>cracking down on child porn
those degenerates already vote blue so this changes nothing.
>conservative politician takes pledge the majority of conservative politicians would take
It's fucking nothing
Child porn you retarded nigger
Evidence he's not on a Jewish leash
It includes adult porn too
google looking fucker idiot
>mfw entire folder of cp got wiped when my HDD melted down
Feels good
no, also federal obscenity laws which includes hardcore ADULT porn.
>cracking down on a multi-billion dollar industry
>put thousands of people out of jobs
Good. Pornography is degenerate, and dangerous to adolescent brains.
speak english
Good. Internet porn has ruined an entire generation of young men.
Nothing wrong with this.
Thank you for trying to Correct the Record, tho.
"huur durr - your so cucked" - "we have freedom" - "police state 1984" etc.
When it happens in America.
>so this changes nothing.
>It's fucking nothing
>Nothing wrong with this.
> Pornography is degenerate
>101 different excuses.
"Donald Trump has signed a pledge to crack down on pornographythat criminalize distributing images of sexual activity among consenting adults.
He just wants to censor the internet like Russia and China does with anti government leftist groups
Putin did the same thing in pic related
>implying trump would crack down on normal porn
As if BDSM and CP isn't degenerate enough
>finds out wife was in porn
>bans watching porn
I know momesting kids is okay in the UK but here there is no freedom to do so fuck off paki nigger
I cant stand how normalised porn has become.
Maybe its just me but when women tell me they watch porn I cringe.
I'll share mine with you. Give me an email address to send it to.
>people can't find new jobs
Nigger more than half of the Porn industry is the same as the film and television industries. It's all sets and cameras and crews. The tiny percentage is the actors and the sex being filmed. Whores and man whores can easily find new whoring jobs and the crews can easily shift into film/TV industry.
>implying you don't want the boom mic operator on Porn sets
Fucking Shitlisted.
Is PC World responsible for this hoax or did they get internet trolled? Again? I fucking laugh when I think back to DVorak telling everyone to buy stock in Enron..."It's huge and innovative!"
Porn is fuking disgusting and useless
Pornstars should not be making a decent living off of degeneracy
Shut it down
Porn = Jews
Nigger I linked the actual document
I bet you're proud of your virginity too then if you're so clueless about gender roles right?
Hillary refused to sign it.
>Keyboard Warrior once again swooping into a thread to make sure its quality remains "just shitty enough."
Thanks, KW!
>saying child porn is bad
>on Sup Forums
Porn is one of the biggest cancers in our society. Men prefer jacking off to porn rather than finding a partner to settle down.
Inb4 butthurt /r9k/ posters screaming about muh evil wimminz.
67D backgammon
>Clinton's campaign reportedly says that it suports the pledge's goals
In the fucking image
Stop trying to Shill for Hill here, I'm not a Hillary supporter just because Trump signing an anti-Internet obscenity pledge really makes me think
>Inb4 barneyfag awakens from his hotpocket induced stupor.
>refusing to have your own opinions
>wants to only parrot the echo chamber to fit in
I'm confused.
You think he should be more open minded about gender roles and not be put off by women who watch porn, so you attempt to demerit him by accusing him of not having done a sexual rite of passage for a gender in society?
How hypocritically backwards. Poor form.
She'd sign it in a heartbeat if her actions weren't being scrutinized by potential voters right now.
Even the moron fuck masses would immediately call her on it. That hook nosed hag already wants to take away a few amendments.
Trump can say whatever the shit he wants about the internet but nothing he does will actually do shit. At worst this will bring down crappy paid porn sites which nobody uses.
>implying that prohibition ever works
If something is banned then more people are likely to be curious about. Its called the streissand effect.
Fucking retarded move by Trump desu senpai
Is he implying there isn't enough unwatched porn to last us all for the rest of our lives?
Who watches professional porn anyway?
Are they going to crack down on people's personal blogs where they post explicit material?
Crack down on cam sites where porn is produced right in front of you?
File sharing sites? Tube sites?
Or maybe...just maybe, they were specifically talking about child pornography and hurting not only the producers, but the consumers.
Say with me:
President. Gary. Johnson.
As someone who watches a little too much porn myself, I have no problem with this. It'll get me and plenty of others to stop.
I hope he blocks off pornhub, youporn, porn results on major search engines, all that shit. Make it as hard to acquire porn as CP. It'd be great.
Nice meme. Reminder all religious people are bootlickers, so it's only natural.
Watching porn is highly degenerate and the porn industry is run by the kikes.
Trump plans to ruin all kinds of internet freedom / free speech. All in the name of anti-terrorism of course.
We have enough porn anyway. Just shut it all down.
There's Exabytes of porn that already exists. We're done.
say goodbye to your chinese cartoons burgers. it's ogre.
Hear hear, strange tricolor flag
(((Children's Internet Safety Presidential Pledge)))
This is just a kike ploy to prevent more people from being red-pilled on the internet and proof that Trump is controlled opposition. Shame on you cucks for falling for this shit hook, line and sinker.
Thats not as bad as signing it. that could mean anything.
Dems dont normally prosecute obscenity, Republicans do.
Good, we need to breed
Get out there, you fucking faggots
It is bad.
Granted, I feel like outlawing possession creates more problems than it actually solves, particularly since bible fuckers seem hellbent on conflating things like lolicon with child porn. They've made having non-retarded laws regarding this subject nearly fucking impossible. It's part of what I hate about living in this country. Nothing gets discussed in a reasonable manner without a biomass of squealing, pearl-clutching cunts weighing in on the matter (often breaking it in the process) and making their demands known. It's like everyone minds their own business until some Santa Claus fuck in a suit tells them to get mad.
The results is a journalist who gets jailed for possession....while discovering a cp stash on some public official's pc and trying to turn it in to the cops.
Nazi Trump is going to ban pron
Then again it's the same with Hillary. Neither of them give a single shit about the first amendment.
send those pedophile demolibtards to the firey jail of hell! :D
Porn of consenting adults is protected by the First fucking Amendment. I'm addicted to porn and trying to stop, but freedom of speech/expression means NOTHING if it doesn't include the right to speech/expression that other people hate. For fuck's sake, you people are acting EXACTLY like the liberal retards you claim to hate.
Trumps actions are being scrutinized too so why'd he sign it?
He'll probably have an AG like John Ashcroft. He owes the religious right.
I don't think Buzzfeed is hiring.
as if that nigger has any idea how to handles a crimbinal...
>Say with me:
>President. Gary. Johnson.
Better say "El Presidente" instead, because Open Borders Johnson will make sure to do nothing about the much-needed wall most us are waiting for once Trump wins.
Porn is degenerate.
go fuck yourself down under, m9
It actually isnt. Current obscenity laws allow for prosecution of consenting adult pron if the justice dept wants to. Thats what Trump has pledged to do. .
>you people are acting EXACTLY like the liberal retards you claim to hate.
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average
but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect
Because he's controlled opposition. The president doesn't mean jack shit; the majority of US citizens have no clue what the law is and the ones who do laugh at it. Police reinforce classical laws more than they'll enforce the current law, unless you piss them off and they're a smart cop.
If Hillary wanted to do whatever people think she'll do when she's president then she'd do it already. She's a member of the Bilderkike group and knows the most powerful people in the world, all of whom know that the presidential position for any country is a fucking joke. We're voting in who will take the fall for big brother.
Not an argument, Americoon. That is Stockholm Syndrome at its finest.
So your 'freedom' is a lie. Got it.
10/10, would read again.
mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo! :D
does anyone remember The 9th Gate? it was Johnny Depp's last good movie, and if you disagree, you are dirty Hillary shill
>we're voting in
So, there's this thing called the "Electoral College," you probably haven't heard of it...
>Trump somehow manages to get elected
>Immediately shuts down Sup Forums
you're the one on the interwebs arguing about the political candidates of some other country. don't be mad because america is the masters of freedom and the beacon of the white race while australia is just the criminal ancestors of the criminal scum that the european union shat out. the only good thing that ever happened from 'down under' is those old as fuck mad max movies. we even made mad max better :D you faggots suck at everything
That's from Ham on Rye, by Charles Bukowski.
I first heard it in a reading video. /lit/ didn't like it. They thought it was pompous, but the context of its book makes it seem less so.
sometimes I wonder how I would like to be a businessman like TruNp. I yhink I would keep my identity out of the papers though. I would hire a man who I would pretend to he the boss of the conpany, but in actuality I will be, but I will pretend to be a loelu assistant. So that way I could screen people a second time adter they get hired. It goes something like this:
>good looking guy, tall, fit, blonde hair, applies for a job at my company
>he does well in the interviewa, gets hired
>I am asked by the fake bos to givem Ed the hiree) the tour
>as soon as we are out of sight of the boss, he starts trying to buddy up to me
>hey man, you watch the game last night?
>sir, remember this is a professional work environment
>he is quiet for a bit, tour continues
>hey man do you know anu good bars ariund here? Me an my buds were looking to slam some pussy
>sir that is absolutely unacceptavle dialogue for a workplace. I don't thibk you'll ve a good fit
>so? Who cares what you thibk? You're only the assistant
>i smile and turn my back
>information... Is power
>I turn around and underneath my lowly assistant gear is a really nice suit
>Chad, I'm grinning now
>you're fired
Please excuse any spelling errors my phone is cracked and I am a little high
>Trump gets elected
>Praising Kek on image boards become mandatory
Its not a lie its a case the supreme court got wrong. Porn with consenting adults should be protected by the 1st Amendment
>never enjoying something even though you know it's wrong
There's the occasional image I've come across of questionable age I've fapped to. And there is a part of my brain that wants to see more, far far more. But my conscious mind wants it gone more than that.
That's the difference between being human or a disgusting 3rd world primitive m8
At least we're not obedient, authority-loving bootlickers like you. There's one thing you Americoons suck at even more than us Australians and that's not having freedom while pretending you do. Stay mad, faggot. Also, 60%. :D
>all the porn producers are Jews and all the women stupid whores
Im not seeing a downside here
>put thousands of people out of jobs
wut eh fuk u talkin bout m8
that one guy that holds the camera
make up team
and that sad guy that mops the cum from the floor
casualties aren't jobs
Only anime porn should be allowed. All 3D pornography is degenerate and must be banned.