Sup Forums hates Sup Forums now

>Sup Forums hates Sup Forums now

What went wrong? Couldn't stand the red pill?

Other urls found in this thread: polfags/image/RlrUT7QH1xqYTBUKRi_AhQ/


Sup Forums used to be an interesting place before Trumpanzees turned it into their circlejerk safespace and hounded out any opposition. The Sup Forums of old was a very different world. Not it's just a hugbox for the alt-righters.




Sup Forums is the new MLP. Can't contain their shit to their new board /bant/, have to spam their love of their memes everywhere, and just as loathsome. They don't even realize how obnoxious they are, just like their Brony friends.

>libcucks are still THIS triggered over the election

Why cant you just deal with it? Its been 6 fucking months. You lost.

Nice headcanon you got there

isn't against the entire point of that post?

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are great friends thread deleted
>kike posts this thread and it stays up

What did the mods mean by this?

No we don't
Every single person that's posted against them has proven to be someone that cross posts on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/ or Sup Forums

Not a single person actually from Sup Forums hates them

Sup Forums is too perpetually offended and turns literally every thread into "why this is white genocide"

It's fucking irritating.

Also their humor is rarely funny, and their memes rarely good polfags/image/RlrUT7QH1xqYTBUKRi_AhQ/

>Sup Forums used to be an interesting place before Trumpanzees turned it into their circlejerk
it was a circle jerk long before that

oy vey

>kikes desperately trying to convince Sup Forums to hate Sup Forums even though this medium has been ruined by greedy fucking kikes

Yeah nah fuck you

Funny how this was all fine for how many ever years its been since baneposting got big, but all of the sudden Sup Forums is the problem
>Sup Forums
>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>interracial porn
>movies women will never understand
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>Me on the left
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>is it kino?
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Watch it
>daily John Oliver life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue
>what's next for her career?
>*blocks your path*
>pic of white woman standing next to black man
>daily Amy Schumer life update
Anyone complaining about Sup Forums is only pretending to care about this boards quality

It's just kikes and marxists desperately begging everyone to hate Sup Forums even though Sup Forums has won over the youth.

Sup Forums is basically 99% 17 year olds

not sure why anyone would browse that cesspool willingly

>won over
*invaded by

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are sister boards don't let the redditors tell you different

Some examples of pretend threads that are fine with these pretenders unless it's Sup Forumsacks doing it
The post baneposting era redditors who have infected this board will call it board culture
yet will report the old board culture threads in break neck speed

It happened after Swaglord was cocky enough to write an article bragging about how Sup Forums stopped telling people to "go back to Sup Forums." Forums-isnt-buying-what-bill-nye-and-political-entertainers-are-selling/

Naturally, that just caused us to double down on it.

>Trumptards randomly bring up the election even though nobody's talking about it and yet they constantly accuse everyone else of bringing up the election


Whats the problem? He did the same thing he did back in 2013 to signal you meme parasites to come here but in a different way

>The post baneposting era redditors
Sup Forums?




No everything in here
The baneposters that played catch up once the raid happened, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, star wars leaks, fappening, etc

boards hate other boards when theyre in a creativity nadir, as Sup Forums is without happenings.


>The baneposters that played catch up once the raid happened, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, star wars leaks, fappening, etc
You could just say Sup Forums

I hope you're waifu gets blacked