muh ellipses
Reduce a director to just muh
muh surrealism
muh hands
>muh tight framing
>muh dearth of horizontal motion within frame
>muh front-back motion
>muh composition at the expense of continuity
>muh tatami
muh 'splosions
>muh Stones
>muh long takes with much camera movement
>muh bokem
>muh crying
>muh austerity
muh close ups of my actors faces as they speak incredibly slowly about nothing in particular
Muh grass
Who em I ?>
how can he be so fucking wrong
Muh long shots
>Liv Ullman cries about existentialism or family drama. Sometimes there's ghosts
That's every Bergman film
Good guesses but wrong
You two are just fucking stupid
Far better sequence you could have used.
Finally someone ITT who is not a complete uncultured swine
First off, wew lad.
Second off, grass is not even the first thing you think of for Tarkovsky.
this guy had a better idea, but I'd just say his use of elements in general is very trademark to him. Moreso thank Kurasawa, even, especially his use of water.
long shots were used by almost every director in 60's, 70' i wouldnt say its a tarkovsky thing
>60's and 70's
try 10's and 20's, pleb
i don't watch amateur cinema
I didn't say it was a uniquely Tarkovsky thing. I said it's more a Tarkovsky thing than grass is. My point is is that he had a firm emphaisis on all nature, and his best use of it was water.
>muh niggers
he died the year you were born
fucking pleb, watch more films
literally fuck off
bet you even didnt watch any of his movies
tarkovsky or bresson? i've seen all of their films and like them a lot desu
bresson. oyeah, then whats you favourite?
>muh filming in harsh conditions
he's livinig tough life
(for you)
lancelot du lac or 4 nights of a dreamer
i dont dislike any of his films
>muh klaus kinski
my absolutely fav is au hasard balthazar. don't see the point of moviemaking after that
>muh can't make a decent movie without kinski
delet this and watch even dwarfs started small
Search your feelings, user. You know it to be true.
Herzog without Kinski is just distilled boredom.
really like that one too as well
a lot of people dislike the devil, probably but i think its because they don't agree with the main character, which imo is a dumb reason not to like it since that's not what the film is about
so what about enigma of kaspar hauser, even dwarfs started small, stroszek, heart of glass, his documentaries?
you're just pleb being pleb
personally i was more impressed by bruno s acting. and would trade kinski for him,
>muh different time
>so what about enigma of kaspar hauser, even dwarfs started small, stroszek, heart of glass, his documentaries?
>meh chekhov&dostoevsky&tolstoy
>muh close-ups
>muh racism
>muh historical fantasy
this place deserves to die
>muh long takes
>muh models
actually watch his films you mongoloid
>muh low bass rumble
more like pseudo long takes solely for spectacle
>muh helicopters