Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates



>The OVERFLOWROOM in Mechanicsburg, PA
>Trump in Mechanicsburg, PA 8/1/16
>Trump in Columbus, OH 8/1/16
>Trump in Denver, CO 7/29/16
>Pence in Ohio 7/29/16
>Trump in Colorado Springs CO 7/29/16

>Donald Trump Interview on This Week with George Stephanopoulos
>Manafort on NBC 7/31/16
>Manafort on CBS 7/31/16
>Judge Jeanine Pirro - Panel Weighs On Opening Statement & Clinton Vs Trump 7/30/16

>Did you wipe the server?
>Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT
>Game of Culture
>Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Trump Girl Trolls #DemExit Protesters
>How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius



Other urls found in this thread:

Beware of Jew.

Harrisburg rally was absolutely unreal today.

Campaign is very confident about PA specifically and swing states in general.


Will Obama's brother be speaking at any rallies?

You guys should finish recycling this one first

Then come back to recycle this

Let's make this thread a berry comfy one yeah goys?

> Debate commission to Trump: The dates are set
> dates are set
> set

Good luck backing out now Clinton.


that op is out of date

The only thing that keeps me awake at night is mass voter fraud, and rigged polls saying his defeat was inevitable.
They're desperate. This is the only thing that worries me man.


Anyone have some of those emails that make it sound like the DNC control a few media outlets?

I worked on "day after" messaging for a number of scenarios.

Landslide win, close win, electoral college victory but general vote loss, vice versa, close loss... etc.

After working on this messaging, much smaller group was asked to "refine" messaging and was asked behind closed doors to create messaging for vote rigging.

Never done that before. Was scary. Trump isn't going to take it lying down, not like Gore did or Kerry did or Sanders did. If anything tears the country apart, that might. The messaging was... incendiary...

It's been "backdoored" to "whom it matters" so they know what to expect and to dissuade. We'll see.

You wont dissuade

Trump is Sup Forums

White people want war....Kill him we will burn it all, elect clinton we will burn it all. You really have no choice

Too slow, faggot.

What is up with the Trump taking the Khan bait

Was it just chess?

I'm drunk

I'll call it what I think it was

A mistake.

Keep a copy of it in a safe place so it isn't lost to history (assuming it doesn't get used).

Does she know too much?

Trump is Trump.

What's Dilbert's saying about this whole situation?

Your drinking is a mistake if you think that's the case.

How is she single?

I'm getting too drunk. I'm going to sleep.

Be careful tomorrow, the shills may bite. Also make sure you get consent before you conduct anything serious with someone.

Have good night, and always MAGA!

How's Manafort and the kids handling it?

Same old same old?

I accept that

But as a drunk American I don't see the strat


>If anything tears the country apart, that might

how much tearing are we talking here?


Khan stepped down from this feud because he's afraid of being exposed as a Muslim Brotherhood shill.


zips tee :DDD

Ooh link?

If true then hype

overflown in that small room kekeeeeeeees

I just heard from radio that clinton: 46, trump: 39
is this true?

Are we still talking about the Mexican Judge nonsense? No we aren't, this is much in the same.

Those parents have no leg to stand on, sorry. It's unfortunate that they lost their son, but they are attacking the wrong person. Their son would still be alive if the woman they purport to back hadn't voted to send their son off to an illegal conflict - a conflict mind you that Donald Trump had been against from the beginning.

comment song


Oh boy. Someone memed too hard.

>tears the country apart
Even if vote theft fails, it could be a gambit to throw a measured loss at a demoralizing move which an election fraud could be.

It's of utmost importance that we release any steam that tactic may have.

nice blog post faggot
no one cares about you

Pry cray or super high maintenance

We have two of these generals going at the same time^tfw

Roger Stone mentioned it, article linked in the tweet.

Kids aren't happy, but Manafort factored these "disruptions" into the equation a while ago.

Just keep building excitement via rallies and wait in the long grass for the debates.

Its not a blog post, its a closing.

I can't solve your problem with your two dads fighting.

>Was it just chess?
No, it was just JUST.

Nothing, he's in hiding since his self-promotion scheme via making confirmation bias predictions is fucking crumbling

That one has a shit op[Embed] and was made while there were already three going on.

I see Alex Jones is on the same bandwagon, gotta be a landslide or they will steal it. FBIanon called it!

Why are you even here?

So do you guys have a lot of ammo that is going to be thrown at her during the debates?


I would definitely let her

Pay all of our bills

make me a sandwich and give sex freely

But it has 98 posters and this thread has 29

Note how apparently trump saw that AJ video because he's mentioning voter fraud now. Of course the shills are saying "that's just an out if he loses".


Nice double dubs

Thanks m8 for doing a questions tonight

Shilling and this Khan thing has morale down here

You're always a help
(also would you consider tripfagging?)

Dog person, knows about Pepe, says would rather eat glass than date a black IS she single?

>Blatant voter fraud (literally 100% vote for Hillary)
>Riots begin
>Obama declares Martial Law.

Because there's no way you can say the last 4 days haven't been a fucking trainwreck. Why revert to full-retard-rally mode after the convention when all eyes are on him?

>inb4 muh nine-dimensional super-subliminal foosball

she is richer than everyone here probably

How long do you think his Secret Service wait until going full Praetorian guard if that happens? 20, 30 minutes? Time to take Marine 1 out over the Potomac?

what's the overflow room thing about? was there a extremely high energy rally last night?

>Good luck backing out now Clinton.
Is MSM attempting to push an imaginary story of Trump avoiding debates to soften a play in a month where Bill "becomes ill" and dies for sympathy? (while the ghoul is actually Raping With Epstein?)

Could it be helpful if Trump questioned Hillary and Bill's health suitability for the office? Then if Shillary attempted to avoid debates because "grieving Bill" people have already been prepared for the fact of Hillary's poor health endangering the country? It seems like a twofer.

Low key is better.

give us the scoop on manaforts strategy for the next 3 months

also did corey and the don have a falling out which was why he was fired ? i like corey, i hope they remain friends

He filled the main stage and overflow room. Some claim about 10000 folks. Not sure if Harrisburg is big or republican but I assume it's good.

>mfw it's a 60/40 Hillary victory. j

It's going to be so great. Literally just watching Sup Forums go full suicidal and r/The_Donald going full denial. It's going to be like when Mitt Romney lost only so much bigger.

No clue. Wouldn't be surprised if the shit that went down in Turkey was an experiment for Obama.

Of course, if it was, it was a bad one. Way more variables that aren't accounted for in that coup attempt. Americans side with the military, not the politicians, for one.

So perfect?

I think they're too afraid to run mass voter fraud, the possibility is there but I don't think they will try something this grand, not after the DNC leaks.

Besides, Hillary's support is so low that she was losing even in Reuters' poll before they "corrected the record". She's barely drawing 500 people crowds in swing states, Trump is drawing 10.000 people to his rallies. The voter fraud they're going to need to bring us down is going to be something on an absolutely massive scale.

> Is MSM attempting to push an imaginary story of Trump avoiding debates

They think it hurts him.

All it does is make it harder for Clinton to back out. She doesn't want it.


Good angle it could absolutely be played hot or cold.

That leaves us with the same duty which is to work for Voter Authenticity. What are our primary challenges here?

what's your internal polling saying about the current state in the US? Media is going full overshill mode right now and rigging the polls (looking at you reuters).


this nigger said 60/40

I like you

>thinks it's shilling
>using the same denial Bernie supporters had when he consistently was down in the polls.

Trumpet stumped!

>Raping With Epstein
New fall memeforce line, featuring keks of Epstein & someone materially linked to his activities? #RapingWithEpstein as the Twitter handle. Kek meme title "RWEEE"

Isn't it all just media manufactured though? I watched like an hour of different cable news shows and they all kept referring to "Trump's attacks" and "Trump's feud" and I still don't know what Trump did that was so bad other than speak of his sacrifices as a businessman turned politician. Why are the parent's getting credit for the son's death as THEIR sacrifice?

Harrisburg is the capitol of PA and it's generally democratic. Trump could definitely flip it, he got more votes than Clinton in the primary in Harrisburg and if 10k people showed up that's a good sign.

>Wouldn't be surprised if the shit that went down in Turkey was an experiment for Obama.
That's what I was wondering.

Depends. We need to be flexible. Trump is doing part of the work for us, according to Roger Stone. Apparently, Trump plans to have his own exit pollsters. If voter fraud is bad enough, protests will begin. This will likely lead to collusion between MSM and Obama, where they say the protests are violence, excusing violence to be used against them.

Then protests become violent. Martial law declared, and the military decides what it wants to do. Depending on what happens there (if there is a schism, how big the schism is, etc), shit could get nasty, or the entire house of cards could fall overnight.

>I think they're too afraid to run mass voter fraud, the possibility is there but I don't think they will try something this grand, not after the DNC leaks.
Exit polls help in Vote Authenticity. There's something here for us to score a W. (without the fullblown AIDS #sorrycharlie)

Are we done with this Khan bullshit yet or should I come back in a few days? I got in an argument with my dad over it and now I feel bad.

we fucking love you guys. i hope you hold onto that.

You will listen to my music shill..Its what you are paid to do.

>looking at you reuters
>some in the press turn outright deceptive
>illegal financial connects materially established
Seems there's a W in here for a web site that tracks press entity credibility and outputs a simple number rating.

>Trump plans to have his own exit pollsters.
>Trump questions Vote Authenticity in light of DNC vote manipulation
>Trump organizes exit pollsters
>Shows the kind of innovation his presidency would inspire by coming out with Vote Authenticity apps to make it easy for people to get involved?

Depends on the poll, but they are all full of shit so it doesn't matter

i like his sincerity

Automated polls would likely be more accurate, anyways. Not a horrible idea, so long as it was done right.

Can someone post that picture with a list of things the media was wrong about Trump in chronological order, and in the middle there was a [ YOU ARE HERE ] line, and below it were future Trump plans

>the only proper response when talking about sandnigger Khan's son

I want Trump newfags to leave. Don't you fucking get it. You can't have a race war and a race unifier. You think Trump actually
wants to gas the kikes race war now?
no, the man is anti radical islam, but still pro islam, pro nigger, pro jew, pro legal spic.
The only way we'll get our race war is with Democrat divisiveness tactics, divide and conquer, thats why #ImWithHer. Because the
eventual genocide of non-whites is more important than "Good trade deals" or a stupid wall. Fucking christ...

don't forget all polls are good as shit, even with the ones Trump in the lead

That's the one recent poll that shows the biggest disparity. It's being disproportionately used by media instead of the average of polls which has it much closer.

Mahalo Donald Trump

The scenario you outline makes a lot of sense and has grave implications. Trump and few in the MSM are doing their part, what's our part?

Let's face it, the convention was a DISASTER for Trump. His "bounce" has been completely wiped out by Hillary.

The fact is that the GOP grassroots will not support a non-conservative. Cruz's brilliant speech proved as much.