What should we do with graffers?
I think we should offer them the following choice : free with both hands cut, or 20 years in prison.
What should we do with graffers?
Why don't u just surrender, pussy
The city I live in has walls specifically designated for the activity and aside from shitty tags made with a Sharpie it keeps the place clean.
Let them paint dicks on OPs house
That's not how Western countries do shit, Ahmed.
What is a graffer?
So basically the city has to pay for useless walls to let a bunch of assholes vandalize them?
Sounds like you live in Europe.
Nice pic of Appropriation avenue,
Notice they aren't looking out for cops and spray painting in broad daylight
>free with both hands cut, or 20 years in prison.
Considering after 20 years in prison you are basically dead, it's literally what they do in muslim countries.
Nice try Muhammad
They're all privately owned.
a hundred years ago they would have.
What should we do with shitposters?
I think we should offer them the following choice: free with lifetime Sup Forums/2chan/etc ban, or 20 years without internet
We in Lithuania don't spend any money on legal graffiti walls. We just mark walls in underpasses and worthless industrial parts of town as legal. This way, there is less graffiti in nice places, and a little bit more in shotty places where it would still remain no matter what islamic punishments we would use
>believing muslims are the one who came up with harsh sentences
Do you have any idea of the kind of sentences thieves could face back in the 19th century in Europe?
The barbarisms of Europe's past far surpass contemporary Islam but we're talking about now and the things that occur in Saudi and many other muslim nations are unconscionable even by the far or even the extreme right in the West.
And that's the problem with the West.
There's only one way to deal with criminals : the tough way.
Hard labor is more useful than creating useless cripples that the state would have to monitor and care for.
Why does a colorful wall bother you? XD
Nigga Just Walk Away From The Wall Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I don't have an issue with them.
you'd have to go pretty far back to find that kind of stuff. more than 100 years
>people would have cut your hands of for doing graffiti in 1916
Oh sure lets cut their hands off and make them a burden on society, I just love wasting tax money on pointless shit.
graffiti "artist"
You offer them the death sentence, nothing else.
The hands, in prison they can continue their drawing shit and they it's art.
Requesting webm of a graffitier getting his balls, taint, and asshole sprayed
Graffiti is art, it's the tagging fuckbois you want
Be forced to swallow 2 cans of paint. Apart from the dog shit on the street, graffiti is the most annoying shit around. islam excluded.
You sneaky gypsy, you thought nobody would realize that for your kind drinking paint is actually a reward.
Shut up plumber. Go install more sewage in UK, my fellow citizens need to recycle as much metal as they can until both you and them are expelled
Idk OP's on some stupid shit, but you gotta have creative outlets for people and spray paint art can be pretty fucking cool. Some people try too hard to be full blown Nazi and it gets old.
>20 lashes publicly
>fine to cover damage
>if he can't pay more lashes
It will fix problem fast.
Cat o' nine tails, please
How is this still a thing ? that trend started in the 80s and died like 20 years ago.
It's the fucking white leftists and liberal arts faggots again, isn't it ?
Fine them for the cost of cleaning up their shit, if thy can't pay, put them in jail for a couple of years.