Why is everyone so pretentious and so quick to hate everything here

Why is everyone so pretentious and so quick to hate everything here
You can appreciate Lynch and shit while enjoying the MCU movies or whatever. You faggots need to learn the difference between objectively good movies and movies you personally enjoy.

Liking things > not liking things

Awn, lil' embryo thinks Lynch is high art. How cute!

>You can appreciate X and shit while enjoying the X movies or whatever
This is something someone who does not watch the former says as damage control to save face for being a plebeian.
This has been prove time after time for years

Post rare Lynches

Ok retards

Honestly OP this is half true and half not. Eventually you (or at least, I) only have so much patience for another generic, cliche flick that only does stuff you've seen dozens or hundreds of times before. It just gets boring after a while. I still watch a lot of them because I like to keep up with pop culture but it's not a great use of my time.

Now, I'm not saying it's right or wrong to like or dislike anything, but I hope that anybody who spends a lot of time watching movies occasionally challenges themselves with things they find inaccessible. If you care enough to make arguments about MCU, I hope you care enough to dabble in art films. The deeper you go, the more discoveries you make, and the more fulfillment you get out of the whole artform. And this sort of egalitarian idea you're promoting, that a person should be able to like everything, is something that can easily be confused as a defense for bad films and the people who only ever watch things that are comfortable and easy to understand.

lynch is barely a baby step above marvel
maybe you should get so ahead of yourself considering yourself to be some noble patrician when youre still pleb af

Don't take Sup Forums so seriously op, you faggot

Nah I totally agree, I mean I could sit here and say that I love MCU and nothing would be wrong, but the second you start comparing it to movies like lolita or seven samurai or what the fuck ever that you get a problem. But you look equally as gay when you have an elitist attitude is what I'm saying

The elitist attitude is just supposed to shame people into not being the enormous plebs that they are. These fucks dedicate more brainpower on fan theories and reconciling the plot holes of superhero flicks than academics spend on dissecting actual works of art.

It's actually fucking pathetic.

Shut the fuck up faggot

Does it really matter? In the end we're all just talking about something we saw on a screen while sitting still for 2 hours. Why not just let people watch what they want to watch?

>upset that people waste time talking about capeshit
>waste your own time to talk about how much you hate people talking about movies they like

Most superhero movies genuinely are shit though.

Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the screen to tell you that it is a screen, all knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove. Will you fight? Or will you parish like a dog?

>objectively good

Why is everyone bashing lynch, I thought he was pretty respected here

I jus wanna watch mooooovies

>I thought he was pretty respected here
This isn't r/movies

It doesn't matter really but I'm an evangelizer. I think that there's a way to look at art that leads to some sort of fulfillment, and that none of these posters are going to find it unless they challenge themselves. And I think that I would still be stuck in the mire of arguing the merits and weaknesses of the latest transformers movie if I hadn't had anons calling me a pleb and recommending good films.

There is no objective "good" or "bad" film. Both entertainment and art are highly subjective by their very natures.

If a movie entertains you, it has done the bare minimum by providing that entertainment. If a movie goes beyond that and speaks to you on a more cerebral or visceral level, you consider it art. But again, that remains subjective. Labeling something as "shit" only reveals your own narcissism, as it assumes your proclamation to be universal objective truth. The best you can ever do is declare whether or not you personally liked a film or felt it was speaking to you.