My girlfriend bought this shirt for me
Is it okay for me to wear it in public?
My girlfriend bought this shirt for me
only in the jewish community
Just tell them that shirt is from Harry Potter.
>Deathly Hallows
>Harry Potter's scar
most people wont know what it is
lemmy would say yes anyways
Do it! Also record it, and see what happens. Bonus points for doing this in the hood. Make Sup Forums proud!
fucking kek, m8. i laughed
>Straya free-speech laws
I'm genuinely curious about this now.
Anyone care to enlighten a sleep-deprived burger?
>my girlfriend
whatever makes you sleep at night mate
sorry no niggers here, you wouldn't like it
We don't have any, if someone wanted to press the issue you could be charged.
>sorry no niggers here, you wouldn't like it
Das rite Queensland doesn't exist.
>no niggers
>except for out natives, who are literally worse than american negros
Who cares they're less than 2% of the population and the majority of them are mixed.
Besides if you think they're worse than basketball Americans I got some bad news for you. They stick to their containment "towns".
you don't deserve to wear it.
the fact that you have to ask this question tells me you don't go out in public. nigger, you're gonna get rekt by some rabid niggers, if not that then be prepared to defend your views.
>implying rabid niggers would even get the meaning of that shirt.
You give them too much credit.
Under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act it is unlawful for someone to "do an act that is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate someone because of their race or ethnicity."
Basically if you wear the shirt around your own house and you're fine. If you wear it in public and offend someone, you're fucked
>Be Australian
>Get fined for offending someone
>Still call ourselves the Lucky Country
I will wear it if you wont you fucking bitch
I have one of these, so.
No wonder you shitpost so mightily.
It must be the only outlet you have.
now, be 100% honest with me
have you ever worn that out of your house?
if you have a girlfriend, have you ever even worn it at all? Women typically dont want to marry a NeoNazi or edgy faggot who relies on Gud Boi Points
im sorry, are you telling me if you continue saying nigger i could report you to your authorities, who can then trace you back to your location via IP, and have you fucking arrested for shit posting?
>hand over the chromosomes, mother fucker
>have you ever worn that out of your house?
I have, yes. Admittedly not during summer, when it would be the only thing ok my torso; its always been underneath a jacket/coat/whatever.
>if you have a girlfriend, have you ever worn it at all?
My ex didn't exactly approve, but she was aware of the context.
It's a folk band.
You shouldn't risk.
>who are literally worse than american negros
Not even close, most abos are content living in the middle of nowhere, they only care about getting shitfaced. The ones that complain are 1/10th cunts that do it for attention.
They all live in rural areas, if you came on a holiday here you probably wouldn't see one and definitely not full blood one
Hi OP here
Bit off topic
This steak is a day past its use by date
Is it okay?
Yes, if you use it now.
Looks fine, m8.
It's not going grey at all. Still good to be cooked rare.
WTF i want a gf now
>Is it okay for me to wear it in public
If you want to get your head kicked in, then yes.
I have liberal normies RAGING at the rise of the right wing in Australia.
>we need to do this more
>the more they rage, the more they lose
Yes, most things are generally fine past the date.
Depends on whether or not you're a faggot m8.
Bikers wear this kind of shit in this country all the time and nobody says a goddamn thing to them, mostly because people are scared shitless of them, which I can appreciate. I personally went the "Columbine" route of wearing all black with boots and wearing inconspicuously large jackets like a trenchcoat when applicable. People literally will get out of your way and it feels bretty guud to be honest famalamadingdong.
>have you ever worn that out of your house?
I have same shirt and i wore it at the party organized by female 'friend' who is living in UK and helping rapefugees at the camps. She doesn't talk to me anymore.
If your girlfriend actually bought that for you then you need to marry that girl. She is the one.
That's fucking sick m8, is she full 14/88? Where'd she get this fine garment?
Hail Victory!
I doubt anyone outside history buffs and Jews even recognize the totenkopf
>wearing inconspicuously large jackets like a trenchcoat when applicable. People literally will get out of your way...
Because you look like you have AIDS.
Fine by me, frees up real estate on the sidewalk and lessens the chances of unwanted attention from bums and plebs of equal worth.
Does it smell like butter?
Think you might want to start saving for a ring buddy
if you wear it to a courthouse the gayboy swedish security guard cuck will go run off to tell the gayass autismal jewish courtroom clerk sjw manchild and then give him a blowjob and then they will try and fuck you over by only pretending to cross your name off but not actually doing it, watching you sit out there waiting to be called out, then the judge leaves to go home and they say "oh why didn't you come and get your name signed off enjoy your default judgement *giggle* " and then you will have to write a fucking letter to the fucking mayor to get a special order to have it fucking re-opened meanwhile no action will be taken against those gaylords.
tl;dr gas all male courtroom security guards and clerks
>gf bought me mein kampf for my birthday
>open it in front of her family
>we all burst out laughing
>it's a good life
Never be ashamed, user. I don't agree with everything the Nazis did. But the soldiers did their country proud.
Same here, death in June is great. The majority of people won't even recognize what it is anyways. Anyone who would get offended by it is a trigger warrior
Wearing a pro jew homo band's shirt
Do it.
Mate this country is fucked.
We are run by liberal elites that disregard the "common filth"
Fuck no
go ahead, jews are very reasonable and definitely not vindictive.
It hurts burger, it really hurts.
I have the strength of one thousand flaming shitposters lying dormant inside of me.
one hour of Sup Forums a day is my only outlet
Burger is right. M8 throw it in the bin.
wear it then make a thread in Sup Forums
find the most liberal place in there, i hope one of those snowflakes recognize it and the journey begins.. :)
Normalcucks don't have a fucking clue. If you told them it was from some videogame, they'd believe you.
Just say it is a hydra shirt or someshit if anyone questions you.
Did you ever try to order something from the NVU store? Thinking about getting a M34 Feldmutze.