.
He is Scottish, how?
>EU nationals
Holy shit just die already
The argument I always use against pro-EU retards is that the people of London, despite voting roughly 60% in favour of remaining, still voted 40% to leave, and that its really not that far away from a half and half situation.
They can't respond. If they argue that it doesn't matter because more people wanted to remain, then they have literally no argument, because you can just say that nothing they say matters because most people wanted to leave.
I said leftists
>Calling someone non-white
The concept of white was invented by Britons, so yeah.
>Maybe that's because all Germans (and let's face it Austrians) are Russian rape babies
Pretty lame meme considering that almost nobody was born in '45 and '46.
B-but I'm studying here and both of my parents are working.
Please don't send me back to that shithole country
Sounds like it's about to get more comfy. Hope they enjoy going home to their shitskin invasion.
>B-but I'm studying here and both of my parents are working.
>Please don't send me back to that shithole country
Oh, come on, Germany isn't that bad.
>Polish slavshit
None of these cunts are even grateful or happy to be here. All the Euro migrants do is incessantly shit talk Britain and the British because we're not like their own people back home, but refuse to leave.
No surprise that an Austrian made this thread, you Euros are salty as fuck that we bailed the sinking ship and you're stuck there pouting with your countries getting ever more ravaged by their bullshit. Contrary to the opinion you think a lot of us hold, I'm MUCH more concerned with the quality of immigration and WHO is immigrating. "White" immigrants aren't automatically good, and Euros outside of Scandinavia, Germany, France (arguably) and here aren't white anyway.
>No surprise that an Austrian made this thread, you Euros are salty as fuck that we bailed the sinking ship and you're stuck there pouting with your countries getting ever more ravaged by their bullshit.
I am Irish, actually. I just live here.
fuck that shit, at least with pakis they stick to their corner shops, i cant go anywhere without seeing some fucking Slav from Poland decked out in a red tracksuit squatting on a fucking bench.
Why won't you focus on your indians that are also born here?
(((Think tanks))) also warned about an IS apocalypse in Britain and World War 3.
You have to go back.
What is the focus on Slavs and not niggers/sandniggers?
as an expat enjoying living freely in europe and not living like a little-englander drinking shitty piss beer, smoking 40 B&H a day, eating literal shit and pretending to have a culture; i'm kinda sick of you retards who can't see past next week. the english truly are the niggers of europe, such an over-inflated sense of self-worth, thinking everything should be given to them because of their history, and crying that everyone wants to be like them.. all while living in squalor and surrounded by obese, buck-toothed, tracksuit-wearing morons.
i'd suggest you get off your high horse but then it'd take you even longer to fuck off. nobody wants your shitty attitude in europe anyway, so please enjoy your high quality political landscape and the rapid decline into an unregulated conservative neocon fiefdom.
ps. get fucked
Partly true m8
However being a cuck to liberal Europe is not an option.
If the EU was about creating a true European superpower based on our race and culture, I'd have voted Remain.
>only reason slavs etc queued up to join the EU was for shekels.
>If the EU was about creating a true European superpower based on our race and culture, I'd have voted Remain.
And most people voted leave because they feared that the EU was creating a true European superpower based on the European culture of Judeo-Christianity. Not even kidding.
Simply not the case
EU was turning leftist pro muslim - Merkel and her muslims finished the argument.
>pic very related
>And most people voted leave because they feared that the EU was creating a true European superpower based on the European culture of Judeo-Christianity. Not even kidding.
What on earth possessed you to write such shit?
>EU was turning leftist pro muslim
That is because the EU isn't allowed to turn into a true European superpower based on European culture of Judeo-Christanity... because Brits have blocked this for ages.
Merkel caused the refugee crisis, if the EU had a military and could do EU border controls and border protections, the refugee crisis would never have happened. The migrant crisis happened, because Greece was allowed to shuttle migrants from the islands within hours of their arrival there... that service allowed the migrants to move straight on to the rest of Europe.
Your arguing against the UK being in the EU then?
fine we agree, now the EU can go full pro Western civilisation on those muslim hordes.
>I pray it happens but won't hold my breath