what are your thoughts on this actress?
What are your thoughts on this actress?
The only good thing about The Man From UNCLE, christ that movie sucked.
i like her a lot but lately she seems to be getting herself deliberately miscast or something
wonder what her endgame is
She's a good actress but I can't fucking stand her
I don't even know why she just annoys the shit out of me
you would still fuck her
I unironically think she might be the best looking woman on the planet
I'd put my beer can in her if you know what I mean
>leave fridgekino to me
>adopted from an african aids nigger
why is it that all hot girls always have the same exact face as their father? its unnerving
Her face is beautiful but she has weird tits and her pelvis and hips are also weird and very narrow. If she had a better body, she would be way hotter as a total package.
Those aren't Swedish, they look Jewish or maybe French.
t. Swede
>le no true scotsman
Too brown to be Swedish desu also probably black cos fassy fucked her
>t. Swede
Both her parents were Swedish. He Wikipedia says she is 75% Swedish and 25% Finnish.
Because Sweden doesn't make ethnic statistics. If you're born here, you're considered Swedish. Her parents might be born here but they for sure don't have Swedish heritage.
They look very non-Swedish. This is how old Swedish people look.
Fel, fler i Norrland med blont hår än i södra Sverige. Även om man räknar bort alla jävla blattar ni har.
t. Norrlänning.
Disappointing. I thought this was a picture of Hershlag.
Is there anything more obnoxious than a bunch of Swedes start speaking their cuck language in an English language thread?
Swedish is obviously superior to English. It's a beautiful Germanic language that sounds like singing elvish.
>b-but sweden is cuck trolled hard [x] t. Sup Forums
>sounds like singing elvish
Lol no. Elvish is based on Finnish which is very different from Swedish. Swedish is just an autistic, hard sounding, obnoxious language for obnoxious people.