What is Sup Forums's opinion on American millennial music?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on American millennial music?
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Record labels spend more money on it than millenials...who gives a shit?
that's enough
Absolute trash
absolutely disgusting.
Carousel, dollhouse and alphabet boy are pretty good songs
Especially Carousel when you blast it in the car
Degenerate. An effective way of dumbing down the young populace
But that's what Sup Forums is for.
Fuck up your syrup hole hozer.
@#$% one.
it's that a song inspired on the cock carousel?
YouTube nigga
I thought it was going to sound like Katy Perry at first. The song isn't bad but the video and her problem hair are complete shit.
Can confirm. Dollhouse is actually pretty interesting.
trendy bullshit that attempts to justify women being cunty whores by making them feel "empowered"
How this shitty tribute to 90-s made by 60 years old cunts accidantly become millenial music?
It's not any better or worse than dad rock
>decent face
>covered in tattoos
>retarded dyed/fake hair
>huge gap in teeth
It's like she's trying to be unattractive
>she's crying because she knows she's not really white
Metal is pretty gud. Most of everything else is shit-tier.
What does Zvatet mean?
Am millennial
Generally listen to kpop after redpill. Shit's catchy and cheerful and let's me escape reality.
>tries to send invites to her party by placing them in her mailbox
>no one comes
The influence of electronic music on pop is a good thing. Pop sucks.
Yeah.. the mailman picks them up and takes them upon opening the mailbox
>>huge gap in teeth
I'm so fucking turned on by this. Not a HUGE gap.. but a little gap on a hot girl and you know you could get laid so fucking easily since they're definitely hyper insecure about it
The song had literally the exact same lyrics over and over again, plus the girl is hideous, giant gap in the teeth, tattoos, absolutely disgusting.
you're supposed to turn up the flag on the side of the mailbox to indicate that you've got outgoing mail, then when the mailman comes round, he picks it up.
I think it says "hvatiet", or "enough!"
Bunch of stupid ukelele hippie jewish brainwash horseshit or degenerate droning songs about drugs and sex.
Nails on a chalkboard/ 10
Christ her teeth are bad.
Yeah but she has a qt voice. I'd totally breed her
>British dental care
I'm not really into music post-50s. Is this somehow worse than shitty pop from the 70s & 80s?
*tips fedora
And anyone who uses autotune should not only not be allowed to make "music", They should be taken out back and shot in the head.
Her "character" is apparently based on Cruella de Ville, so being a bitchy whiny retard takes up the content of most of her songs
Also why her hair is zebraish
Degenerate, like most things that have to do with millenials.
Think about it - what is that song saying? What is its higher meaning, its moral?
The answer is its saying fuck all. It's nothing more than a waste of time, there's no higher meaning beyond it that could help improve the listener. It doesn't even have a coherent fucking story.
But wasting time, at least on a larger scale like millenials love to do, is degenerate.
Music isn't about a "message" and fuck any cunt who uses the beauty of rhythm and sound to taint it with their meaningless "message", music can speak for itself in mood.
And what mood does it convey?
It's not exactly Beethoven, is it?
>kiddie porn music.
>music to get recruited as child prostitutes by ChristianX to
Shut up, syrup nigger.
music isn't about a message, wew lad I don't think you understand things
Its catchy and I listen to it on the radio stations while im driving
Fucking trash. I was raised on American music and all I can see now is a big pile of shit. You lost everything, Americans. The only good thing you have now is new school nigger trap shit and cloud rap.
makes me want to slit my throat
> The only good thing you have now is new school nigger trap shit and cloud rap.
You retarded shiteater, Manya.
>millenial music
>millenial music
theres no originality any more.
not American but shows the difference
>millenial music
>millenial music
Just like almost everything in cuckmerica
Poltards will no doubt defend their shitty little kikeowned board with words like leaf or maplesyrup or just a lazy "nigger"
Its as far as their imagination goes
millennials cant music
Gen x is the cut off point for having a soul
There's some instances where millenials can music, though.
Wrong picture OP. Here ya go.
Fucking unsmokeable leaf.
are you trying to imply that Sup Forums isn't degenerate? turn off ad-block for once and 9 times out of 10 the advertisement is some shitty anime porn website
Post good music