Anti-guns thread

Let's get an anti-guns thread going.

Face it, Sup Forums. The average American is far too stupid and impulsive to be trusted with a gun. Have any of you worked in customer service? You would know what I mean.

The 2nd amendment was written with a specific purpose in mind. The founding fathers wanted every citizen to be armed so that the USA could fend off a British invasion.

Do we have to worry about a British invasion in modern times? Fuck no. So the original purpose of the 2nd amendment is void.

So why should we keep a high amount of guns in circulation? Why not try to get rid of them?

Other urls found in this thread:

and how do you plan to get rid of them? there's no comprehensive database on all firearm ownership. plus, there's all those illegally owned guns

M16 at home protect your family

Eat shit commie. You can have all my guns and ammo, bullets first.

there is no logical anti-gun argument. only nonsense "muh feelings" and "its scary and black" fags.

the police are not responsible for your well being.




>The 2nd amendment was written with a specific purpose in mind. The founding fathers wanted every citizen to be armed so that the USA could fend off a British invasion.
[citation needed]
I just did a quick perusal of Federalist Papers 46 which indicates to the opposite.


Fuck you asshole, guns are awesome

There can never be enough guns

>and how do you plan to get rid of them? there's no comprehensive database on all firearm ownership. plus, there's all those illegally owned guns

Easy. Gradually increase stricter gun control methods with the eventual goal of complete eradication.

It could start with national gun buy-backs from legal gun owners and stricter enforcement against illegal guns. That alone would remove a lot of guns from circulation.

Also, you used a logical fallacy against me, with your "there's no comprehensive database" line. You implied that I think that the law will be perfect and get rid of 100% of the guns out there. That's not how any law works. There will always be people out there willing to break a law, like with speeding. We have speeding laws because they are good public policy; it doesn't mean that there aren't people out there with lead feet.

All the law can do is control the majority of people and that's really what matters.

You are not a cowboy. You look edgy




No guns is the problem, I agree.

ty 4 CTR! ! ;D ;D


Why do you think that the 2nd amendment was written?

>It's a slide thread

No time for this gents
>Kahn confirmed Muslim Brotherhood connection!

>Clinton confirmed affiliation with ISIS weapon sales!

>Obama amping up drone strikes in Libya to stop ISIS which is now operating in the vacuum he caused!

>Assad gaining more ground against radical factions!

Only 3 months until election day! Let's not get distracted by debunked talking points and bait!

>The 2nd amendment was written with a specific purpose in mind. The founding fathers wanted every citizen to be armed so that the USA could fend off a British invasion.
Okay. Since it seems you have no factual basis for this then what is your logical basis? I find it difficult to believe the framers of the Constitution would give Congress the power to raise and maintain an army and navy as well as give command over those forces to the President if they did not expect those standing forces to be for national defense alongside militias without giving clear control of said militias to the same source of maintenance and regulations as well as command.

Did you even bother to read the cited article?

it's not just a British invasion dipshit it's also to protect us from government overreach, meaning OUR government.

Here is your (You), now fuck off.

With two puppies a nail and a drill you can make a quick and simple slam fire shotgun. More complex for arms can be made by those more educated in for arms and machinery. Most materials can be purchased from a home depot

With urine, feces, wood shavings, and charcoal dust and sulfur combined with a tad bit of know how one could make gun powder.

Brass tubing is relatively easy to get and work with. The govt can't ban brass tubing.

Primers can be made from match books. Armstrong mix.

Shot can be literally anything from dimes to gravel from your street.

You can ban Wonder Bread but you can't ban ovens flour and water

Pipes*, firearms*

it's simple, we just ban piping and shit in the street like civilized countries

Literally advocating we implement thought crimes.

Here's your (you) you Orwellian nightmare limousine leftist

was this post meant for me? I was agreeing with u silly burger

Sorry senpai i see that flag i just get triggered into shit posting

Lots of slide threads lately. Let's change that...

ok hoss no worries

Gun nuts fail to see there's a difference between responsible and irresponsible gun ownership.

2nd amendment is not carte blanche for having all the hidden guns you want. Historically the government has forced people to
>register their guns ( George Washington and the whiskey rebellion )
>Banned concealed carry ( considered criminal and dishonorable to conceal )
>Banned possession of guns within city limits ( every Western you've ever seen has a seen like this )

All of these actions taken to keep society orderly and polite. Easiest way for government to fix things is to jack up the price for guns. Just look at full auto weapons. They go for like > $20K - only people who can afford them are well established members of society who are going to be very respectable with them.

>2nd amendment is not carte blanche for having all the hidden guns you want.
Straw man? I don't believe anyone in this thread has yet made any such claim.

The claims made and the topic of this thread is in the OP:
>The average American is far too stupid and impulsive to be trusted with a gun.

>The 2nd amendment was written with a specific purpose in mind. The founding fathers wanted every citizen to be armed so that the USA could fend off a British invasion.
>>the original purpose of the 2nd amendment is void.

Full auto firearms are expensive because of supply and demand retard not the government.

When are you going to advocate for banning trucks btw?

gun bans are the problem. i agree with that sign

The supply and demand is caused by the government you moron.

The government banned any new automatics from entering the civilian market a few decades ago so the existing ones grandfathered in have huge prices.

How is the demand caused by the government Pierre?

What bigger woodo shit tier craftmanship is that?
I can do better having one puece of food and a Knife.
Fucking ziplocks

it was made by Australian intellectuals

posting my problem solver right here

I heard legends of Abbo's wisdom, but never thought they are THAT dumb.

been here 40000 years

invented a stick

Cocaine is illegal in all 50 states.
Heroin is illegal in all 50 states.

But even the most hardcore liberal will admit that I can fly into a random major city- and even as a stranger, I can score a bag of dope before the sun rises tomlrrow.

So what's the difference between smuggling drugs into this country and guns?

Oh ya, guns are easier.
Dogs can't tell the difference between an aluminum or iron gun and my car.

Paco usually runs across the border with 20 kilos of coke, but this time he has 18 kilos and a block.

Debate me on this, I dare anybody...

I've seen worse

people do that because you can trade 'em in for $50 a pop

I'm sure that tighter gun laws will remove the literal millions of guns tucked away in criminals' houses and cars

Naw u right there's millions of illegal guns coming into the country, and more from bean country every day until the wall goes up

eat shit faggot.

3D printing is going to make the subject a moot point.