Jews are bad. You should become tribal traditionalists. (Don't forget to buy MYFAROG™!)

Jews are bad. You should become tribal traditionalists. (Don't forget to buy MYFAROG™!)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also playing RPGs will make you really strategic and able to plan ahead, thus increasing your survivability. (Therefore you must buy MYFAROG™ and all the available booklets plus my latest album.)

Varg videos are
10 percent good music
20 percent meh music
30 percent good advice
And 40 percent muh farog

Im a big fan though

remove yourself

>trusting varg (((vikernes)))

It teaches you European mythology and your survival skills are getting boosted. Buy it, my friend :^)

lmao he just uploaded a new vid 2 min ago and he starts by mentioning the jews

It's bad only when the jews do it

/tg/ here.

This man is completely insane. You can tell by his game's design.

When you list 'slight breeze', 'light breeze', and 'gentle breeze' as three distinct things that all add difficulty to a swimming check (+1, +2, and +3 respectively) you know you are dealing with puppy stomping levels of insanity.

Varg is a total joke. He was honestly tolerable before but his MUH FAROG shilling shit is just beyond awful.

His videos are somewhat soothing to listen to, but he holds too much undue respect for the Arabnigger muslim, and that offends me
we wuz pagan, goyim

Nah, muslims are the mortal enemies of jews. And we only have problems with muslims today because we destroy their homelands on behalf of the jews.

I'd rather keep listening to based Memeux instead of this try hard murderer faggot.

i shit in a bucket and dump it on my lawn btw pls buy MYFAROG

Islam was literally invented by Vatican kikes to be used as a Hegelian geopolitical weapon to juxtapose Christian civilization and create cultural war.

You mean both Christianity and Islam is created by jews in order to control Romans AND Arabs simultaneously

giv hitler dubs

He makes good points. You don't have to become a pagan or buy his MYFAROG to enjoy his videos. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>I'm a filthy casual jew
I bet your accounting sucks

But this is because you are Jewish yourself, my friend. :^)


Do you need new people to listen to? You can just ask...

what did he mean by this

He means that the Second Shoah is coming.

Varg is based.

Da fuqs myfarog?

Varg's brand new video game