How did he become so popular so quickly?

How did he become so popular so quickly?

superhero movie in which he is a muscled hunkdaddy

white people

I fucking hate rich people. Can't wait til the world is brown and the white elites become the slaves.

this tbqhwyfam

good white, christian, conservative fun. nothing wrong here

just beeing himself

I feel weird for pointing this out, but out of 7 children (presumably from multiple couples), all 7 are girls. What are the odds?

Because he got buff.

>all 7 are girls

>Is handsome
>Can act decently
>Gets casted in the most successful superhero franchise of all time as a hunk with personality
>Audience of said franchise are either A) neckbeards B) plebs or C) 0.00001 of the population
How wouldn't he?

>Can act decently
Um, no sweetie.

As in the context, he can act decently given the fact that he's playing a boring chatacter that normies are gonna love no matter what
Please use your head

I'm handsome and can act, how do I make it??

Get a role as something popular and trendy

but how

Roids + SS + GOMAD

Probably need to stop living in some bumfuck town for one.

the first thor movie was pretty good. have no interest in seeing the other two

I fail to see what is wrong with this image.

>ywn have Christmas with Thor while wearing matching jammies

Just b[/spoiler]ecome more involved in your acting community.

Anons are just jealous they never had a Christmas this wholesome and happy.

Holy shit, how did you fuck up that badly?

niggers are endlessly jealous of whites

can't blame em I guess, they never had families.

This. How can he maintain their families genes if his offsprings are girls, That has the capability of ruining his gene pool.

Is he popular now? Thor is the least popular of the three Avengers that have movies

the man determines the baby's gender. he's cucked by his own gene.

not exactly fucking rocket science here. there are people that are one or the other, but not often that someone is both.

What kind of normal teenager to young adult does not recognize the name Chris Hemsworth?


This isn't a Henry Cavill thread, Chris has actual talent. Especially great comedic timing.

>I'm fucking miserable so I shit on people who are actually happy by living a life of purpose and love

the only purpose they have is to produce white women to be raped

these are boys

thats why they are in jerseys and in a cop car

That second pic making me imagine some things...

People like you will always be slaves. Always waiting, passively, until someone forces you to be their slave. That's probably what turns you on, though

t. bootlicker

t. bootlicker

Playing a comic book character is the fastest way to superstardom for actors

>Ywn be this stable and content

For fuck sake

>chockers on little girl
For what purpose??
This world truely is fucked...jfc


am i missing something, cus i can only see 6 kiddos

Signaling to Podesta et al. that he and his family are not going to interfere with ///their/// activities

I've honestly never seen him outside of the Avenger movie. That is the right one right? I think he has a brother too. He had like no presence compared to the other guys, including the 5 ft RDJ.

im thinking he thought miley was one of the kids


when this happens there's something wrong with the dik

Is he really? Aside from Thor, he doesn't seem able to sell a movie, even a decent one like Rush or Blackhat.

He's rich and good looking. That's all that matters.

the end is near whitebitch