smell like shit
short midgets
small dick
ugly shit colored skin
shit on streets
ugly as fuck
talk funny in a high pitch voice
small bone structure
is there anything positive about curryniggers?
smell like shit
short midgets
small dick
ugly shit colored skin
shit on streets
ugly as fuck
talk funny in a high pitch voice
small bone structure
is there anything positive about curryniggers?
Other urls found in this thread:
Theyre not Swedes
Atleast they're not Swids
Don't reply to leafs, by the way. There was a thread about it, earlier.
Please do not give (you)s to leafs. Thank you.
street shitters detected
why is it that even though indians are caucasoids. they have penises smaller than chinese/japanese?
>whites a minority in the us by 2020
Where's the tape?
>swedes are fucking brainwashed
You're trying to joke about that, but you really think it. You'll be excluded along with leaves if you keep replying to them.
lol wat?
go take your autism pills
Ask me anything.
Do you dump your victims' bodies in the ganges river and surf on them? Because that would be really cool.
Used too, now many people do that so it's not fun in Ganga, Torne is a pretty nice river + just like Indians Swedes don't report me to the police.
What is the most difficult part about being an Indian Rapist?
About this kind of stuff.
Exposure to high levels of feces does things to people.
Indians have become one with the poo.
>tfw 50% currynigger, 50% cuck.
Why even live?
So they were following in your footsteps
Yikes. Guy looks like a teenaged Aziz Ansari. Does feces ever come into play during your rapes?
Please do not reply to leafs, thank you.
As a rapist, do you struggle with your morality?
Again, no (you)s for the leafs. They have to learn.
Then it wouldn't be rape, it'd be art
No such thing as morality.
I hope you are voting for trump
Jesus christ the fact that you can take all the memes and still come here is impressive
What's a good replacement for maple syrup?
How do I find out what country your flag is? Everyone only says leaf
Was it a man or woman?
No ones calling me pajeet or replying poo in the loo
Kinda feeling uncomfortable desu
Not even joking.
Yeah, they'll do tech jobs that some American dipshit would charge 50 dollars an hour for, for about 20 bucks a week.
We kinda drove you guys out with all that. I think we're trying to bring you back because we miss the buttmad
I'm using this from now on
Kek, because of all the memes.
I now see no Indian flag here since many days, many of them still may browse pol but will not post in the threads but I've been here shitposting, no matter how hard the conditions were/are or will be.
Your dedication is admirable. Don't let australia get to you
I'm here to stay, but soon India will become a rare flag.
Lol most curries are pretty cool.
Lol most curries I've met are pretty cool.
t. pajeet
What are you saying im here everyday
No loo user can make me leave
Just yesterday i blew a leaf off
Actually the buttmad indians were aussies using vpn
wow, they laughed at when Sweden became the dick sucking capital for shitskins but look at you now. You know more about us shitskins than us.