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isnt this objectively a bad movie, par for DC films?
why are people watching it
because women long wanted a movie that would provide them with a role model. it was a hard thing to accomplish due to patriarchy's immense influence on culture, but I'm glad that wonder woman's success demonstrates the power of female audiences worldwide
No, it's actually decent. Which usually happens when you don't have Snyder behind the wheel.
The movie was his dream project, though.
Then why didn't he direct it?
It's a good movie, better than 90% of capeshit. Saw it with my daughter and she wanted to see it again, so I've seen it twice.
He directed some scenes.
It's actually good, this coming from a guy who thought all the prior DCEU films have been shit. I expected this one to be shit, saw the good reviews and it didn't change my expectation. But at the end of the movie I had to admit, it was a decent flick. Perhaps there is hope for the DCEU abortion, yet.
Because he was put by WB on the helm of their project aka JL.
Snyder would have been happy directing Supermang movies but they really, really wanted a JL movie to bring in as much cast as they could.
He was busy reshooting Suicide Squad
Its pretty enjoyable 'objectively'
>living life assblasted about things that don't matter at all
Its a good movie. I'd rank it equal or higher than Ironman 1. Shame that Gal's acting is so fucking bad but at least Pine carried the movie
Sup Forums literally BTFO again!
She stood there and looked hot that's all that matters.
>watching WW
>get a boner with young Diana
>still have a chub with teenage Diana
>lose it when Gal Gadot appears
this fucking board ruined me. fuck this shit ;_;
everything about movies is as fake as the plots
how much they cost
how much they make
how much actors get paid
how long it takes to make them
its all lies
yeah. I had this Gal Gadot impression that she was ugly since I've been on this board for so long but she really looked stunningly beautiful in the movie. made me want to defend Israel and kill all mudslimes after that
there where no "action zoom" shots, maybe that's the secret.
How does Sup Forums consistently manage to be wrong every time?
lets not fool ourselves into thinking your wife's daughter is your own, now
This board is fake too. The posts are lies. Sup Forums on the whole is a big lie. Humans do not post here. It's just you and a bunch of marketing bots.
So... am I supposed to love this movie because it BTFOs Marvelcucks or hate it because it stars a filthy Jewess?
I have always argued this was his best role. Backup director, B roll director, director of photography, shit along these lines. He is not a visionary. He's a man with a decent sense for cinematography.
>force awakens makes 2 billion dollars with a female lead
>a few write ups and stories about the amount
>some run of the mill capeshit film with a female lead makes 400 million
my brain hurts
If it wasn't for Snyder, though, this movie wouldn't take place in WW1 nor have Steve Trevor in it.
Ignore femishits. This movie was successful because the actors were good and the story was good. Had nothing to do with a couple females being in it... that's divide and conquer Jew bullshit.
Anyway, Star Wars would have sold tickets no matter what. Could have had a Down's Syndrome kid stand in for the main character and it still would have grossed over a billion.
>This movie was successful because the actors were good and the story was good.
Nice try Schlomo, but movie story wasn't good, and most of the actors were maruto-tier
Here's your (You), spend it wisely.
I guess you're right. I didn't think of star wars that way, but to me capeshit films are basically the same kind of guarantee . It will sell gangbusters no matter the quality of the film I.E suicide squad.
i guess they needed a new vehicle for their political ideologies after ghostbusters flopped and sunk that whole "ghostbusters franchise" nonsense.
It sucked balls you feminist. I pirated a copy and wanted to hurl after 5 minutes.
>actors were good and the story was good
Saw it today, I thought it was a solid 7 and much better than any recent capeshit that came out.
GotG 2 was better than this shit by a mile, lets not fool ourselves.
Still, Logan is and will be the best capeshit that come out this year.
Seek help guy.
All three are shit. Grow up.
Gotg2 came out last year so it's not really relevant right now.
If it was made by Snyder, it would've gotten shit reviews, people wouldn't have liked it and it would've underperformed like everything he did except 300 and Dawn of the Dead.
>Because he was put by WB on the helm of their project aka JL.
And then replaced by Whedon.
shutup dipshit
isnt this less than half of bvs? hows that good?
> May 5, 2017
> last year
>2weeks to just barely get your money back
It's doing ok just barely
Much lower budget, much lower expectations because WW is not nearly as big as Batman and Superman.
>a movie about a jew killing Germans and white men sacrificing themselves for Jews grossed 400 million
What did jew mean by this?
>hurrr every movie needs to make 1 billion+ to be a success
Back to r/movies for you
t.cucked faggot who assumes its all women going to see it.
Wonder Woman has been in comics since forever. She's been a sex symbol for young boys since forever.
Why didnt women and sjw's care when movies like Underworld and Resident Evil came out?
this is nothing but propaganda being pushed by the media
muh woman director (Patty is good at her job, though)
muh iconic character
>Why didnt women and sjw's care when movies like Underworld and Resident Evil came out?
Because "muh sexualisation"
because those movies are garbage
Do you feel in charge?
isnt there crotch shots in Wonder Woman? plus she's running around in skimpy clothing.
>right now when Hezbollah starts recieving persian weapon and soldiers again
So women empowerment roles only count when the movie is good? I see.
So what?
>had to be rescued from a bunch of goat farmers in syria by the russians
muh sexualisation
She is CGI'd like 60% of time, and all crotch shots are from actions scenes where she is basically CGI'dd the whole time.
> Brianna Wu
aka a literal retard.
user it's not nice to lie. Don't you mean your wife's daughter?
Citation needed.
>bunch of goat farmers
>pretending that SUnni are minority on Middle East
>by the russians
What's wrong? ISIS and Nusra protected by US and Israel ground forces.
why the fuck did they make the germans out to be nazi tier evil monsters in this movie? let's leave ww2 and whether hitler was "all that bad" because i don't want to start a Sup Forums vs. sjw's vs. jews and whoever else chimes in argument for no reason. but from my understanding of history, germans in ww1 were no worse then anyone else, no? Except they were on the losing side and got btfo after the war too, which actually lead directly to hitler.
anyway, the cartoonish way they portrayed the germans as the most evil people on earth made me keep questioning, "wait, is this ww1 or ww2?" even though they referred to it as the great war etc and the uniforms, anyway it's supposed to be ww1. yet still nazi's. the fuck? anyone?
How it's sexualisation if it's asexual-unattractive?
Gotta say I'm surprised. I thought Gadot was an awful choice to play Wonder Woman
Its by far the worst piece of shit I have ever seen.
Somebody needs to go Elliot Rodgers on DShit
YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!
You may think that Gal Gadot running around in skimpy clothing is unattractive, but others will beg to differ.
But they didnt. Besides from the general the Germans wanted peace, and it showed that the war was shitty for everyone else. Didnr you get the final scene where the Germans are hugging the indian and the poo after Ares is killed?
Same. Started looking for cunny pics.
>being this butthurt that drunken slavs had tor rescue your favorite sand nigger
This is actually a pretty decent movie, anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong
It's average capeshit BUT Gal Gadot a cute.
I guess we didn't watch the same movie then mate. the germans, to me, might as well have been nazi's because that's how they were portrayed. also ares was killed, of course everyone was going to hug it out, that's literally the whole fucking point of the movie.
thanks, goy
Kek. I feel bad for you. You've got too much Sup Forums in you.
How old are you? If you're around the teenage age range thats totally normal (sort of)
Consider suicide if you're over the age of 20 though
The kikes will always try to embed muh evil nazi's into your brain any chance they get.
>said the reddit fag
For one of the DC Trinity, if it doesn't break 1billion with the current popularity of capeshit, it should be considered a flop.
>>being this butthurt
I'am fucking proud, bbecause I'am
>drunken slav
if it had a downy as the lead it would have made more than with daisy. I would have seen it ten times
I think my favorite part of this movie was that it supported feminism, but not in the gay way. Like I remember multiple times in the movie where she specifically said men are just as good as girls.
Inb4 all feminism is gay
If you honestly think classical feminism (as opposed to modern gay feminism) is stupid, then you need to suicide.
>For the record, the Gal Gadot vehicle, directed by Patty Jenkins, has already surpassed every DC Comics movie that isn’t a Chris Nolan Dark Knight sequel or the last three DCEU movies.
lol. So it basically means nothing currently
slavs are subhuman
I haven't stepped into a kinoplex in about two years. "Who's paying to watch this shit?" is the question that haunts the dark corners of my every waking second.
It supported the 'true' form of feminism, equality, instead of one being better than the other, or wanting the other side hobbled down to thier level.
Also it was refreshing and very satisfying to see Gadot trigger so many people on twitter and the internet in general with it.
It was a decent movie that had serviceable plot, characters, a clearly define with an interesting setting. The editing was good, the pacing was as well and it didn't leave you confused as to what was going on. It turned to a CGI shitfest at the end though like all capeshit movies do nowadays. It wasn't a mess of a production like with BvS and Suicide Squad.
This movie is successful because its the least like a DC movie out of the bunch. I'd dare to say if you put a Marvel Logo at the start of this movie people wouldn't bat an eye to it.
Marlets and mouse btfo
It's tonally all over the place, the cgi is very bad at certain points, and Gal Gadot is a shit actress. The end battle is disappointing, which was shitty because most of the action scenes are decent. It's a 6.5 or 7/10. Forgettable summer shit.
It's better than anything the mouse shits out of its ass
it's very mediocre
>westcuck jew-lover calling someone subhuman
objectively it is one of the best super hero movies. the only slight is shitty looking CGI.
"Disney shill" here
Good finally DC will fix their universe lets just hope wonderwoman isnt the only good film to come out of it Dont fuck it up.