I love seeing Simon Pegg in stuff. Any time this face pops up I can't help but smile

I love seeing Simon Pegg in stuff. Any time this face pops up I can't help but smile.

What's his IQ? I'm guessing in the 135-150 range

Why did he betray Nick Frost tho

Simon Pegg is an ordinary guy's name. Nick Frost is a villainous name. We both don't know the details but it's easy to guess who was in the wrong.

Greater betrayal than Nietzsche turning his back on Wagner.

That's a big IQ.

>one's in the light, the other's darker

>they both probably like guiness

fucking meme kino right here

For you


I love him as well, used to be obsessed with his stuff. But the more I've seen him in interviews and listened to his audio commentary on stuff, the more I've realized that he seems kind of like a douchebag IRL. Just very full of himself

I got that impression from his movies though.

You two must be very insecure.

star trek fan here


>that trilogy
I'll never understand why Sup Forums and so many others think it's funny. It's really not. I laugh maybe 3 times a movie.

>t. simon pegg

if you guys dont stop talking JUNK about simon pegg im going to get very angry

Doubtful. He's a pretentious fuckhead.

They're not funny movies. They're quite serious.

Ah yes, I remember all the Trekkies who talk like Twitter retards and announce themselves with "star trek fan here."

True... They definitely have a note of action/drama in them.

Dog killer.


Haha I know what you mean. It made me smile just seeing his pic in this thread

in a star trek movie he tried to beam Archer's dog Porthos a long distance away and he still hasn't gotten it back yet

I love Big Train and Spaced. Never really liked his movies.

I'm looking this up and apparently it didn't actually happen in the movie and was only mentioned in some side material or something?

Most people love seeing a famous person who is less attractive than they are once in a while.

It was mentioned in the 09 Star Trek film.

He's sent away for doing it and he mentions it when Kirk finds him.

Did he mention Archer by name or was it more of a vague nod?

Yeah, that's why I like Adam Driver.

I believe he mentions "beaming the admiral's dog Porthos".

I don't think Archer was mentioned.

I see, thanks. I saw the movie but didn't remember that at all. Granted, I haven't seen it since 2009.

Actually he does mention Archer.

I looked it up to see if I remembered right.

>looking things up


more like simon egg

more like simon belmont