Tfw I want to move to america and work peacefully and contribute to society

>tfw I want to move to america and work peacefully and contribute to society
>tfw I agree with everything trump says besides the Muslim thing
>Tfw trump would not let me in because of my religion
Fuck trump. There is a reason he is dropping rapidly in the polls.

>tfw I want to move to Syria and kill gays peacefully
>tfw I agree with the Koran in killing gays and whores, but disagree with killing Christians.
>tfw ISIS won't allow me to join, because I don't agree on everything they believe
Fuck Islam. There is a reason why there is a growing hate for it.

Islam means submission.

Not an argument

"People are peaceful when they're dead." — Muhammad

drop your religion you fucking retard. It's just a stupid cult of goat fuckers anyway.

I literary copied the format of your post. If my post isn't an argument, it means your post isn't an argument either.

Whats wrong with your own country

Go to NZ. I hear they they appreciate your goat fucking culture.

of course it's a fucking arguement.
you want to move to a christian country and be islamic, he is saying it's like wanting to move to an islamic state and be christian.

Fuck Muslims. I hope trump wins and puts you all in death camps.

Not an argument isn't an argument

Contribute to your own society bitch


you Iraqi have eyes like a fucking dog man. It's eerie and pisses me off

Fuck off with your taqiyya bullshit. It won't work.

Even your picture is a fucking lie
Islam means "submission to the will of Allah"
Your taqqiya is showing faggot

Islam means slavery faggot.

>h-hey g-guys
>im a trump supporter y-you know, i love trump, i hope he wins
>but im also muslim and actually trump is really stupid, r-right guys?
>honestly he is really racist and a bigot AND HE SHOULDNT GET ANY POWER
>but i actually like trump, lets just not vote for him ok guys

We have a country as there's nothing you filthy semites can do about that. God hates parasites.

Shills learned how to roleplay and greentext


>wants to go to the country that bombed you
you're worse than our diaspora desu

All Muslims must be stopped from coming into white countries. You fuckers have already destroyed Sweden, France and Germany.

blow yourselves up in your own countries

>you can't handle living in a FREE country

you'd get but-hurt, and blow up

He never said that. He said we have to vet you first. If you have a problem with passing a background check then we don't want you anyway

Please no.

We'll give you more Hobbits if you don't, real ones this time.

Fuck off we don't want you. Islam has contributed nothing but death to this country and is completely incompatible with western values.


>tfw I want to move to iraq and work peacefully and contribute to society
>tfw I agree with everything Masum says besides the gay thing
>Tfw masum would not let me in because of my sexuality
Fuck Musum. There is a reason he is dropping rapidly in the polls.

You aren't entitled to come here