
Brazilians ARE niggers

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The US in 20 years.

Sometimes they stab people on the neck, watch out.

I have a weird feeling that the Olympics are going to be great this year!


If you fight back sometimes they bring more niggers with knifes.


Were like sicily but with a mcdonalds and 20lbs of pussy and ass fuckdolls

ill be shocked if they happen at all.

because they "own the streets", they think if they fuck someone up it will "send a message" and people in the future will just part with their belongings with little resistance. It doesn't work like that in reality at all, but it doesn't stop them from being degenerate impish demons.

If someone here is going to the rio for the olympics and is white as hell. like a pale motherfucker that gets red in the sun. be carefull. you guys are not used to taking care of yourselves in downtown rio and those kids love to steal from gringos because some of you, especially old gringos, carry a lot of money and expensive cameras with you while you walk downtown or at a beach. dont do this. also dont wear these clothes. they are silly and we make fun of you for wearing that.

>brazilians will still claim to be a first world country

I understand being upset that this happens to innocent people, but the rage against the kids is unwarranted.

These aren't american blacks who have welfare and foodstamps to make sure they eat.

These runts do this stuff in order to survive, they have no other options.

You want to think you are better than them, but if you were born in their situation you would be doing the same exact thing.


Jesus christ I thought the olympics were supposed to be a high class event

in case someones react. to send a message as well as a waring for others to just give up their stuff without reacting.

How are the police in Rio currently?
All in all do you think its safe to travel to Rio for the Olympics?

also about that gringo look. those favela kids read "please steal my stuff" all written over your forehead while you wear this. it makes it obvious that you are a tourist. no brazilian wear this shit.

Don't worry, when the cops get them they become little bitches.


>How are the police in Rio currently?
Not good. Especially if you have that tourist look.

I always dress like this during a vacation. What am I suposed to wear on a fucking beach?

Why doesn't Brazil just drive steamrollers through the favelas for funsies?

No. Just no.

Did that little kid in part 5 steal a half full bottle of water? They aren't even stealing out of necessity, it's something genetic

These little monkeys are robbing from people in broad daylight. All of the bystanders just kind of watch and allow it to go on. What a fucking nation of mindless slugs.

This shit wouldn't go down in the US. These little monkeys would get shot or get the shit beat out of them. IDGAF if it was an 8 year old that tried to steal from me, I'd hurt that little piece of shit so he'd remember it next time.

eat shit faggot.

have you even been to latin america? its made up of capitalist countries with strong socialist programs. there are literally hundreds of option other than stealing and robbing that will put food in your mouth. sure, you are most likely going to be poor, but you dont have to be a criminal while you are at it, nobody is forcing you to steal.

t.an actual world traveller

Terrible there's a lot of corruption among them, to the point where they are just as dangerous as any other criminal.

this is how cop killers are created.

This is why vigilante cop justice doesnt work, it gives a target for criminals anger.
If the cop simply took em to jail and made em spend a month in jail he was jsut doing his job and maybe stealing isnt worth it anymroe to the kids.

Now they fucking hate bullshit corrupt cops who think they have to power to do anything to anyone.



feels good seeing stupid, happy normies getting harassed

nigger detected

lol @ the cuck girl who gave up her phone and casually kept walking



Something like this. Speedos or this kind of short. The kind of short which you can actually go to the water with. Shirtless or with a t-shirt. This is basically what we wear.

isn't the olympics in

Those niggers seemed to enjoy that a little too much.

Based Brazil cops

I'm going to Brazil to a place called Limeira in the state of Sao Paolo soon. How often can I expect to be stabbed or mugged daily?

some of them have knifes dude.

>every single thief skin and bones
>none have shoes, all thong sandals
>sometimes shirtless, cheap shorts

obviously there are assholes who steal for fun but obviously some are in desperate need as well.

You see this in any poor/ troubled country, you really think jsut because some have socialist programs that its all culture and not necessity?

Use a dog tag so they'll know where to send your body

Have you been outside your country?
Just asking.

I thought everyone had a gun..
Maybe because I recently watched "City of God"...

Shut the fuck up you sheltered little shit.

So the point of speedos is to showoff how big your dick is right?

If I have a big dick and where speedos in brazil can I get a big booty slut to do anal with me easy?
I watch alot of brazilian amatuer porn and those girls do anal like champs?
is it common over there?

somalia 2020?

I mean let's go full third world next time.

somehow wrong to hold the olympics in countries that insure the attendees don't get targeted because
>muh racist

Been to haiti and jamaica

Yeah no you're not stealling any dog tags of me. Nice try though, hue

the olympic comittee is retarded for picking rio

some of them do. but knifes is more common. a knife is enough to threaten someone so you can stel their shit and if you need to stap someone it wont make a gun noise freaking everybody out a kilometer away. you stab their chest if they react and immediately run away. until people realize what happened, you are gone already. also, normal people dont have guns so they dont have to worry about that.

huemonkeys can't even be considered human, hopefully isis bombs the shit out of them.

Why is it always fucking yurops and yanks

When I was in Tokyo, I fucking swear, every single yurop cunt or yank were wearing cargo shorts, some mismatched clothing, none of it fitting well and fucking sandals and shit

dress like a human not a fucking chimp or a 90 year old

no, they are niggers. niggers = black africans, and black africans = the destruction of society.

I'll take you like a pro

what does Sup Forums think of this video from Brazil?


(must have audio)

Could I see more Brazilian police do awesome things? Also, do they recruit foreigners?

Speedos is just normal here. just common beach clothing. just like a woman biquini. I think in oher countries speedos are for gays, maybe? but not here. About the slut thing, if you look like a tourist, you can get bitches easily than us brazilians. our chicks here dig tourists, either from the US or europe, for some reason.

Bystanders just sit back and watch.

Even here [redacted] criminals have been fucking lynched/burned/stoned to death by locals by as little as verbally assaulting women.

and the olympics are being held this place?

might as well have hosted the olympics in somalia

Today on the radio they were talking about how the water in br was tested to have something like 1.5 million times the US's acceptable level of bacteria and viruses. They are legitimately worried about the athlete's health.

This is in a prison

>criminals have been fucking lynched/burned/stoned to death by locals by as little as verbally assaulting women.
>by as little as verbally assaulting women.
Wtf, Juan. Go back to Edomex or to wherever shitty place they do that.

What are they grabbing by people's ears?

Why does watching this make me so angry?

>Are Brazilians worse than niggers?

But user, they are the niggers.

Probably because of the Bystanders effect, they probably think someone else will intervene.

requesting videos/pics of dead hues

brazilian niggers receive no food stamps or any other shit like that for the matter. they're really fucked up. higher needs, higher motivation. I'm actually surprised they're not doing smth worse

people get lynched here too. the thing is it is just too common in downtown rio that bystanters dont react anymore. some of those kids are armed and stuff. Also they get backup if shit happens. they are never alone. they steal with a group.

en la condesa lmaoooo

I watched a video on drug addiction

40% of favela dwellers are crack addicts and they recycle all the trash to buy it.


I need to know about anal though.

Liek is it super accepted in your culture?
Do bitches glaot about doign it or joke about liek its no big deal?

all I wanna do is buttfuck brazzilian girls is it easy?

forgot to link a video of people a guy being lynched. it happens here as well. when that happens, that is when the human rights people appear

I was honestly waiting for SOMEONE to cave in some subhuman mouths.

Brazil is shit.

stfu never post again

I watched the video and all I saw were niggers noggin, what's the difference between ours and theirs except the language?

>super virus comes around
>only people who survive are brazilians
>anal becomes the norm instead of taboo

I'm okay with this

¿Cuándo pasó eso en la Condesa? Creí que era un lugar para hipsters y clase media alta.

Yes. Buttfucking is somewhat easy. And being an american you would get even easier.

It all depends of how much of a chad you are.

It brings up all the residual niggering you have experienced in your past.

Thats what it did for me.

I watched the hole video staring like a hawk at my monitor waiting, wanting, praying, that one of those little niggers would get hit by a bus or smashed into the ground by someone.

They are literally like a pack of shoulder monkeys running around in public.



Bike robers

Are these people thieves?


I have no ideia. some women dig it and some hate it just like every other country. It is accepted though. No tabu over that. Maybe, it is a little more common but dont act like you will get anal with every bitch, because more likely you wont.

they will kill you literally because it's easier to take your bag when you're dying

these people have 0 empathy, no value for human life, and not enough intelligence to fully comprehend what they're doing

ot looks like a bunch of black people in brazil being black people. asking if they are worse than niggers seems a bit odd. they are niggers

are there any videos of the nigros getting murdered while trying to nig?

Supposedly yes. One look like a car robery gone wrong I supose and the other is old and effective street court going on.

>Be in USN
>get shore leave in Brazil
>spend precisely one day dealing with shit like this
>spend rest of shore leave carrying collapsible baton and OC spray.
>fuck up would-be thieves several times
>ship never invited to brazilian ports again

The whole country is shit, populated by shit people.

>Niggers getting lynched

Wtf I love Brazil now. This is what we should do to every foreign nigger ciriminal in europe. Every single fucking one



Is Brazil a 3rd world country in your eyes?

good god yes, you know how fuckign annoying it is to have to gamble with even the mention of anal with american bitches?

I just wanna go to brazil and ask big booty sluts to sit on my face.

Thank God I skipped the olympics and the world cup this time.

Do you guys think this will happen in Qatar? I hope not

Of course.

Brazil is such a shithole, it's hilarious when they get uppity on here. They're all faggots.

world cup was pretty based actually.

i dont get how anyone would think going to rio for the olympics would be a good idea. every red flag on the planet is flying there and people still go

I wear cargo pants for all my EDC (phone, knife, glock, multitool, spare mags). I don't "dress up" like a faggot who isn't aware of their surroundings and doesn't look at people's hands.

Brazil not even once