Why do we hate Muslims again?
>Mistreat women
>Men are superior
>Women have virtually no rights and are treated as the cum dumpsters that they are
>Grossly patriotic
>Kill anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
Why do we hate Muslims again?
>Mistreat women
>Men are superior
>Women have virtually no rights and are treated as the cum dumpsters that they are
>Grossly patriotic
>Kill anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they're brown you britfag
Because it's an expansionist ideology. It isn't happy until the whole world is Islamic and brown. Whites are looked down upon regardless of if they beg for mercy.
They are literally raping women in mass in your country Germany and Sweden you fucking cuck. They HATE western civlization they hate YOU they want sharia law. They want to be in power Fuck you are dumb
> cant drink
> cant eat bacon
Because it's been against our culture for centuries and seeks to replace it, wiping out our current identity.
>Why do we hate Muslims again?
Because they hate us?
Rape Pedophila and mass murdering religion
Western Civilization which build everything worth existing.
That's a Sikh
Sikh's are bro tier
Because he's a Sikh you idiot.
I'm pretty sure that is a Sikh
>Kill anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
that right there man
The ideology results in inbreeding
The Middle east used to be a white Christian place, the center of the world
Then the arabs came, raping and murdering. Now thanks to heavy inbreeding forced by Islam, the average Arab IQ is 20 points lower than it could be. Arabs are also prone to emotional dysfunction, violent outbursts, lack of impulse control, and severe birth defects. All symptoms of inbreeding
since they cant fuck their women before marriage they do little boys and goats
they are degenerates and shitskins
This meme has got to stop.
Sikhs are disgusting shitskins with no respect for white culture.
He's makin some Sikh gains
>Grossly patriotic
>grossly muslim
pick one
They're brown. Are you even trying?
>1 post by this ID
Kill yourself Ahmed you gross subhuman smelly shitskin ugly fat inbred manlet
>thread bout hating muslims
>pic related is hindu dude
Nah they helped get us the brexit
Inbreeding. Submission to some desert god.
Because this board is full of idiots. Everything they complain about can be solved with a healthy dose of Islam. The ultimate red pill is to accept that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allahs messenger.
>Sup Forums always acts all edgy and try hard
>Muslims literally ARE everything Sup Forums tries to be/emulate
No wonder you cucks hate them, you wish you were them.
>Posts a Sikh
>talks about mudslimes
Nope, biggest help with the Raj.
Subhuman obese ugly shitskin. Inbred brown smelly islamic dog
>they helped us get brexit by voting mostly for remain
Do you even have a brain? I bet you are a paki aren't you?
Because stupid people need something to blame for the problems caused by unbridled neoliberalism.
Fix that and people will stop caring about religion, sexual orientation, race or class.
Because the feel the need to impose their arab conservatism on other people.
>muslims helped us kick out poles
I wonder why...
Good luck once they vote for sharia law and use democracy to literally rape you.
Nationalism is haram. Only Khilafah is acceptable
Because they are sub-human
>>Mistreat women
>>Women have virtually no rights and are treated as the cum dumpsters that they are
>not cherishing women for bearing, raising children and taking care of the home
non-traditional women end up as unrespectable cum dumpsters of their own will anyway
>>Grossly patriotic
more like grossly islamistic
mudslimes see higher alliances in faith than nation, which is ironic because they still kill each over it
>>Kill anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
another sign of sub-human thought, violence should only be used when necessary not as the first option
>Because they're violent savages who fuck up anyplace they reach a certain number in.
>They're degenerate animals to the extent that they've made a game of sexual harassment, and rape is commonplace and seen as normal.
>Because they want to subject the entire world to their rule
>Because becoming a muslim as a European(or any non-arab actually) means betraying your history, people, culture and ancestors
>Because they're essentially an arab-supremacist cult which suppress any non-arab traditions and culture
>Because their beliefs are completely retarded, a barbaric desert religion, made by and for desert savages
>Because they see a pedophile and murderer as the most perfect human being who ever lived
Sikhs should fuck off too since they always refuse to naturalise
I think it takes a few generations for 2 cultures to fully mix, but at last those guys aren't actively hunting us.
Here in Oz, Sikh families and students migrate here and work middle class jobs and contribute to the economy. It's unfair to group anyone with the Muslims to be honest.
>posts Sikh
look a britbong posting good things about mudslimes is that you achmed?
Gee oh golly oh boy gee, I wish I was able to accept handouts and be as spoiled as ahmed was. My life would be so easy y'know? Just chill all day, drink Dr Pepper and fuck my 9 year old wife. Then I remember that that's not how British life works or functions even remotely. Did you know when the mosques all get closed i'm going to open a cafe and sell bacon from the same spot?
If you don't like what I just said you will be beheaded.
> Fuck goats
> Kill innocents
No pork and no alcohol. That is reason enough to despise them but there are 100 more reasons.
Also they fuck goats and little boys.
But does that make Jews bro tier?
That's a Sikh.
Sikh entire religion is basically looking for revenge on Islam.
Why do westerners love alcohol so much? It tastes terrible and makes you lose your mind for a couple hours.
yup, the hostility and ignorance of multiple ethnicities which tend to be islamic (arab, persian, paki for example) can be attributed in part to very high rates of inbreeding
Utterly degenerate subhuman (un)culture. Sure they put women in their place but they also fuck goats and repeat some random retarded words in arabic 24/7 and nothing ever gets done, they all live in Africa tier slums with tents with diseases and poverty while jews sling missiles at them and they cant do shit about it because they are so shit at life.
There is so little difference between niggers and muslims...
Does your government know you are using the Internet?
Prepare to be flogged when I report you.
Don't post if you have nothing of value to add.
Have you read Seven Pillars of Wisdom?
Mistreatment of women is a barbaric thing to do
Women knowing their place is different to Mistreating them the way mudshits do
wow you must be really fucking ugly to hate women so much
that's only if you get completely drunk
moderate use of alcohol betters mental health and relaxes you
I hate Muslims because pol told me to and I don't have a sense of self so I impress strangers on the Internet
No in all honesty, as an 18 year old raised in two very liberal states, these are my position and thoughts on islam.
I was born in 1998
>inb4 underage b&, I'm 18
One of my earliest memories was 9/11. I was with my pops. I was at the Barnes and Noble with him reading a calvin and Hobbes book and I saw it on the TV. They didn't censor anything, I saw people jumping out of a burning building. I asked him why people did that and he said some people in the Middle East are very upset with America. He said that George Bush had really pissed them off by taking their "gas" and saying he was trying to help them. That was the day I realized how humans are fucked up, looking back on it.
We walked to Starbucks and there was a cop looking at the news on his sidekick. I hugged him and thanked him for keeping us safe and he said "buddy, today I didn't do my job"
That shit hit me hard. I've seen a lot of terroristic attacks both in, and out of my country. I live 10 minutes from the theater shooting and I knew people who were killed. I learned how fucked up it is to lose someone and I learned what terrorism does. It's a pointless method of attempting to gain "control" over a population, and it works.
I could give a fuck about Muhammad, frankly. Maybe he did fuck pigs and toddlers. Whatever, I'm Christian. It's their religion, their deal.
As a Christian, however, I've never been motivated to kill a Muslim because he drew a cartoon of Jesus. I wasn't born and raised on a steady diet of "fuck the USA and rape women".
I've read the Quran. It teaches violence against non-Muslims.
I see the left pushing, day in and day out, for refugees and "diversity". Refugees rape and steal. Diversity, all jokes aside, both leads to white genocide and a homogenous culture of the exact opposite of "diversity".
BLM is enough of a battle right now. We can talk refugees later.
Did you even read the image you mong?
White mans burden. I fucking love beer. All kinds. Craft micro macro cheap expensive 12s 24s 40s whatever. I'm addicted to beer
>They're Arabic and we're mindlessly racist
>Arabic people are inferior
If they were white, we might Heil them as heroes here
Why do we hate Yamato Sons of Ameterasu and Subjects of Heika again?
>Women know their place
>Men are superior
>Women have their own place
>Grossly patriotic
>outsmart anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
>Mistreat women
>implying that's good
>Grossly patriotic
nigger what
>Men are superior
nah they aren't
Jews confirmed do not want White people immigrating to London.
Does it actually taste nice?
>Iran trying to censor people
I'm planting a bottle of beer outside your house and calling the cops. How's 25-Life sound?
Every time
what alcohol you enjoy/find tasty is a matter of personal taste
t. straight vodka drinker
Muslims are pretty narrow-minded and can't think for themselves.
Plus, as soon as they kill everyone else, they will just start killing each other.
It's like a virus
>no separation of the church and state
>no rule of civil law
>degenerate subhuman retarded religious law, religious police, religious ministry, and religious state
>which could maybe all even be fine if it wasnt fucking islam, the most retarded religion ever
>drinking beer
>can't drink
>can't eat bacon
>have no freedom
>worship a pedophile
>disgusted by scientific process
>disgusted by freedom of speech
>can get stoned to death for speaking out of turn
>literally all sandniggers
>they fuck goats and children
>currently want to kill me
Islam can go fucking die.
Please don't post again
They may be shit skins but they HATE muzzies and are less degenerate. They still have to go back but they can wait a month or so while muzzies need to go back like yesterday
But if we are expansionist it's good?
See british empire?
I love everything about it.
However, Alcohol is a very insidious drug. So you must partake in moderation. Beer is much harder to destroy your life with than hard alcohol (vodka, whisky, gin, rum). Spirits/hard alcohol can be a very slippery slope for some
You're a fucking moron.
>mistreat women
How in your right mind have you convinced yourself that this is what anyone on this board wants?
>men are superior
Men are regarded as superior in some things regardless of whether or not they are a muslim. Honestly, I think any woman would be better than you, OP.
>women have virtually no rights and treated as the cum dumpsters that they are.
go back to /r9k/
>Grossly patriotic
No they're not. They're grossly religious and tied to an ideology that gets them to blow people up and behead them. I'm sure all of those muslims in england just love the country so much that they would never disrespect it buy breaking their laws and idk say raping and molesting their women and children.
>kill anyone who disagrees with them, no PC bullshit
This is PC bullshit, it's just PC of a different order and taken to a greater magnitude. It's literally "don't say anything politically incorrect about Islam or we will behead you"
It's the opposite of free speech and it's the opposite of everything for which this board stands.
In other words: Kill yourself OP. You're a faggot.
We should respect and value women, and treat them with tenderness and care.
Yes, they have different roles to men; their role is in the home, as homemakers tending to children and serving their husband, but this is not somehow inferior to the man's role as provider and protector.
Get back to your tendies neet
>ID: 1JEwnKEy
1 post by jew
Interesting, depending on the beer I may like it or not, but I love a good white Russian.
Go swim in the Ganges
Calm down shitskin