What a fag
Other urls found in this thread:
>libcuck got so triggered he's now making his own threads
For some reason that guy makes me sad.
That brick wall looks pretty tasty
It really is hilarious isn't it? These are the people that constantly kick and scream that Sup Forums needs mods but only when a Sup Forums thread comes up
Congrats, you've gotten to the point where you annoy people more than Sup Forums
>meme-ing IRL
inb4 the lock
Sup Forums threads aren't Sup Forums culture
Sup Forumsacks and Sup Forums type threads have been on this board long before you were on this board, site and even before they even became a board.
>assuming how long I've been on Sup Forums
you're showing how long you've been here based on your replies
the only people obsessed with who was here longer is petulant Sup Forums virgins
That was way before when threads died in 40 minutes
Now you are just embarrassing yourself.
Please stop.
I-IF i spam that enough i'll win the internet arguement
Don't worry just like last year and the year before
e3 will take all the Sup Forumseddit cancer home for a few days and Sup Forums will be nice and slow again for however long it is
>and even before they even became a board.
Did you forget /new/?
Sup Forums was nowhere near that level and is certainly not even close in its current form
E3 is on right now, it's Sup Forums that shit up this board, they're as fucking bad as SJWs
And people have been telling for you subhumans to fuck off back to your shithole since then
Now fuck off back to your shithole