What's this face trying to convey?
What's this face trying to convey?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to say something but sharia forbids it.
>I won't emotionally break down.
>I won't emotionally break down.
>I won't emotionally break down.
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post. Reading this removes all immunity.
"I am a huge faggot, please rape my face"
-Gold star mom
How badly will I get beaten tonight because Hillary made me remove my veil
Not how it works.
"In my home country they would stone me to death for showing this much hair."
Thank you psychic rottweiler
"Hopefully no one will realise I'm a Jew"
The delegates
>see post
>see dubs
To the rescue for my Mama!
Hope she don't find out I'm a Trumpfan. Oops.
"Stop all the downloadin"
Running out of time!
>"My religion teaches me that men and women are equal!" Jesus christ, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to say completely ignorant shit like this.
Better not she still owes me tendies
Not sure, but it makes me think.
>my feet hurt
>pepe irl
centuries of inbreeding
smug disapproval
These posts are getting annoying desu
Raise, niggrs.
Why do you do this?
Why did you post this?
No i love my mommy
"more lemon pledge"
Fuck you bitch
>Dahnald will never recover from this attack
They'll have to give me the delegates!
fuk u
isn't all of that in the bible too
She's thinking about the constitution.
Holding in a fart.
I need to stop reading this stuff.
pls no, mommy
fuck america
The delegates Donald
That is the face of an American patriot who lost her son in combat. Gold Star mother. Then her family gets shit upon by a Republican who "sacrificed" by fucking bimbos and ha ha business!
That is the woman who defeated Trump. History has been made.
I love me mum
What does gold star mean?
She looks like a toad in a blanket
ET has let himself go
Here's your (you), you monster.
That quality has gone down to drain with all those curse maymays from Sup Forums.
whoa man relax...
>history has been made
Genuinely can't wait for the civil unrest to begin post Hillary's election. Finally leftists will understand the reality of one side having all the guns and training.
The right wing and conservatives have been tolerating leftys this whole time. It might actually end soon
fak u
>What's this face trying to convey?
One day i will find you.
pepe stahp
Submission to Allah.
>I wish my son was still alive.
>I wish my son was still alive, and that I still had a neck.
>I wish my son was still alive, and that I still had a neck, and that I didn't have to wear this scarf on my head to make sure I wasn't stoned to death by the people of my faith.
Honestly? She's on stage and listening to her husband talk about their dead son. If you niggers had parents who actually loved you and wasn't sickened by the site of you, you could relate.
>I wish my husband wasn't using my son's death to move up the political ladder.
Cha cha cha
Her son died in a job that says you might die and if you do its ok because that's what you signed up for. kek give me a break these stupid ass cow worshipping niggers shouldn't be in our country atleast the Mexicans do wrok and the niggrs give us drugs but these indian fucks do nothing and they smell like the inside of warrios ass
That's the face of a bored, paid shill - not a grieving mother. Fucking useless Muslim pig.
an anal itch worth the weight of a thousand desert suns.
i dont wear normally a hijab, but my Husband drags me infront of Millions to convey propaganda to further his own carrier
"Fuck, why can't my husband just keep his head down? That's it, we're fucked, he's getting us deported."
All I can think about when I see that dumb broads face, is taking a shit
Not joking.