Sup Forums is kill
>Sup Forums is kill
It went down for me too. Strangely when I was reading the occultist thread.
We're back baby.
I missed ya Sup Forums and I hope you missed me.
was america temp banned for and one else
no, it's just a haitian needle-sharing board, coded by niggers and run by jews. it's gonna have issues from time to time
>call justin
>"dad Sup Forums is kill
What the fuck did you guys do this time???
As soon as I saw Sup Forums was down I knew it was you.
Some dickhead posted about blowing up a school on Sup Forums and the whole site got frozen
>people think Sup Forums isnt a big honeypot
>people think theyre anonymous here
Becareful anons. You never know who is watching :)
what the fuck, Sup Forums is down
is still down for me. maybe the (((mods))) really did shut it down temporarily
fuck off, retard
What a strange feeling when it was down. It felt like hearing about a relatives death or when you drop your phone/laptop. I don't want to ever feel that again. Sup Forums don't be mean to me
God DAMNIT. I was hoping it was because of Sup Forums turning over the wrong stone
Wtf Sup Forums is down I was posting my cock pics now i have to go to craigslist
well there was a bunch of threads about children. so i assume it was because of that
catalogue is your friend
Be nice to Canada Germany or else.
Oh thanks, the catalog is up
Why haven't you been annexed by USA and Russia.
leafs. not even once.
while pol was down i realized pinocchio was the first jew
would like to have a word with you
Sup Forums still isn't showing any threads for me.
>Posting on white supremacist frog board without a proxy in current year
Sup Forums was down so ill ask here: is it gay if you can't cum temporarily for medical reasons but your gf is coming tomorrow and you ask your best friend for some borrowed cum to smear in your underwear so you can say to your gf that it was an accident?
Thanks for the closure
At least when I say I would like to be the next hitler but with niggers the fbi won't come to my house
But why schools? I never got that unless you have extreme autism or lack of any social skills
I just finished highschool, I never did any sports or extra curricular shit outside of metal shop,never cared for dating and I had a shit ton of friends
Literally just be friendly to people and they'll be friendly back this shit isn't hard
Why do /r9k/ type fuckers think they're purposely being bullied or some shit so they shoot up the school
Don't people realize they aren't worth the effort to bully?
Isn't that just a normal op-surely-will-deliver-(no) Sup Forumsread ?
I think they've banned a lot of people.