Why did Lawrence react like that? Was he abused in the past?

Why did Lawrence react like that? Was he abused in the past?

This isn't simple gay hate. It's like he's losing his mind. he was terrified. It's also shown before and throughout the movie how his pain tolerance his high, or rather, paraphrasing his own words, how he learned to cope with it,

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>not even a single reply on one of the best movies of all time
Always the same fucking shit.

I fucking hate Sup Forums.

Is anyone else's summer goal to get
>Lawrence tan
Also, recently saw it in 70mm AMA

Also many LA liberals had no idea what to make of Arabs not getting along

I like how he looks like a cgi render.

>gay hate
He was gay though.

I don't know what exactly you're talking about since I haven't seen it in years

He was raped in the movie, went a little nutty after that

Look up fagging on Wikipedia. His formative years would have been rife with that shit.

He never fit in with the British and he got captured trying to infiltrate Medina after Sharif Ali told him he couldn't pass as an Arab.

When that officer commented on is fair skin it was a reminder that he fit in no where. Like a man with no people or no place in the world.

I don't even think they raped him. He went nuts BEFORE they even had the chance to rape him.
He was a virgin.
Yeah but he hit the guy in the fucking nuts and he started to go insane before the other guy commented on his skin. Didn't you see the detail of the guy's lips? The reaction is obviously sex related.

Do you people even watch the movies?

Stupid tripfaggot, you know why is that? Because film has real depth.

it's almost like being raped and tortured, especially before you've had consensual sex, fucks you up mentally for the rest of your life

Read this

>Yeah but he hit the guy in the fucking nuts and he started to go insane before the other guy commented on his skin.

No he didn't. Did you even watch the movie?

No one really knows if he was raped or not. We know he was a virgin, and said "he lost his innocents that night" which leave me to believe he was raped

also the Turks LOVED to rape people as a way to dominate men at the time. Turks were the biggest hardgays on earth at the time. Which is another reason I think he was raped.

>Virgins can't be gay!

>Ferrer looks at his chest
>first signs of going insane in his eyes
>Ferrer touches his skin
>gets worse
>your skin is very fair
>close up of his wide eyes
>close up of Ferrer's lips
>totally terrorized (can't keep eyes open) hits him in the nuts
I think you need to watch the movie again, friend.
I meant in the movie. I know the turks raped men.
My concern lies in Lawrence's first reaction, not in what happened afterwards.

>He was a virgin.
A virgin at his age, quite normal for the times.

>Lawrence was gay

Sure the actor was a little camp but I'm pretty sure there was nothing gay in the movie.

It's like you didn't even read the OP.

IRL, Lawrence was homosexual, and he found the Bedouins' open attitudes towards certain behavior very comfortable. It is very unlikely the real Lawrence would have put up a fight against an Ottoman assault from the rear flanks.

Saw it in 70 mm 30 years ago at one of the last American theaters able to screen it. Absolutely stunning film.

Definitely. Even if he were straight, any time in English public schools would have introduced him to it.

Most British abroad didn't fit in and many went native. Lawrence was very, very comfortable with traditional Arabs.

As someone from a British boarding school I can confirm that any kind of homosexuality is beaten the fuck out of you.

>My concern lies in Lawrence's first reaction, not in what happened afterwards.
I see what you are saying now. I'd need to see the actual scene to have a better opinion. My guess is, he is a "doesn't mind the pain" type of guy, which means he probably always thought he could handle torture and rape.

When the torture and rape actually started, he was either finding out torture wasn't for him, or he was enjoying it just as much as he thought he would. Both options are maddening.

Why was this film so good?

Lawrence's language and cultural expertise would have made it much easier to enter Makkah and Madinah than uber-adventurer Richard Burton, and Burton was able. Caucasians would not have been completely dismissed as fakes on a Hajj, particularly if their Arabic was very strong and they knew how to act and what to say. Islam already had a small group of native English converts in the 19th C, and even more as the English travelled more widely in the Near East.

What does hardgay mean?

There is gay all over that film. Did you need an oysters versus snails scene?

also some Syrians and Curds were pretty white

Did you come of age under Edward VII?

I was mistaken for Syrian all over the ME, and I am 100% Scot and Swiss.

I figured hes just flamboyant, it seems like a very exaggerated version of who he was.

Did you come of age under Edward VII?

I too was wondering why he reacted like that. I thought he was a total gaylord so why wouldn't he fuck the pasha?

By all accounts he was a little "soft", even for English gentlemen of the period. 100% Edwardian Man of Adventure on the action axis, but a lot more sensitive emotionally. He was a Romantic after it ceased being "cool".

No, why? It's just the normal way of doing things...

Because look at the smile on the turkroach's face. There is no walking out of this one, and he knew it.

My theory (on the film's version of TEL), he wanted to maintain at least some masculinity in the Ottoman and Arab eyes. Being too willingly sodomized undercuts that image.

That was no act, he was terrified.

Did they not know the rich history of thousands of years of turmoil and warfare and arabs enslaving each other.

The wiki blurbs on Lawrence's RL sexuality and personal history indicate a predilection for masochism. This obviously doesn't sit well with the Johnny-on-the-spot mentality of being in the British army, being around a bunch of Muslims, etc. Also he was captured and this is some non-consensual play going on, of course.

The suggestion of it all being that Lawrence was being given something that he kinda-sorta wanted but not really given the circumstances, which made him hate it that much more. In the film, they make the mistake of letting him go so that he can exact his Jesus Wept revenge in the next bloodbath. "Jesus Wept" is used to dramatic filmic effect in at least one other film which touches on sadomasochism.

The top publics were rife with homosexual activity. Not "gay" or "queer" scenes (which are modern concepts), but homosexual acts as part of establishing hierarchy and relieving sexual tension. Those who came out of their education as exclusively gay was low.

>but homosexual acts as part of establishing hierarchy and relieving sexual tension

Bullshit never happens.

We all know the Brits were call queer because of iodine in the tea.
And the British boarding school gay shit is a meme proliferated by the above.

I respectfully disagree, user, but will consider it again the next I view this with more open eyes.

No, all sources point to permanently virgin. Dude was autistic as fuck, not good with people.

>permanently virgin

Was normal for his age in that era.

Remember it was all sex after marriage back then.

I always attributed it to fluoridation, user.

>what are prostitutes

Sorry it wasn't iodine it was Potassium Bromide.

"According to legend, the British Army added potassium bromide to their soldiers’ tea to overcome their frustrated sexual urges"

All our soldiers were called gay because of it. This is where the british are gay meme originates.

He secretly loved it.

For the working class with little moral obligations like remaining pure for your husband.

I bet you'll marry a girl who has sucked 37 dicks

Interesting - I did not know that.

Prince Faisal, did I ever tell you about the time I was ass raped in Dera'a?

What is even more complicated, the forward to Seven Pillars makes a convincing case that Lawrence invented the entire rape at Deraa scene. That it never happened is more likely than it happening. Lawrence's account of the desert is based entirely on memory and he took extreme liberties with the truth at that. Something he and others acknowledge. Of course the reasoning can only be speculation, but in part it could be a resistance against the hero worship Lawrence faced at home: an attempt to say 'I've been buggered by a Turk', 'I'm not the Imperial hero you want to make of me' as a way to retreat from his popularity, something he both loved and detested, but mostly the latter.

Lawrence is an even bigger mystery than the film suggests, and he is complex enough on screen already. The entire film, characters attempt to 'know' Lawrence but he doesn't even know himself. When the dispatch rider shouts "Who are you?!" from the opposite bank of the canal, there is a good reason David Lean dubbed the voice.

I would like a source on this image

*pulls out dick*
Go on

he was left alone, unfettered in a part of the world he PERSONALLY conquered. A part of the world where women were sex objects. Then he came back a war hero. If he wanted sex he would of had it.

>there is a good reason David Lean dubbed the voice

very memorable scene but I didn't know that

David from Prometheus was based on Lawrence.

Truthfully it is rumour regarded as fact, but one that is much more fun to believe

Yeah, they weren't very subtle about it.

He was a masochist and enjoyed it but didn't want to admit it to himself/others.

>another repressed homofaggot leads non-whites on an all-conquering military escapade and actually succeedes


>leads non-whites on an all-conquering military escapade and actually succeeds

The best example of this was on the losing side
>No Vorbeck movie

>so this is the power of repressed homosexuality