
Final toughts about the wolverine "trilogy"?

Logan made me angry that the first two were ever made.

I'm kinda glad that its over, and that it ended on a semi-satisfying note.
I know they'll end up rebooting it sooner than we'll expect, but it feels good that its been wrapped up.

Each film was shit but the last one took itself too seriously so people think its kino


An absolute waste of hugh Jackman. X-Men lite movies instead of Wolverine movies.

Sucked just like all other capeshit movies, but at least the last one had a decent waifu and a bit of blood.

A thousand times this.

You have a character who's most recognizable attributes are being hard to kill and knife hands. A character whose body count rivals that of several third world dictators. A character who was added to the avengers specifically because he could stomach doing things the rest of them couldn't. Who was tapped to lead the black ops x men team and do all the shit the proper team couldn't be seen doing.

A solo Wolverine movie absolutely needs to be R rated. Fox was terrified that they wouldn't sell enough tickets until Deadpool came along and proved that people will still come out in droves for r rated capeshit.

When they reboot the character I will give my left nut to see a proper r rated action movie. He's essentially a cross between Bruce Lee and Jason Bourne/Bond. Give me a movie about him assassinating Hydra or Hand agents or something. Or give me him infiltrating a remote compound - put it in the jungle or some shit. Basically Predator, except the Predator is an angry Canadian Manlet and is the protagonist.

It sucks that wolvie isnt in the MCU. his team up with captain america would be amazing

>autism speaks

I didn't see them because I don't watch capeshit.

Why werent Wolverine Magneto and Professor X able to do anything about the "threat to their kind" between The Wolverine and Logan despite talking about it in grave terms in the formers post credit sequence?

I wanna make an edit of The Wolverine one day and have the movie end when Logan fights the one guy with the katana. Right before the ninjas, giant robot, and snake lady

They did. That was the plot of Days of Future Past.

They couldnt have. Did you even see Logan? Everything was fucked up for mutants.

The threat were the sentinel that fucked everything up in DoFP

It's such a bizarre trilogy when you think about it. Every movie has little to do the others, other than Wolverine nothing carries between each one, you have to watch X-Men movies in between them to fully understandwhat's going on, they all take place in different time periods, etc.
They absolutely do not stand alone as a trilogy at all. Right of the bat, the first one is packed with references to the X-Men because it's supposed to be a prequel explaining shit from 3 previous movies. Then the second one deals with the aftermath of those 3 movies and is set like 30 years later or something like that in Japan. Finally the last one is set about 15 years after that in another timeline where the previous 2 movies may or may not have happened in some shape or form and it heavily involves a character that barely had a cameo in the first one as some clunky CGI model. Why is he so important now?

It's two separate timelines, remember how DoFP ended with them having changed the future so everyone (like Jean and Scott) was alive and there were no Sentinals?

Well sometime after that happy ending, Transigen did their thing from Logan where they kill off mutant births. Then Xavier got dementia and started having murder-seizures.

They're two branching timelines, and regardless of what you do mutants are always fucked.

Logan was the best one (not that I'm saying anything shocking to anyone) and the only villain they could come up with was Wolverines mean clone. There's a lot of good to be said about that movie but damn was I disappointed.The X-men and Wolverine as a solo character have so many interesting villains and they've used what 2 of them, maybe three.

Name one.
>inb4 it's some comic book shit
lmao nerd

who would you have liked to seen?
omega red?

Started terrible, got decent, ended up good.


Or Alpha Flight
Or Daken, anythings better than a Wolverine an actual literal Wolverine clone. He could have easily tied in to the whole family concept of the movie. Brother versus sister.

Honest to god they could have made up some bullshit and had a control collar on a Wendigo and then it breaks loose and starts infecting the cloned kids turning them into mutant Wendigos. ... a fucking clone?

>Give me a movie about him assassinating Hydra or Hand agents or something.

Fox says noooooo

>implying hollywood could ever stick to the source material
>implying hollywood would ever try to make someone short seem intimidating

when's the last time this was done, watchmen?

all the cruise films, they disguise his height

>and your other threat to mutantkind

I don't think they're legally allowed to say yes. I'm pretty sure they don't own the rights to either of those organizations.

Marvel owns both, HYDRA is in Agents of SHEILD, and the Hand are the antagonists in the Netflix series

So unless Fox is willing to give back Wolverine to Marvel, the show you/they want will never be made

Should have been more like Logan. The latest flick makes the rest look so silly when you watch them back.

Pretty sure the ending of DOFP is another timeline where everything is dandy.

Logans timeline is X1 X2 X3 and The Wolverine.

Any other trilogies that follow this?
Start off terrible, become mediocre, end amazingly?

"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" is pure Trash
"The Wolverine" is better than the most reviews make it out to be, but fucked it up with a few dumb moments
"Logan" is by far the best comic book movie of all time, above Dark Knight, about Watchmen, above almost every other movie based on a comic book I've ever saw.