Walk into library

>Walk into library
>gf sitting beside this gentleman

wat do lads? How do we even compete?

whisper that we should move away from the weirdo with the dildo in his pants

>I'm scared
Bitch,grow a backbone and claim your territory.

No way that's real

tfw have a 7.5" nbp x 5.6" girth dick that feels the best for most women

Nigger just took a dump in his shorts

Yeezy's are designed to keep the fecal matter in even after the most ravenous of fudgepacking sessions

Bigger is better and if she tells you dif she's either lying or cheating on you,prob both

Call cops

They'll "fear for their lives" when they see that thing

Console your beloved

It's literally that easy.

its real m8

Just switch seats!
Isn't that real gay of you to take a picture of some guy's cock, even if it's near your gf?

That's a dildo. The guy that did it is a sex offender, he'd go to places like starbucks and pretend to read with the dildo in his pants.

huge penises are too difficult to suck

too difficult to get into butt

painful for pussy

in short... they're only good for handjobs

>Pretends to read


we just had a 'muh dick' thread
all you cucks should make a general at this rate

Porn has made Blacks so fucking insecure.

Jesus Christ. Imagine walking around with a fucking strapon all day long, and pretending it's your own dick. How fucking emotionally unstable do you need to be to do that?


>he'd go to places like starbucks and pretend to read
just like every other beta male pretending to read at starbucks but really just hoping somebody notices him reading

just like shills are real
for example
BBC spammers like you

I had a high school guy let his dick flop out when I was a student teacher observing a class.

he didn't get caught

how would you know, are YOU the dildo nigga?

can't imagine how pathetic it must be to get paid to be filmed sucking plastic dicks

post virtuous women

>picure with a black porn actor holding a fake dick over his actual dick.png

He's hard so maybe your girlfriend was jacking him off.


>dat ankle bracelet


I don't get it, people spam BLACKED pics here like some whore who is being paid to fuck niggers is going to trigger us. Pornstars are literally whores why would it bother me?