Is this the worst interpretation of a comicbook villain on the big screen ever?
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Between him and MARTHA this movie went from passable tier to shit
No, you are. (Yes I went there)
Is he Wojak or Pepe?
Harry Goblin was worse, but it's a matter of inches
Juggernaut in X-Men 3 just being a british geezer with a helmet on.
Eisenberg and Freeze from Batman & Robin are easily top 5
so this is the power of DC fans...whoa
1. Lex Luthor BVS
2. Venom SM3
3. Electro ASM2
4. Bane B&R
5. Mr. Freeze B&R
Was electro ever really a villain anyone cared about?
Nope, This was a clever Lex origin story. Starts off proto-Lex, fucks Batman and Superman's shit up, Creates a God monster, learns the knowledge of the cosmos, and finally jailed w head shaved and chip on his shoulder.
Now he's Lex
Well in the ASM comics, he was the first villain to hand Spiderman his ass and continued to do so for like 3 issues.
Based Snyderbro!
He was sold as the movies main villain and basically helped kill the reboot
What with the freeze hate?
That was at Adam West levels and the quotes are never ending.
He was cool.
This is wasted potential.
Don't put the blame on Electro. Every thing in ASM2 was a mistake. EVERYTHING.
Close second.
This one is.
The shine of the snot really captures this scene.
Fifty dollars says that whatever super villain the Superfriends have to fight rears its ugly head the US government first trusts Luthor when he says he knows how to defeat it before he (surprise) double crosses them.
>The devil gets, as usual, the most florid dialogue, and Jesse Eisenberg dispenses it with exuberant intelligence. He steals every scene. In a recent interview in Le Monde, Eisenberg discussed his approach to the role:
>"Luthor becomes a character from Greek tragedy. At least, that’s how I approached it, in accord with the screenwriter. He only talks about ideas, which makes him a profoundly theatrical character. I can also play on a paradox: rendering this individual funny although he behaves in an appalling way, also showing him prone to deep depressions because of his internal conflicts. I did everything I could to theatricalize him in the extreme. I had read lots of the adventures of Superman in comic books, but it was impossible to draw on them to find a way to play Luthor. Too schematic. Too much of a caricature. I reconfigured the character as if he became in fact the center of the film."
>Eisenberg’s gleeful and inventive performance suggests that he may be at his best in a tight framework that restrains his physicality and converges his acting to vocal inflections and turns of phrase, gestures and facial expressions.
Replace Venom with Silver Samurai
I thought he was great. Shit taste on you.
>hungry skeleton into overdrive
>that snot
Good on him for not phoning it in
Ironic. He could save his movie, but not his daughter.
What would this whore be doing if she wasn't jew again?
This was a career ending performance, imo. Terrible.
Jesus, that effect looked so bad with his giant features.
Doctor Doom will never be done justice on the big screen.
holy shit this is pathetic, you cross posted this same shit to Sup Forums
you are even more pathetic than Pajeet.
Lex was a great villain, stop needing validation for your opinions from Sup Forums
woops, forgot you cant crossboard post anymore
you are pathetic scum.
absolutely disgusting
Jesus she is cute
Fuck you, bitch!
Jamie Foxx Electro was amazing though.
The movie is complete shit, but even though him and Dane looked retarded, they were great.
That's the spinoff Sony should be making.
No joke, half my theatre laughed at this part.
What a fuck up this movie was, stop reminding me about it. DCucks have Wonder Woman now which was actually good, let's move on so I don't remember this cringefest.
That's a small chest.
Galactus in Fantastic Four 2
even Dr Doom in Fant4stick is worse the Lex
I love this song!
People cant appreciate good villains. Lex was fantastic
He wasn't tho
that little faggot ruins everything he's in
reddit is that way --->
Should have based his performance more on Martin Shkreli. Toned it down a bit.
If he was playing The Riddler the performance itself would work.
That kind of characterization just doesn't work for Luthor (even if it's Lex Jr)
Explain why that scene was bad
After you redditor
I agree. He was unique and perfect.
It was piss in a jar.
A pretty good metaphor for the movie but pretty stupid in context.
In what context?
They wanted a Joker but there was no Joker in Superman so they made Lex Luthor a Joker so he could be a Joker in a Superman movie.
If you are a tasteless pleb, like , then yes.
none of them are the Mandarin
No, it's probably one of the best. It only angers autistic manchildren because "not muh lex", which in itself is enough reason to like him.
>pic unrelated
Or maybe you are.
For you
The Guy Pearce character was their "interpretation" of the Mandarin. He yells "I AM THE MANDARIN" at the end to let you know that.
But he wasn't chinese, that's whitewashing, what a problematic movie
Just a handful of worse villains than Luthor in cape films:
Both versions of Dr. Doom
Juggernaut, bitch
James Franco Green Goblin
ASM Green Goblin
B&R Bane
That's just off the top of my head. I'd bet a couple of those are so bad that you've scrubbed them from your memory.
So he was the boss of the bad guys in the first Iron Man?
Have you all forgotten about Dr. Doom in the latest fantastic 4 movie?
I did until now
Real fucking shitty.
Are we forgetting Deadpool from Wolverine Origins?
Almost every villain in that movie was awful and, even then, 'Deadpool' blew them out of the water for pure shittiness.
The comicbook world almost exploded in pure rage when it was released.
Also he is technically Lex Luthor Jr. His father was not Lionel Luthor, but the Lex Luthor if he was born in a world without Superman. He created a highly successful business, but also broke his son through his abuse. Now his son has grown up to become the villain we know Lex as.
that's wrong, though
This was the worst casting of any big budget film in the history of Hollywood. It was cringe worthy the entire way through. What the fuck was that ugly kike thinking?
Why is that bad?
Ultron wasn't shitty but he was easily worst than Lex. They were both 2deep4u edgelords, but Terrio actually delivered intelligence with Luthor. Whedon's Ultron was not nearly as clever as he thought it was. Very disappointing.
Also Lex was at least a memorable villain. Do people remember the name of the villain from Thor 2?
Eccleston my fav Doctor
1. Galactus
2. Both Dr. Doom interpretations
3. Leto Joker
4. Lex Luthor
5. Apocalypse
Honorable mentions:
Bane (B&R)
The Mandarin (guy Pearce version)
Mickey Rourke's generic Robot Army
Venom and Goblin (SM3)
Standard Marvel Villain Template
>Also Lex was at least a memorable villain
He's only memorable because they shat all over the character in ways nobody even knew was possible.
You mispelled best
It's up there
Shh. You're supposed to have forgotten about that.
He's my favourite Leftover.
The worst part is I think Eisenberg could have done a good job as Lex Luthor, if he had actually played Lex Luthor. They should had based his character on the Lex from the Justice League cartoon and that Superman stand alone that came out after BtaS's success.
They didn't even shit on him. They just made up a whole new character and NAMED him Lex Luthor.
Legit awful and brought the movie down several levels. I could have forgiven the clunky writing between supes and batman if Luthor was at least not a cringy piece of shit.
breeding, unlike you
Ultron wasn't that an interesting of a character. Luthor was a very cool character, and they turned him into a sniveling Jewish DYEL teenager.
Oh right, you're a brainlet. Nevermind.
Amazing Spider-Man Electro
Amazing Spider-Man Green Goblin
Venom in Spider-Man 3
Dr. Doom 2004
Dr. Doom 2016
Deadpool in Wolverine Origins
Iron Monger in IM1
Whiplash in IM2
Mandarin in IM3
Ultron in Avengers 2
Zemo in Civil War
Madame Hydra in The Wolverine
Ronan in GOTG
Malekith in Thor 2
Yellowjacket in Ant-Man
Mordo in Dr. Strange
Dormammu in Dr. Strange
Apocalypse in X-Men Apocalypse
Mephisto in Ghost Rider
Luthor in Superman Returns
Bane in Dark Knight Rises
Joker in Suicide Squad
Kirji in Elektra
>tfw you will never experience the alternate universe where Sup Forums has juggposting instead of baneposting
I liked the performance but I didn't get that ending. Where do the warden and the guard go? Where does Batman come from? Why did the lights change?
None of those took a great character and made it shit as much as BvS. And Luthor in Superman Returns was much, much better. Your opinions are shit.
Really? Nobody remember this fucking atrocity?
Not cool, user.
Arnie Freeze was great. He was ma-ice-terful at playing the character.
Seems like you need to chill.
>Luthor in Superman Returns was much, much better
He was basically an updated version of the Luthor in the Superman film from 1978 I felt like. An asshole megalomaniac with a gigantic ego that's essentially just a bully on a grandiose scale.
He was the best live-action Riddler I've ever seen.
Too bad they insisted on calling him Lex Luthor
This and Bane from that movie were toys crammed in. Executives made a decision to sell hundreds of millions in toy rights then coast on reputation to sell tickets.
The fucking Russian who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in Iron Man 2.
I think his name is Youri or something.
i laughed but then i thought it might be real and it was