>cucked artists who make shows you like
Cucked artists who make shows you like
I actually went third party this last year but there was nothing in terms of policy for Trump that was worse than Hillary or all the major party candidates in the previous elections. But you know he would not have tweeted this if she had won. Trump is more of the same but if you cuck to leftist media hysteria and think trump saying a few things makes him Hitler you'll think people who voted for him are particularly stupid.
The reality is, if there's any sign we're in an Idiocracy, it's how easily manipulated the anti-Trumpers were.
>watching things cucks made
you're just as cuckey, faggot
This is how I feel to, and I've told people this
It's easy for normies to realize hard core tru,p fans are morons but when you point out that they are stupid too for falling ofr the racist sexist memes they get upset and irrational.
>shelf of DVDs behind him
That monkey-lipped nog looks like he watches a lot of tv. What is he contributing toward pulling America out of this Idiocracy we supposedly now find ourselves in? Besides making snide tweets referencing a movie for 10th grade pseuds of course.
He's one of the greatest rappers of all time. He changed music you fucking retard.
Whedon really has gone off the rails this past year.
>contributing anything of value to society
What broke Whedon THIS time?
>hurrr da niggars ruined music we wer born in le rong generation le right guys?? xD
Kill yourself.
JK Rowling wrote the source material that the sorcerers stone was based on, which is one of the comfiest movies ever made.
I also kinda think he's saying that because rap as a music and art is short lived and typically garbage, he didn't say they ruined music when it's impossible to do so.
is this some kind of riddle? what backstory am i missing?
what does it all mean? who is this haley mancini
>projecting this hard
I like a lot of music from this era by the way. But this nigger does make shitty music.
>art is short lived
We've been telling the same stories the same way since before Homer. You're dumber than the fag you're defending.
Ouch. You got me.
>Not knowing who Chuck D is
Sometimes I forget people born in 2000 post here
Chuck Palahniuk
I went Trump, for the entertainment value, but otherwise, I agree
Whedon is increasingly resembling one of those ridiculous Sup Forums cuckold caricatures
Everything seems like a Sup Forums caricatures these day. I think a lot of people are baiting half the time
I was born in 1990 m8.
I am also perfectly well aware of who this monkey lipped nog is.
What's he on about now?
Sure little buddy.
His role on Justified was epic but he's been a shrill numale manlet for as long as I can remember.
>his role on Justifed was epic
Mike Judge is a libertarian.
The trashman actually voted for Hillary this last election too, I think he voted swapped cause he was in a battleground state.
Why were libertarians so scared of Trump but not Hillary?
Mike wasn't scared of him, he just sort of fell for the "Trump is stupid" meme the media pushed and so saw his supporters as stupid.
Trump hurt Penn's feelings backstage and so Penn saw him as the devil incarnate.
Famous people who have interacted with Trump personally may get a bigger impression that he's bad.
I think reading about both hillary and trump make them seem bad, but I think the impression of the person gets worse if you interact with trump over hillary.
hurr da african-americans are the saviors of music i was born in the exact perfect generation
>2 celebrities represent the entire libertarian movement
Life's a show and we all play our parts.
Nowhere was he implying that blacks saved music
TBF, they are better representatives than those who run the movement
The lead singer of this band has always been an overly emotional progressive but he does write some good lyrics.
Dead Milkmen>NoFx or any other reddit punk band
You're the fucking retard, only useless failures at life and niggers listen to the putrid drivel known as rap or know anything about the """""artists"""" that their Jewish producers promoted.
Ah yes, truly a revolution in music.
I hate it when Sup Forums is right but it keeps happening, what am I supposed to do but laugh at the ridiculous times we live in?
If you actually watch the electric Jew you're as big a cuck as the people who make it.
If you don't watch tv why do you even use this board?
There are a lot of celebrities who shit on Trump 24/7 but Joss Whedon seems to have been disturbed on a deeper level than most. He's lost it.
Like most entertainer drones, he expected Hillary to win. But he's also a "feminist," which makes Trump's triumph so awful to him.
>matt stonie
heard Neil Gaiman is a literal cuck.... but also heard he invented his own waifu then fucked her so I dunno what to believe
That's far more productive than frogposting and complaning about porn on a Bangladeshi Textile board
>only useless failures at life and niggers listen to the putrid drivel known as rap or know anything about the """""artists"""" that their Jewish producers promoted.
Wow user, really made me think...
pro tip, my highschool friend, any time you use the word cuck adults instantly stop listening to you and just laugh/cringe at you instead
>the guy unironically using the phrase "pro tip" is being condescending
Didn't he donate like half a million to her campaign
jesus christ Joss Whedon confessed to murdering his mom and he gets away with it?!?!?!
you're all sorts of fucked up
Have you actually listened to Trump speak?
I honestly don't care who you voted for but if you have seen anything Trump does, it's a massive pile of stupidity.
>Why were libertarians so scared of Trump but not Hillary?
Trump ran against Bush-ism though. He was harder on Jeb! Than Hillary
>looked him up on Wikipedia after an 8-hour Buffy binge
>has feminism as an actual section
>he thinks men instinctively oppress women due to "womb envy"
>not just because people are shit and might vs right led the world up until a few decades ago
It was always there but he was at least somewhat reserved about it
>he thinks men instinctively oppress women due to "womb envy"
holy repressed transexual
I love this album, but you are correct. (My dad gave it to me, KEK)
you have to use simple language, my good chum, highschoolers arent the most learned
What's the context of OP?
>Trump being stupid is a meme
Christ, what has happened to this board? The Black Panther trailer attracted all these r/the_Donald redditors.
You have to go back to r/esist, Hillarybot. You're too triggered to stay here.
Most rational people in general have even the most basic issues with Trump. I can't get why kids like you still don't get what made most of the country annoyed.
Nobody fucking likes him.
>rational people
>Joss Whedon
Pick one, faggot, and try to stay on topic. Sorry your criminal grandma lost. Now grow up and deal with it.
Every time. What's the next autistic talking point? That he secretly has a MENSA-tier IQ? Or that other delusional shit about him pretending to be retarded? 12-dimensional chess amirite factor?
I don't like Hillary you fucking Trump cock worshipping leech.
*faggot not "factor"
>30 years of being a successful politician
>worth literally hundreds of millions
>"is a failure"
I don't like Hillary but you have to at least exist in the real world, kid.
Hi Joss. Taking the night off from rambling incoherently on twitter to ramble incoherently on Sup Forums, I see.
If that post was incoherent to you then you are literally autistic.
years of being a successful politician
>>worth literally hundreds of millions
That should tip you off that something's fishy about that criminal cunt.....
years of being a successful businessman
>>worth literally hundreds of millions
>>"is a failure"
"Married into it" and "Born into it are the same thing when it comes to both complaints
I'm sure you have evidence of a crime just like far-left liberals have proof that Trump is a Russian spy, right?
What's next, the moon is made of cheese and your uncle never raped you? Amirite? If you don't understand this you are autism. Good day, Rain Man
>married into it
Now you are just being obtuse. She's been involved in the puvlic sphere since she was 16 years old.
Anybody else here vote for trump out of sheer dissatisfaction? i did
only the knowledge that hillary would have been catastrophic keeps me sane
>you are autistic if you call Trump stupid, for being blatantly stupid.
You reddit shills try so hard to defend daddy.
KEK, gr8 b8. 7/10. So she earned "hundreds of millions" from politics? You're excellent at this. Water's not wet, because I have no proof....
>only the knowledge that hillary would have been catastrophic keeps me sane
Nice boogeyman, retard.
I'm amazed at how you fabricated that out of thin air. Good job, pally!
But that's great advice.
>the proof is my feelings
Kek, okay. Thanks for playing.
re-read it, I'm not saying she doesn't have talent/ambition. Just that the complaint lobbied against Trump "he was born into it" carries the same weight with me as "she married into it"
I did it because a Trump presidency would be funnier than a Clinton presidency. He also seemed more radical than Clinton, which I liked.
>I voted for Hillary because I'm a rapist
See, I can make shit up and attribute it to you too! Are we best friends yet?
I fabricated that Trump is stupid and imcompetent?
>Trump is more of the same
You are really stupid.
Still no proof.
>it isn't feefees when I do it!
Fuck off back to your subreddit
The only evidence of Hillary being a criminal is the multiple illegal things she's done. That user who called her a criminal is a real jerk!
Except most of the famous people that interacted with Trump couldn't stop gushing about what a great guy he was--until he ran against Hillary Clinton. Then he became the devil incarnate overnight.
Don't get me wrong, I always thought Trump was an arrogant blowhard, but I still haven't forgotten that most of Hollywood absolutely loved the guy until he went Republican.
How can you be so triggered and still be alive?
>The only evidence of Hillary being a criminal is the multiple illegal things she's done.
The hypocrisy with you faggots...
He's projecting out his own guilt. I guarantee you he's got some fucked up sexual issues.
Ever notice how there is a hyper-sexualized teenage girl in everything he writes?
>gradually becoming rich over decades through cutthroat politics and skill
>is the same as having your daddy give you a fortune and pay your way through life
>turning a million dollars into a much bigger empire doesn't take skill, hard work, and ambition.
Keep deflecting, we know you have no evidence. You just are asspained that you know your argument is equally one of feelings over facts.
Why is Soros still paying you NEETs to shill for the Hill? She lost, because the world found out about her crimes and scams and racism. Is r/esist down or something?
Hmmmm. How did she make hundreds of millions as a politician? Secretary of State doesn't pay that much. How was she earning that money?
>this meme that he only got a small loan of 1 million
Try a few dozen million you gullible child. What does it say about you that you can be duped by the equivalent of a used car salesman?
I have plenty of evidence that you are triggered.
Must be all those illegal things you can't prove.
Where's your evidence, or is this just another one of your accusations based on feels?
Right, looks like r/the_donald wins again! Look how btfo I am!