his smile and optimism
His smile and optimism
Other urls found in this thread:
is he ded?
Probably not. The world isn't that lucky.
how old is he in that photo?
He's too young to be that kind of bald. Just go ahead and shave all of that shit off and be done with it. Be like Brad.
I've never seen anyone bald so terribly Isn't he also only his is mid-late 20s?
My uncle lost his hair when he was about 21 in the space of a few months.
he's 27 at the oldest.
What's worse is that he's been like that for about 2 years now
he's got those maniac eyes
we doing anything on eggkara?
pic related
It's crazy how male pattern baldness can age a man like crazy. If he still had hair he'd still look like a guy in his 20s.
He'd look years younger if he just got rid of it all.
I can't grasp how someone who clearly isn't too lazy to shave regularly wouldn't just take it all off and be done with it.
it's the kiss of death tbqhwyf
denial + no one wants to be a baldy
What did she mean by this?
You now remember Captain S.
They're gonna get you!
Thank you for the test boost brah
>No Budget Will Smith
>Mr. 521 US Dollars
Poor Film Brain. I actually used to really like his videos.
This is the average path of TGWTG members.
What went so wrong?
If The Room got a movie, these muthafuckas gon get theirs, screencap this shit
James franco, his brother and Seth Rogan, 20XX, it's gonna happen
Latza may be interested in directing it.
Latza would have a cameo playing Jay Bauman. Seth Rogan would play Mike Stoklasa in a scene where they discover Kickassia on YouTube and crack up laughing at it.
>only really liked for his Bad Movie Beatdowns
>hasn't made one in forever, keeps doing projector shit
Also been on the site for I want to say about 10 years and only getting 188 dollars per video on Patreon - JUST.
>Doug struggles to address his audience's reaction to Demo Reel
>they're all still cooler than you
Buzzcuts, if done properly and even more so if contrasted with voloptous facial hair, don't make you look bald though
Go ask Stratham
yet we can't have news threads.
Fucking sange the child molesting janitor
Why do people hate this guy so much?
If you actually have to ask that question I pity you and your life
God, look at Marzgurl there.
I could pound her for fucking days.
Shame she's ugly now.
We're not doing the super villain shuffle!
Brad > Old Spoony > JewWario > Phaelus > Doug > everyone else
Dispute this.
Delete this ; _ ;
What was his deal? I remember him just randomly appearing on Suburban Knights. He was insufferable.
You just know that after they took that picture Rob and Doug took her to some janitor's closet and double-teamed her. Doug because he's a chubby chaser, and Rob to simply affirm his dominance over Doug. If Doug gets a woman, so does Rob.
James has some pretty /fa/ taste in leather jackets, I must admit.
Why is this off-topic Sup Forumseddit trash still up?
To piss you off you wannabe janitor doing it for free but too retarded to pass the entrance exam and too retarded to know these threads about FILM REVIEWERS are more Sup Forums than your fucking faggot Sup Forums threads you can't seem to keep on your containment board you fat alt-right cuckold retarded motherfucking nigger. Now go get your fucking shinebox
No joke, Marzgurl in that image inspired me to go jerk off to chubby porn a few minutes ago
Actually kinda good
Looks like cuckmod put it in autosage even though it is obviously Sup Forums related too, be sure to report that retarded fuck to Hiro so he loses his """"""""""""job""""""""""". That dumb coon had been extra salty the past few days. Must have eaten a bad load out of his boyfriend's asshole.
That isn't Doug's wife, why do you keep posting it like it is? Are you a legit faceblind autist.
>Look up what's Kyle Justin doing these days
>Married a doctor
Good for him
I may be a massive loser in all aspects of life, but at least I'm not these people. Feels okay.
good god thats fucking cringy. poor james he was probably forced to be in that video
new latza tweet
He's way hotter than her.
still hotter than Caucasian sausage fest and claire "I'm a girl" mineycrafta
I need Latza Twitch, found one named rohran1 but it's got like 8 followers, cant be real Latza
guys, seriously, need it
thats him
the last time they met as friends
geezus man... it wasnt supposed to be like this
I'm glad Spoony seems to have gotten his life somewhat back on track
>Shame she's ugly now.
Eh, I disagree. Preferred her chubby though. Dem fucking thighs.
the new xcoms turned out p good with the long war mod. it wasn't much of a betrayal desu
pretty sure he meant the xcom shooter
Who was this guy?
Interesting. Can I get a quick rundown?