Jamie Pull That Up Edition
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lynch is a hack
What the FUCK was his fucking problem?
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We are not gonna talk about Ike. We're gonna leave the Spike out of this.
Someone do a webm of the midget murder already
Need webm's of the midget and truck scenes.
>leave Dougie to me
What did he mean by this?
a y u d a m e
The only thing I am starting hate about the show is the hipster shit bands at the end. Just stop.
Inb4 lynched
No that isn't being lynched...thats just fucking 23 year old white boy hipster bullshit you listen to while drinking a chai latte.
Can you guys post some screens from the new episode to post in future OP's
Post your face when Diane
Fuck lynch what lazy fucking film making i cant believe you chucklefucks gobble this shit up weeks after weeks like it's you gramonboba life source or whatever the fuck
Season 1 was nothing like this it was cool and mysterious, theres no subtleness, now it hits you in your face like that scene with the midget like wtf lynch lol you stupid fuck we get it you hate micheal j anderson because he knows you raped your daughter and now so do I, so well done you HACK
>no one talks about the episode
>just LYNCHED spam and memes
ebin thread
just a video for now
>hawk found the missing pages of the diary
Don't really remember FWWM that well, can someone explain to me why are those pages important?
Is the Horne kid just a drug-addled asshole or is he being manipulated by a lodge entity? Is that why the kid he hit was seen ascending into the wire by Carl?
>the lynchings never end
It was too much lynching to handle, we're still recovering from the midget and truck scenes.
get fucked
Nobody Talking about the Winkies guy getting that page with a black circle, isn't that Jeffries thing on Argentina? and isn't him the Billionaire?
Was there any significance to make saying "don't die" in this ep? Coop wasn't it any danger.
they explain the black lodge and the existance of dopplegangers
I guess after that midget scene we know what Lynch was arguing with the Showtime guys about that made him walk out of that meeting in 2015
They are the pages that talk about how Dale is trapped in the lodge. The only problem is he's not in the lodge anymore so I don't know how that will help.
has anybody got a mega link? i want to save some screenshots
This show IS pain and sorrow.
Laura had a vision of Annie telling her to write that Cooper was stuck in the Lodge in her diary.
Maybe she wrote what Annie told her to write in her diary
Annie visited Laura in her bedroom and told her that she's in the Lodge with the good Cooper and to write it down in her diary.
Is it me or did they mention Linda in this episode?
hahahah same
Because a supercharged midget is coming to stab his guts out.
not this time but he is on the midget's hit list
This, write in your diary
For those saying the pages were office papers.
They're definitely not lined. It's hard to tell with the lighting, but they do appear to be closer to white than yellow.
Post yfw psycho manlet brutally stabs Sonny Jim and Naomi Watts to death on screen, but Dougie is saved by some morbidly humorous stroke of luck
>omg lol le kino XD
But he will be when the midget goes after him.
Yeah the guys name was ricky
Short for richard maybe?
They did .
where is the torrent ffs
Hawk might call the FBI about it, they'll tell him they found Cooper, and he can tell them it's not the real Cooper.
Joe Rogan is after Coop
Start reading my book
Thick Devil Handy
>Jade give two rides
>I BET she did!
Hardest I've laughed in a while.
the edgy cokehead is richard horne
>David, we need to cut the midget murder scene from this script
>You cut that scene and I walk
did charlie sheen learn how to do magic from the black lodge?
>not even any sex scenes
BOOOORING boring show for virgins lol guess thats why you all like it
They don't look like they were torn out
wtf no her name is miriam, shelley fucking said her name
Linda was the wife of the guy who rode with Harry Dean Stanton, I think.
piss stained evidence!
>Verified. T. P.
I meant the fat neckbeard, carl calls him ricky
Richard and Linda
Two birds with one stone
Are they gonna die?
>Leave Dougie to me senpai
He's like Charlie Sheen but without the AIDS.
I fucking loved this scene for some reason. Is Emilio Estevez the grandson from the Lodge all grown up? He was the only other 'magician' in the series.
>mfw this episode
post more screencaps/webm of Manlet Rogan
>the black guy in the back barely containing his laughter
Mentioned but not seen. Linda is the wife of the guy who rode with Karl. She's in a wheelchair.
David Keith Lynch is an anagram of "The Vinyl Hick Dad."
This is really painful having to wait a week for 50 minutes. They spoiled us in the beginning with 4 episodes I can't stand this now. I might just kill myself so the pain and sorrow can go away.
You ever study your hand, /tpg/?
okay,thank you anons. and why were those pages missing from the diary?
I think i will rewatch the film again tomorrow...
What was the point of this guys scene in this episode? It was literally just him looking at a thinkpad screen that we couldn't see.
This guy and his entourage are entertaining as fuck. I liked those sick DBZ moves he was busting out.
>barely containing
Do you really think it's not intentional?
The two pages Bushnell are looking at can be seen here:
Product placement. Lynch hates product placement but I bet he had no choice.
It was to remind you that he will take any role.
where did he ever imply that?
>Imp Diesel stabs fat woman to death
>ice pick bends
I laughed out loud
Someone was going through her diary, presumably Leland/Bob. They ripped them out because it makes reference to the Lodge. Don't know how they would end up in the door of a bathroom stall at the police station though.
Oh whoops lynch made me fall asleep and miss all the episode
>Oh, no
Imagine Charlie Sheen and Wally Brando together in one room?
10/10 kino
I bet five bucks that Dicky Horne is going to be only important character that is okay at the end of the show, I feel like building up all that hate for him and him getting karmic punishment would be something Lynch wouldn't do.
he's working for a mysterious entity who flashes a red box on his laptop screen as a code to send out hits to ike the spike
Also "Daily Kvetch Hind"
my opiatesfu