You guys realize we are going to have to fight the germans again, right?

You guys realize we are going to have to fight the germans again, right?

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Yeah, right.

also "we" new zealand kek


You misspelled muslim hordes.

You will probably never see a real German in your life and you will definitely not fight one.

Yes, the new "germans".

Those are synonymous now

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Make up your minds.

spain gets it

Russia will get it

as for you filthy krauts, NZ had the highest casualty rate in the commonwealth.

Cos we love killing Nazis.

i think that this time we'll all be on the same side. Ger, US, Brit, France vs radical (read: "devote") muslims in Europe.

Germans or tanned Germans?

exactly. Not long now till they blame the USA and zeee joooooos for all their self inflicted problems.


>new zealound

keek. maori are fat fucks they will curl into a perfect sphere and roll into a hole when the battle begin

28th battalion wrecked krauts hard. Maoris don't believe in this surrender shit. You put your hands up, you are gonna get scalped

but we already won

>zeee joooooos

Pack it up, it's a shill thread.

its all falling apart around you.

> but mein friends, it was zeeee joooooooooos!!!

Same old shit. You are a worthless race worthy only of genocide

Yeah this is ridiculous. The eternal Kraut strikes again.

>EU set up in 1950s to contain Germany because Europe had just suffered 2 bloodbaths at the hands of the germans
>Germany fucking at it again by taking over the EU and flooding the continent with barbarians

I think you mean we have to fight the turks, since that's what Germany has become. Turkey 2.0 meets millions of muslim refugees from all the shittiest countriest. I can't wait for the war in 20 years. Oh right, I'll be almost 50 by then so I guess I don't even have to fight them. Good luck for the next generation though..

there is no way Germany can hold on for 20 years without invading someone for slaves and resources. Try 2 years.

Define German.

>EU set up in 1950s to contain Germany

Maybe you shouldn't have done that.

austrocuck clearly begging for genocide too. It can be arranged

You are way too fucking pessimistic. The amount of niggers in Germany is not even 10% yet. Even South Africa manages to somehow stay floating when 10% of them are white.

Trust me when I say i'll take AT LEAST 20 years for Germany to fall.

Fuck that.
I'm with Hans this time.
We're gonna need all hands on deck, long cloud

>the country overflowing with Maoris talking about genocide


>NZ had the highest casualty rate in the commonwealth
Because you're terrible at killing Nazis


Go and fight them, who's stopping you?
The problem with your suggestion is the "we" I will not fight Aryan blood.

Is this real?

give it a few generations there will be no more aryan blood left, just like america is turning into nigger territory.

>Germans are too nationalist and full of their countries pride to the point of destroying everyone around them
>We fight them to bring about "equality" and peace

>Germans are too diverse and obsessed with equality to the point of destroying everyone around them
>We fight them to bring about nationalism and peace

For fucks sake Germany, can you stop being so contrarian. Get with the times.

Poor kiwis couldn't even build a tank

kek, what a fag

Says the country that fought Germans in 1944. 6 fucking years after the war started. Before that none of your soldiers fought a single German.

Russia faced them all.

What other option did France have? Originally it was to be a union between France and Germany to try and ensure no more fighting, as France had taken the brunt of Germany's aggressiveness and expansionism.

German leaders and the population of Germany have some kind of neurosis, where they feel compelled to mess up the continent.

Seriously when world war 3 happens it will be the war to end all wars, because Germany will not be left.

not true, the us started to fight the germans in may 1942, at african front. and they entered the war in december 1941.

if you don't fight, you don't have casualties.

Thanks for joining in 1942, faggots. Pussies.

Oh yes you will. Might need a false flag, but you're going to do it.

If we go to war with Germany I'm going rogue and taking out Trudeau. Same for US and Russia.

Yeah, because You don't know what aryan blood is.

its what happens when white people ficki ficki their cousins, brothers and sisters for hundreds of years

>implying I will fight for the Jews
>implying anyone on this board will ever make the mistake of killing our friends again
This would be the Jew's final error.
The one that ignites the oven.

It's planned for 2025. The burka is actually a bullet proof vest.

You're right, the thing is you won't need to kill any whites to finish them off, multiculturalism,liberalism and democracy will do that on its own.

keep dreaming faggot.

Sup Forums is a stormnigger containment board

german-germans or goat-fucking-kebab-"germans"? I'll gladly slaughter the latter.

>tfw you will join the reconquista of germany in 10 years

I hate NZ. Clay belongs to Australia.

Again, if you really want to, take a flight today. Don't be cowardly, don't hide behind other people. Take the first step, user.

Or is what you really mean: I want to goat other people into fighting Germans, hide behind them, hoping to declare myself victor afterwards?

Too much Chinese investment here for that to ever happen stormnigger. And they are still pretty salty about the whole Japanese reich

> Germany

It was still the French who declared war on us

I'm just telling you what is going to happen.

I don't need to goad anyone. Its just like watching a large rock fall onto a bunch of german tourists. Its not like you need to "goad" gravity. It just does its thing.

Good goy.

Kill the whites and ignore the kikes whove rotted the minds of the West/destablized the middle East via their Lapdog America

that's my kraut

You dindu nuffin

You didn't answer the question of what's stopping you now. My suspicion is, you need a skirt to hide behind. Come on over, I dare you to.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is the extent of NZ bravery, topkek.

>You are a worthless race worthy only of genocide

If you said that to my face, I'd punch you out your clothes like in one of those Asterix comics. It would look as if there was an invisible man still standing there, faggot.

So why are you even making a thread about it. Just lay back and watch it unfurl if you are so sure about it. Faggot.

there are plenty of young pacific islanders and maoris in this country that would love nothing more than to smash the faces of white supremacists in. I'm gonna leave it to the pros.

>tfw all the German qt's will be replace with mudslimes by 2025

Turks & Syrians & Iranians will defend us.

>leave it to the pros
>no army

come at us you auistic version of an aussie cuck


I'll write to you in prison Hans.

South auckland nigger detected

I mean, Poland will surely fight Germany.

They will sooner or later call for the western Poland, the question is; Who is going to side with us.

Blame the french, if they weren't so salty about Germany nothing of this would have happened

Why should we do that? There are no resources left and no Germany there to free. It would be just a large pile of average farm land and empty homes.Not worth the effort and backslash

>fucking new zealand

Tbh it's where Germany came from, it's common knowledge that there is no Germany left there, but they might call back to "muh ancestry"

Just shut up idiot

Same thing

Meh. The people with the nukes insist it is called Poland now and I was born too late to do much about the Königsberg Giveaway. Let them have it; whatsoever grows up over there eventually comes crawling here for work, that's probably a good setup for starting Germany again once the nukes drop.

I blame anti-nationalism AND anti-NATALISM propaganda. It has gone too far.

No you won't. Liberals, trannies, pussies, numales, etc don't know how to fight and don't want to fight. The real men will defect away from this nanny cuck state the first chance given to them.

So Battlefield 1 is actually about near future?

Fuck you my grandfather served with that guy.

Please stop New Zealand you're only making it harder for the Australians who are trying to convince the world that you're not 2 steps away from becoming Canada 2.0.

>I'd punch you out your clothes like in one of those Asterix comics

If you are so fucking mucho, brüderhertz, then rise up and get rid of the scum that has taken your country, starting with Frau Ferkel.

Until you pull yourself together and stop bowing to PCs and all the rest of those assholes, Germany is Gerabia.

Just 2 days ago, when 40k something turks took to your streets to worship Ermoron, it was disgusting to watch how incompetent your police were. You should have identified those who proudly claim that their leader is Erdogan in Germany and deport their ass back to their beloved 'sultan'.

No one is respecting Germany anymore cz you are everyone's bitch. Man up!

Good luck New Zealand let me know how it goes.

Germany has ruined yurop


They're gonna be turks and shitskins.


First of all I'm a nationalist, 1488 and all and I'm not shilling.

But as a 125 iq retard I believe there's a slight risk that Trump and the followers(including me) could be too hot headed for Europes sake and that it could end very bad for Europe.

I'm afraid it might turn into "If you Europeans want a future, get to the US" while europes trade routes gets decimated by military and even worse, kebabtowns gets nuked.
Now this works long term to remove Kebab but we need to abolish communism and get rid of Jewish lies.
This takes time and counterfacism and white pride is the least messy way to solve it.

I'm afraid Trumps America might escalate MAGA too fast and let the European Jews get a chance to fight or be destroyed, rather than be forgotten cause America just prospered slowly.
Don't get me wrong Shillary is white genocide tier but I feel trump might get ahead of himsel in regards to Europe and risk messing it up cause it was not ready for the fast shift as im effective Trump patriotism intervention.

Is this rational? I believe Trump is 100% good for the US, but might be 60% risk of being in a bad timing/too much intensity for feminised EU.

Another point is the level of based might mess up Asia due to "LET'S GO FOLKS, ALL INDUSTRIES HOME, NOW!", though I can only see this as good long term for the Asian people, unless jewish influenve shifts hard there which is a possibilty seeing Candy Crush asia etc.

Funny how history history come full circle. WW 3 will happen in 20 years and we will have to fight Germany. But, instead of Germany fighting to preserve the White race they will be fighting to preserve the brown race

I don't think so. Germany has been permanently crippled. The balance of power in Europe is basically non-existent. USA dictates the commanding heights of the foreign policy of all relevant European countries.

No. You won't.

You will fight a long side us, as we kill the multicultural garbage that is plaguing this land.

Believe it or not, most Germans outside of the shithole cities are against the refugee crisis.

But when you come here, we will help you get to Berlin and hang that traitorous Merkel for the pig she is.

Germany is not the Wests enemy. Mudshits and Liberals are.

Can't wait lads.

>overflowing with maori
they are a declining minority

>Germany permanently crippled


Any ideas about this? Trump is still a god send but I'm a bit worried he might sacrifice Europe to save America instead of leading us over here on slowly.

>NZ had the highest casualty rate in the commonwealth
probably because you were the queen's cannon fodder?

That one in the middle has a really fucking creepy face.

He looks like an ayy lmao.

were they oven mates?

the good guys lost a long time ago user, there is no positive future for europe in a long time.

this is an internal power struggle between americans and globalists, europe doesnt come into the picture besides being property to fight over

Yeah it seems that way.
Our newborn and young might get very red pilled hopefully.


good...i lust for ayran blood!