/florida/ thread



reporting in

Hello, floridian brothers.

Floridian reporting from the forest!

I hate florida so much

Fuck your majority.non white state

Fuck publix

Fuck your beaches

Fuck your flag

Fuck your climate

Fuck your topography

Most importantly fuck you

Florida checking in. Ignore this cuck ^^

Who here /floridamasterrace/

Sure feels superior

Also donĀ“t mind the flag im just on vacation :3

>Floridians are the most powerful race in the world
>not aryans

Are there Sheetz in Florida? Are there?

If not, your state is HORSESHIT.

suburban gulf coast reporting. 5 min to the beach, publix within walking. all is well. will report back at 0600 god bless

Florida is the biggest shithole

Florida is a gigantic shit hole with only one redeeming quality.

(863) hive of scum and villainy

Drop dead, new jersey.

Orlando reporting in

florida aquarium is fucking cool you shitlord

Florida is vast majority white.


Florida is hell disguised as a beach resort
>select all images with Palm Trees

fucking Florida

Florida gets MIRV'd almost immediately in a nuclear volley. 3rd target. Sorry.

Floridian reporting in. I have survived the swamps of hell, and have become a god among men.

Treasure Coast reporting in.

We'll take our chances. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Wong...

Yes, yes it has.

When I was there some nig tried to strong arm me into taking my groceries out to the car. He was definitely wanting a tip to walk 30 feet

He was standing there with another person, besides the cashier, to bag up items. 2 retards bagging up shit, per register. I told this guy no thanks twice, then had to look him in the eye and "NO!"

What in the hell are you guys doing down there? Strong arming old people for tips? Do the jews require bag goys?

brothers do not let the monkey zika impede our search for the eternal spring. we will endure.

Gulf Coast is best coast in Florida. Fuck Miami/I-95.

he was being nice and doing what he was told to make a wage. you assumed he was a nigger, even though he had a job and offered to help you out to the car. maybe you are the nigger

publix hires retards. there might be a chance he was actually retarded. publix is required to ask old people if they need help out. im 25 and they even ask me from time to time. also, employees can get in a lot of trouble for accepting tips, its a big no-no at publix.

Florida man finds a way

>Florida man drinks another beer, and ponders it some more.

No, user. I am a fairly normal, well-adjusted person, not a storm nigger. This guy was not being nice. He was being a huge dick

The Haitians in West Palm really are scum though. Absolutely the least pleasant group of people I have had the displeasure of dealing with in my entire life

Publix faggot checkout idiot always asks me why I am buying more than one can of beans. Not their business. VERY SAD!

>live in Alaska
>visit St. Augustine
>go in light house
>walk up stairs
>someone hits me from behind and almost knocks me over
>turn around and no one is there
>google light house and it's supposed to be haunted

tallahassee reporting in.

i love florida. all the rest of you niggers don't know fuck all about fuck all.

850 continued. publix bag.

state capital


even ghosts think ur gay

Found the Jersey fag


do you guys have seen the Florida man??


>dem canopy roads

Tallahassee gets shit on but its better than anywhere else in the deep south or miami

st. marks

How the fuck are you guys conservative??? I thought you guys were festered with Hispanic parasites?

fort myers


they can't vote. they're illegal and live eleven to a house.

Florida is basically 2 separate states,

I lived in Florida for a year and a half.
Place fucking sucked ass, so I left that toilet and went back to civilization.

where did you live? ocala?

Don't go to Miami.

what really happened

>bag boy offers assistance with placing your 40 gallon drum of pork lard in the front of your rascal scooter for the journey to your car
>never seen a black man before in your life so assume he's trying to rob you even though he's wearing a uniform
>give him a suspicious glare and yell "NO!"
>he's confused but wants to be polite so asks if can help take the 40 gallon drum of the now bubbling over pork lard your off-white '94 pontiac trans sport mini van for you instead
>"b-but sir, you're clearly disabl..."
>flashback to your Sup Forums hugbox trying to think what you should do about this uppity nigger who's clearly trying to strong arm your shit
>shout "conductor we have a problem! conductor we have a problem!" over and over again until you have an aneurysm because your heart is so full of fat and grease that it can't beat faster than 100 bpm without failing
>wake up in the hospital
>take out your iphone that you bought with foodstamps and start shitposting on Sup Forums

where can i find all of these?

shut up fatass, go back to eating your mac and cheese bites PA sucks

813/727 here

Orlando here, checking in.

Most of the hispanics are Cuban, which lean slightly right for whatever reason.

>Fuck your majority.non white state
Probably true, but not sure.
>Fuck publix
>Fuck your beaches
Some people like them. I dont care for beeches, but I've heard they compare well with others.
>Fuck your flag
>Fuck your climate
It could be much worse, but these summers of 143% humidity are the worst.
>Fuck your topography
Not much variety, but any other probem besides that?


This. It had the drawbacks of being a filthy, disgusting city, with none of the benefits of a cultured, metropolitcan area. I guess it had a great clubbing scene, but that's for fucking degenerates.

R8 my NYC Stop and Shop sub

It's because their parents/grand parents escaped Castro's regime so they know how fucked up leftist ideologys are

I just moved to Ft. Lauderdale and it's been a dissapointment so far. Niggers everywhere, no open spaces, and the only terrain variation is the giagantic stinking trash heap. Oh, and let's not forget all the locals trying to convince me that this is the worst heat I'll ever experience when I moved from the second hottesst place in the United States.

>Chinks think we don't all have boats
>We aren't on them 100% of the time
>We aren't all the bastard children of Crackers, Injuns, Freedmen and Pirates

>Moving anywhere beyond Boca Raton in South Florida
You fucked up, man. We're going to build a wall and keep that den of savagery confined to their hellhole.