Is there a reason millennials (mil·len·nials) choose Atheism and Islam over Christianity?
Is there a reason millennials (mil·len·nials) choose Atheism and Islam over Christianity?
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Christianity is a cuck religion.
Steve O had a grandpa that was in the SS?!? Wtf?!
So is Islam if you're white.
Better education.
The question should be whether or not Christianity is poisoning the well of right wing ideology.
>Atheism or Islam
They choose Atheism because religion is cuck-tier OP. Maybe if you weren't a faggot you'd understand shit.
To piss off their parents.
This dudes grandfather?
public school educations. no wonder so many of these kids are shooting the country up.
it isn't
the kind of Christianity with lesbian priests taking down crosses because it offends muslims is not representative of Christianity
Because religion is bullshit
And nobody is converting to islam
They just breed like rats
Edgelords who were mad they were forced to go to church every Sunday.
because they want to rebel against mommy and daddy for making them go to church and trying to instill a sense of morality in them
literally just butthurt adult-teenagers who still haven't gotten over having to wake up early on Sunday morning after they stayed up all night Saturday masturbating to hentai and playing COD
>(mil·len·nials) choose Atheism and Islam
They are against anti-Islamic racism, very few of them are actually Muslims. I bet more of them are Buddhists than Muslims.
How can you expect Atheists to care about Christianity if Christianity won't even stand up for itself?
Call me when the crusades start.
What makes you think I was talking about that one specific aspect of Christianity?
>because they want to rebel against mommy and daddy for making them go to church and trying to instill a sense of morality in them
Why else would atheists almost always go out of their way to attack Christains, no matter their political stance.
Because if Sup Forums proves anything then that Christians, no matter their political stance, are mostly insufferable faggots that have to shoehorn their shit into everything.
Just look at all the religious threads here every day.
go back to your common filth videos faggot
>"Christians are mostly insufferable faggots that have to shoehorn their shit into everything"
Pot calling the kettle a nigger.
>just look at all the religious threads here daily
>/christain general/ usually only has 1 thread per day.
>most of the slide threads are atheism related
>Atheists always have to bitch about Christians that the worst they do is bitch out some lefty over abortion meanwhile atheist cuck themselves for Islam cock as they watch their women and children get enriched and murdered.
Fuck yourself cunt.
Atheism: The supposed idealogy that says lack religion because it favors logic.
>In reality it's just a bunch of mircodick banana fuckers who use nothing but ad hominem when arguing against christians then will bitch when a christian does it
>/leftypol/ goes into the
>most of the slide threads are atheism related
Yes - Christians being butthurt about atheists. Just look at this thread here. Or Or Christians are like everything semitic, fucking cancer.
>proving the point
found the user that went to catholic school
ah poh baby did mommy and dadddy love you and try to raise you to be a good person awww it must be so hard poh wittle baby
Litterally 2 out of the hundreds of religious slide threads is christian.
>Christians are like everything semitic, fucking cancer
>he doesn't know Atheism has always been heavily encouraged by Zionist and Marxist Jews, only untill recently Catholics and Protestants ((("progressed" ))) themselves because edgy leftie jews and fedoras pressured them to and they wanted to stop lefties from leaving the church because "muh homophobia"
Atheism, like communism. Is the most kosher (((revolutionary thought))) any good goyium could have.
You know, you feforas give us alot of shit for the Old Testament yet you will never openly attack jews for holding those exact same beliefs.
Atheism is the Kosher Religion
>Litterally 2 out of the hundreds of religious slide threads is christian.
Why do you make statements like that when you most likely can't be bothered to back them up?
If you dislike Atheism for its semitic influence (them pushing it after they've established their post-Christian marxist utopia to centralize authority isn't really them pushing it out of ideological reasons by the way. How could atheism be kosher when it's been around since before we had contact with your chosen tribe?), then you should also stop being a Christian due to it's semitic influence. That is, if you care about being consistent. I better prepare for the incoming cognitive dissonance.
Atheism is simply the lack of belief in one or many gods. Anything beyond this is something else.
For example calling out christianity on their bullshit while staying quiet about or defending islam/judaism is simply called hypocracy and is mostly done by beta leftists.
Actual rational atheists call out the bullshit in all religion and also the good they have done in their areas of the world. Which is why atheists with any spine trashtalk islam every chance they get.
Not Christianity as a whole is rotten, but only it's parts like:
gay, lesbian churches
pope Francis - Benedict XVI stood against islam, so he was removed by secret society
Christianity has many faces and it would be best if you wouldn't listen to any priests and just understood the Bible by yourself
>because they want to rebel against mommy and daddy for making them go to church and trying to instill a sense of morality in them
Millennials never went to church, their parents taught them feminism, anti-raycism and the schools taught them about the wonders of Islam.
>gay, lesbian churches
If you really think that those maybe 2% of the population that are faggot degenerates are that much a problem that opposing them (not for rational reasons but b-because it says so in my book = posioning the well of right wing ideology) is a credit, then you haven't been paying attention to what's currently wrong in the world.
>Benedict XVI stood against islam
Then why would he oppose birth control in places were Islam is prevalent?
We need to have massive church reform.
You dont choose Atheism, Atheism is the default state of a human before they choose a religion.
Religions are not specific to race, fag
Because mudslimes don't take birth control you retard
What does this even mean?
duh ...because the jews made the west anti christfag
Non-muslim non-whites could take it, thus depleting Islam of future converts. Yet Christians oppose birth control, all while supporting foreign aid - increasing the non-white population to a point where they make up BILLIONS of humans.
I don't like anti-white shit like that, why do you?
To piss off mom and dad. To make it look as if they have individuality.To feel good about themselves.Many reasons user These are the most common ones I have seen around my circle of friends.Wich it's weird usually Catholics don't hang out with atheists but the sudden surge of leftism in this island brought this plague that needs a good poison.
Says the American posting from his Bahamanian villa
>le rebellious phase maymay
See Always hilarious to see the descendants of foreign fad followers act like that.
It means its a religion that focuses on being a pushover goody two shoes.
because its literally fucking stupid. Islam makes some sense (but you'll never get off your stupid ass and read an english Quran) but even that is just another form of mass control. Agnostic/atheism is the only thing that makes sense. I was born in the 90s tho but I jumped religion asap when I hit my teenage years and developed a brain.
I've never been able to genuinely believe in God. I tried to pretend when I was a kid growing up but I really just can't do it. inb4 fedora
>Islam makes some sense
>claim to be the unchanged word of an omniscient god
>copied Galen's wrong embryology
>claims salt and sweet water doesn't mix
>claims the sun sinks into a muddy waterhole at night
Islam is so laughably and obviously wrong that there's no reason to even bother with it.
reddit is that-a-way, fag »
It is a common thing amongst atheists.Take a look at the atheist community on youtube they're early videos are mostly about that and thinking they are special.
Do you really think that the few faggots who bother to make youtube videos are representative of any group?
No but it's a good indicator and please stop being so vulgar.
if that were true liberals would love it
I think the real answer is that it's because the left / media shits on christianity at any possible chance it gets. No religion has been so harshly criticised by western civilization, but it makes sense that it is. As the west has historically moved away from religion with the enlightenment and so on, it's always been chistianity that has been the force against athiesm. It's been christianity/catholicism that has oppressed and controlled europe, and considered partially responsible for colonialism. Islam has always been an enemy of the west but it was an outside enemy. It was never part of society to be criticised and judged like christianity has.
>No but it's a good indicator
Really, you think so?
Yes most of these people look to have mental illneses like that guy too.
Atheism requires no thought or effort
Millennials are lazy.
Good luck trying to get them to pray 5 times a day.
>Yes most of these people look to have mental illneses like that guy too.
>like that guy
No going back on your words :^)
Islam doesn't care about race though, same as Christianity.
Most aren't raised with religion, find atheism in their teens, and move to leftism from there.
Nope do what you like with them even if I said yes you'd do whatever you wanted.
Oops, looks like I forgot the picture.
No. Baby boomers and kikes did. But their parents just stood and watched as everything rotted under their noses.
good old-fashioned protestant reform?
I admit I was wrong.
>what are hipsters
No point believing in religion in 2 0 1 6 I'm red pilled but I wouldn't call myself an Atheist or anything else.
>I'm a white christian t-trust me.
Christianity is just the bastard of judaism
>God impregnated Mary
Fuck off Cuckboi
>J-Jesus is our Savior
So why is he a Jew and not a Christian?!
>instill a sense of morality in them
Daily reminder that Christians are incarcerated at far higher rates than Atheists.
>0.209% of convicts are Atheists
>3.1% of the population are Atheists
>74.172% of convicts are Protestant or Catholic
>70.6% of the population are Christians
Culture and the death of communal religious life in family and in school.
Every intelligent person on this planet knows that Christianity/Catholicism/whatever version of this religion is dubious taken at face value. I'm much more interested in its cultural contributions and the morals it seeks to impart. There's no sadder life than being a materialist who thinks he's the pinnacle, be-all end-all of living consciousness. Maybe if you consume more in your nihilistic delirium you'll find the meaning of life, faggot.
no one is choosing islam you dumb shit and anyone who hasn't been indoctrinated knows how stupid it is to believe in a magic supernatural being
lol, you try going to jail and still being an atheist when you come out
>Christianity attracts criminal filth
Seeing how high recidivism rates are in the US religion sure as hell isn't helping them.
Religious people are still just average. Atheism used to be about a rebellion against established morality. Now atheism seems to be about, amongst many other weird things, trying to espouse a higher morality than God. They want to be more worthy of heaven even though they claim to know it doesn't exist. They claim the Bible is evil when it calls for the destruction of the wicked. It is they, as inherent to the SJW movement, who in the name of 'morality' want to impose islamification (in the form of mass refugee intakes) and a social justice armageddon of compulsory trannydom
Most of the state mandated mass murders in history were done in the name of atheism
>autists think that Christianity is about being a good person because they went to sunday school as a kid once and now are experts on religion
>On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
My whole point was that Christianity doesn't instill a moral code and if it does its a shitty moral code because a Christian is about 15 times more likely to commit a crime that lands them in prison than an Atheist. I don't give a shit what Christians believe but the idea that you need religion to have a moral code is patently false.
nah op
converted 5 girls in my dorm to this after cumming in them rawdog
>in the name of atheism
No such thing as I said before atheism is the default state of humanity, you christian idiots dont understand that atheism is just no belief in any god or gods you pull the retarded tactic of fixing fedora culture with atheism which isnt true at all. There is no atheist culture there is atheist doctrine either.
Not eastern orthodox
>quotes the stats as though it reflects likelihood of Christians/Atheists to commit crimes
t. statistician
>"We don’t know if these numbers represent what they believed when they committed their crime(s)"
wtf I hate actually reading sources now
>implying these Christians are not cucks
>implying orthodoxy will not prevail
As I stated earlier given how high recidivism rates are it is likely that even people that convert in prison will return. However it doesn't really matter much because this heavily counters the idea that Atheists are amoral because they don't have religion. Do you have any way to back up the claim that Atheists are actually for the most part amoral?
>were done in the name of atheism
I'm sure you can provide evidence for that, as in "I'm killing these people in the name of atheism".
>inb4 political enemies of communist governments
I remember something about them sending priests from the Baltic to Siberia
>implying orthodoxy will not prevail
I guess you've always been swarthy brown faggots so I guess you're right. Those refugees won't make a difference.
rising rates of autism
Christianity Splinter Groups have gone out of control beyond reason.
When you're trying to centralize your power you can't have a second authority within your society.
Removing that authority is a political, not a religious goal.
Could you prove that was done expressly in the name of Atheism as opposed to a byproduct of attempting to destroy existing power structures opposed to the state? It seems like a lot of Christians like to attribute actions done by Atheists as being actions done for the sake of Atheism, which is a stupid way to view the world unless you want to blame Christians for the First World War and as a result the war crimes carried out for most of that war.
It isn't,every civilized culture in history has been religious. The less civilized we become the higher the preponderance of atheist degeneracy
They specifically targeted Christianity (and Taoism, apparently) for elimination, in accord with their founder and patron saint of 19th century atheists, Karl Marx, who said that religion was the opium of the people. Lenin also said "Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism." He also said that "any religious idea, any idea of any God at all, any flirtation even with a God is the most inexpressible foulness". During the 1920s the Soviet state engaged in a total war with all religion, seeking to eliminate it entirely.
You fucking dumb nigger, you are literally exporting this garbage to children.
in what sense
You got those syllables all wrong there, kiddo.
Nice MP 34.