any tim heidecker fans here?
Any tim heidecker fans here?
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Yeah. Awesome Show is great.
Probably one of the only worthwhile content creators to ever be on Adult Swim, not that that's saying much.
he's one of the best writers and actors in comedy
TIm has fans?
how many?
Pretty funny guy. his shows constantly change the boundaries. Whatever happen to that one gay show? samual hide? who cares
I use to love his shows back then. I don't really catch up with Adult Swim anymore. I don't really give a shit about Sam Hyde, he sounds like a jackass everytime I hear about him.
I liked him before he was political. I'm not right or anything, I'm just fucking tired of everyone making everything about this sports rivalry that isn't even about politics anymore.
Hi Tim
sup tim?
I missed the newest season of On Cinema.
Does he keep the burn damage?
I used to be a fan, but then he went full retard
from a huge am of his stuff.. its not even worth the time man
You're just looking for that narrative. None of his stuff has those political leanings, it's just his Twitter stuff and maybe a few odd personal videos. None of his Adult Swim stuff has any of that. Hell, I'd be unaware of his political leanings if Sup Forums doesn't constantly shit the bed when some actor or actress shows their leaning.
I'm actually embarrassed a "normie" has managed to sum this place up so effortlessly.
You shouldn't read about the Nika Riots then, because then you'll be really upset. The game stays the same, and it never gets better.
I always think this is fat dave foley.
No, I will only watch him if he stars on
Nah. He's got too many daddy issues.
one of the most gifted comedians of this generation
No. Tim's output is only good when he has a parent (Eric or Gregg). Other than that he's unremarkable.
I've been looking forward to the new season of Decker tbqph senpai
so, 90% of the stuff he's done?
His shows are ok but I only like him for his twitter. It's pretty epic.
>any tim heidecker fans ?
no. no one like him anymore.
ive enjoyed every show hes done, decker, on cinema, tim and eric, tom goes to the mayor, bedtime stories, and even his movies. i guess im a cuk
I used to be. But I now find Sam Hyde to be funnier and watch his stuff instead. Not even meming, sorry sweeties.
i do
awesome show was very hit and miss, I liked MDE, it was pretty analogous, got cancelled for political reasons, fucking dumb. Tim obviously had dual motivations for removal of MDE so my opinion on him has changed a bit from when I was a teen and used to watch this shit on shrooms
I don't think i've ever seen anything with Sam Hyde, and to be honest I dont care.
Tim's a funny bloke
thats okay user everybody is entitled to their own preferences
life-changing KINO
the fact that thats your point of reference says a lot about you
Lol, what does it say? That's pretty much the target demographic of his work.
entertainment was better
This was a stupid flick
the target demo is fat teenagers whining about cucks and meme politics on Sup Forums?
Yes, to both.
I don't even care anymore, man
I liked that one time when he had Sam Hyde on his podcast where Sam cried and begged Tim to get his show back on the air
>none of his stuff has those political leanings
I've always been a big fan of tim and eric, but eric played his cards right by staying totally away from politics
His fucking idiotic friend vic verger used crap mexican ex president vicente fox for a series of dumb sketches about "the wall" (of all the issues).
As a mexifag it makes me cringe so hard.