Get me out of this country.
Fuck Australia
we'd only be too happy to deport you back to the shithole from whence you came
I was born in Adelaide, dickhead. Just pay for my plane ticket and I'd fuck right off.
t. Bogans from rural Queensland
just save a couple of your centrelink payments and buy your damn flight then
t. Worthless NEET
Kek no one wants you in their country m8, Australia isn't the problem here
Cya poofter.
there's nowhere in the world better than Australia.
things could always be better, but we live in paradise compared to literally every other country.
I can tell by your demeanour though that you're a Melbourne cuck who wants more brown people
maybe Sweden would be good for you
That's the problem. If only I had prospects of finding employment in another country. I'm stuck in this shithole forever.
>there's nowhere in the world better than Australia.
New Zealand, for one.
> but we live in paradise compared to literally every other country.
Is your definition of living in a paradise to live in an overpriced desert with Africa-tier infrastructure?
>I can tell by your demeanour though that you're a Melbourne cuck
I can tell by your demeanour that you're a meth-addicted bogan who is too retarded to even read two posts into this thread.
Fuck off to canada , I hope you like paki cock.
>just pay for my plane ticket
>also find me a job
>boo hooz
and yet somehow you sound exactly like a typical melbournian
move to NZ if you want.
>New Zealand, for one.
Hmm that is why the majority of Kiwis flock here?
>overpriced desert with Africa-tier infrastructure
You don't even have a job I'm not even sure you're 18 also Aussies are well payed you could get a job at Woolworths or Coles and live decently.
Go to Canada and avoid Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. You'll be fine.
I work part time in retail, but that's not sustainable if I want to move overseas.
>Hmm that is why the majority of Kiwis flock here?
t. 2005
More are moving back now, since the economy is picking up there while it's stagnating here.
What's the job market like in Alberta?
fuck buying you a plane ticket, we should simply remove that basket case of a state from the federation
national debt sorted in a year after that welfare burden is gone
Great. However, the climate is your biggest challenge. Recently, Fort McMurray had the largest wildfires ever since and right now they are experiencing flash floods.
>That's the problem
You're the problem, you have no one else to blame but yourself. Take responsibility for your life instead of blaming everything else
>Wanting to remove the only non convict state from federation
Kek, enjoy having Brazil tier crime rates when we leave. Whatever, at least I won't be living in the Commonwealth of Australia anymore, I guess.
>More are moving back now, since the economy is picking up there while it's stagnating here.
Yeah I heard there is a mass shortage of retail workers there
work, you lazy cunt
Get out of my city you self hating cuck
Thanks for proving my point, dickhead. No point moving if I can't a proper job there.
Read the thread you lazy cunt.
>enjoy having Brazil tier crime rates when we leave
been there, done that
t. melbourne
Did you see a huntsman spider or something?
t. Elizabeth
What's there to like about Adelaide?
Quick question what does this have to do with politics?
Part of the reason why I don't like it here is because of our shit tier politics.
Are you white ?
We Queenslanders are itching for a fight with you Victorian scum. Succession when?!
Move to a conservative state then.
You can crash on my couch.
such a fucking whinger.
droves of immigrants can find work overseas, but for some unique reason you're the only person who it would be impossible for.
You're pathetic.
the only first world country in the southern hemisphere (fuck off nz you are basically us)
>Low crime
>Nice people
>Good wine regions
>Easy asian students
You're looking in all the wrong places, what exactly do you think is going to be better in a different country?
Muh heritage Irish and Hungarian.
I'm not from Victoria. Banana Benders confirmed for illiterate, but we already knew that.
Our "conservatives" here are Ted Cruz style Evangelical crybabies. They're just as insufferable as the leftists.
>New Zealand
NZ is nice if you are super rich and can buy a penthouse-cabin overlooking Queenstown/Coromandel. It sucks for everyone else.
It's similar to aus but there are a lot of little things that add up to it's overall inferiority. Like for example: They have no tropical climate and get half of their fruit from overseas which means it's all tasteless mush by the time it hits shelves. Even their environment is subpar, the entire country has been stripped clean of its old-growth forests- meanwhilte Tasmania is still 60%+ old growth forest (an extremely rare and vaulable asset that most shitposters have no idea about).
Also New Zealanders have changed. They sold their soul for some bullshit pseudo-european, french hat wearing faggotry that would make even Melbourne cringe. And they hate australians, i suspect due to socio-economic resentment.
>Succession when?!
I'm with you, though.
So much truth in these posts.
I'm sorry you have to suffer in that spider infested desert shithole.
Not a bogan lmao
It's just a nice place to live. If you don't like it, just leave.
You must really be retarded if you can't figure out a way to leave. The possibilities are endless.
You could move in Canadian Prairies. Life is comfy.
Andrew Bolt, Cory bernardi Both from South Aus Conservative stronghold m8
Fuck this poofta I need an iced coffee farmers of course.
nah m8, WA wants to leave first
literal melbourne tier numale cuck
>Not being American
Your missing out on a lot lads.
Farmers union.
>Muh heritage Irish and Hungarian.
Come to America and find yourself a qt to have white babies with.
>a stones throw from great beaches, world-class winery regions, camping spots in God's own country just a short drive out of the city
wtf I hate Adelaide now
Looking to gey out of here too desu. Cept i'm not being such a whiney bitch about it.
Just go you fucking faggot. Canada is like a giant Adelaids anyway.
Fuck m8 this is the most genuine map of Austrlia i've ever seen
You could kill yourself.
I'm both :^ )
fucking straya is glorious
Where are you moving to?
You can be the shitpost king.
You get the self hating bants and the smug sense of superiority!
were full
Join me in the Canadian Prairies m80s
Of shit maybe.
Why not? You're worthless here, you will be worthless there. But you'll their problem.
hue hue hue
fukn nigger
Back to Scotland. Came out here on a job five years back. It was feisable so long as the LAFA remained in place.
Now that they've gotten rid of that It's been difficult finacially to remain here.
fuckin maori trash
I want to hang traitors as much as the rest of you, but I will say that our accents are trash.
It's very hard to not sound whiny or unintelligent.
We fucking love the desert. It keeps our population down and brings in truck loads of cash.
Unlike in your country where they do this to prestine forest, polluting major water systems and poisoning entire communities.
Fucking bogan. Go jack off to some commodor junk heap.
>brings in truck loads of cash.
You can sell snakes and dingos?
Dont you dare take the VN's name in vain
woH dude uncalled for
I'm a britbong immigrant and I can tell you that this country is better than every other civilised one.
Stop whining like a fucking soft pooftah cunt and better yourself.
This is capitalism m8, become a better man and achieve that Australian dream.
I assume Kangaroo Islanders are non-Australian from this map?
> Christian Conservative's
> Insufferable
16 yo Poofta greens voter detected don't let me catch you on the gawler line cunt.
>Kangaroo Island
What do you think lives there mate?
Isn't Adelaide like Oz was in about 1980? Sounds like heaven. Get a spine faggot. Just go and work at maccas or something to get a bit of self worth going then move on.
Bernardi is based you fucking idiot
Yep. That and yellowcake.
Alright brah we'll go down to the beach and I'll throw you into the ocean
Look. All the aussies are here.
It's like comiccon of shitposting.
More like
>Pic Realted
ya' fuckin mongrel
You make cake out of dirt or....
OP sad his degree is fucking worthless, can't get a job and realised he will be renting for the rest of his life. Worthless.
Yep, then they put it in nuclear reactors.
I'm a worthless piece of shit who hasn't had a permanent job in 10 years, I've never been on the dole, only work around 6 months a year. Australia is great.
>NZ is nice if you are super rich and can buy a penthouse-cabin overlooking Queenstown
>>the entire country has been stripped clean of its old-growth forests
>>And they hate australians
That's because 90% of you are insufferable cunts. You make the poms look tolerable.
Comes into aussie thread expecting what?
>Le joke
It's on you now ya mong.
I feel like I walk into a rowdy bar whenever I read a thread mostly containing posts by Australians.