Why don't more young men know how to dress themselves?

It seems anywhere you go these days, be it the mall, university or even church, all you see are men in sweat pants, t shirts and sneakers.

Men, particularly western men, seem to think it's acceptable to present a slovenly image of themselves.

Worse still, these men seem to feel entitled to be treated like an adult and have their opinions heard when they can't even be bothered to dress as an adult.

You're not one of those plebs, are you Sup Forums?

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>Second button

No strong father figures.


>inb4 someone didn't have a father to teach them sometimes always never

western men already dont get women, so if they dress well people will think they are gay

I buy Halloween costumes for 50% off on November 1st every year. It's the most affordable way to dress

Because it took generations to finally shed the every day business suit - which was required work wear. I'd personally rather be comfortable than fashionable. Impressing people with clothes is something faggots do.

Fuck you /fa/. Yes I use my smart phone as my watch.


>I'd personally rather be comfortable than fashionable. Impressing people with clothes is something faggots do.
White trash faggot detected.

That's the same kind of attitude as, "I don't cut my grass because I don't feel like it even though it ruins the image of the entire neighborhood."

You're no better than niggers.

Dressing well shows respect for yourself and the people you surround yourself with. Dressing like shit is degenerate

Is that you, Reviewbrah?

yeah Sup Forums why dont you spend four hours every morning just drinking cancer inducing protein shakes and lifting weights and dressing like a REAL man and wearing cologne and having a nicely groomed beard and chopping down your own firewood only to come shitpost about it on your macbook pro at the end of the day while your boyfriend fucks your ass because thats what real men do

>be me
>be smart
>dress classy
>lift weights
>wear cologne
>shitpost on pol
>groom my beard

Burgers are some of the most sloppily dressed people, aside from the tracksuit wearing slavs.

Hey, Österbro!

Good day, amibro!

saying "im a man because i look like one because i do all these arbitrary things just to look like a man" is one of the most pathetic and feminine things you could ever do you fucking retards

Make sure your jacket matches your fedora, my euphoric friend.

Course, dude. I totally say always I'm the manliest man on this planet just because I do all of these things. I just like living healthy, doing sports and looking nice. Not because I need to be manly and want to impress women.

>Doing both buttons up on a blazer

And I wear tshirts and hoodies for the most part, Unless I have reason to put on one of my suits or blazers.

Welcome to Nu/pol/.

I'm free. I can dress how the fuck I want. Conforming to someone else's view of what someone should dress like is called being a bitch. I'll dress smart sometimes, other times I'll dress for comfort. You could be the stupidest cunt in the World, wearing a tie isn't going to make you any cleverer. Just the same as you could be the smartest cunt in the World and you could wear tracksuit bottoms. If anyone has a problem with the way I dress they suck my dick.

>looking nice


tell me more about how your great health allows you to put on muscle and how that makes you better than me


It's not just the men. Most women dress like shit too.

>both buttons
>those pants
fuck you mean, thought this guy had money

>Yes goyim. New is better. Who cares if it looks like crap.

I always laugh at ugly people wearing suits in public.It's just cringeworthy tryharding because you (they) know you're ugly like on your pic.

Tell me how I can dress "classy" when it's 115F outside you fedora tipping faggot.

I never said I'm better than you.

Listen faggot unless its for my job as a means to an end (being a political figure head or a general of an army or to show authoriry or cohesion i.e police/fire) real men are men through actions not threads. Man make the clothes. The clothes dont make the man. I dont give a fuck about my appearance Outside of work i have other goddamn shit to worry about im a firefighter i need to be in good shape eat and prepare good meals and study really hard on the medical side so i dont let someone down and they die. Also dressing shitty makes people underestimate you which can be advantageous. Also countries these days are ruined by men in suits. So keep your shitty vain pointless aesthetic based opinion to yourself thanks.

Just gonna throw this out there, but the jacket he is wearing clashes with those khaki pants and blue shirt. It's terrible. With as much money as he has, you'd think he'd be able to pay someone to make him not look like a 12 year old in hand me downs going to church.

all you need is jeans, plain tees, a windbreaker or light jacket, and a nice pair of boots.

Your shit analogy is full of fail. Go waste money on dry cleaning and filling your closet full of suits you nacy boi.

Jealous bitch

Dressing well shows that you bought into the meme and went full blue pill. Go have a mojito and read your GQ.

26/M/USA here. I wear button down dress shirts (color depends on the season), business casual vests to go over them (usually dark colors), jeans, black socks, and leather Trents.

Do I make you happy?

The nazis were also very well dressed and gave a fuck about their apperance. It's not meaningless.

Linens mate. Button up. A pair of slacks and light dress socks. This literally isn't going to cause you to sweat any more than your spaghettio-stained Obey t shirt and sweat pants.


Shkreli is a business owner, he has to maintain his image. Stop being a fedora.

Fashion is boots, braces, red laces, a bomber jacket, and a buzz cut.

I always thought Shkreli dressed like trash. Looked like a kid going to a wedding. Idk first thing I thought of when I saw him.

Really? How does that work?
>Hey user your jumper looks like crap.
>*drops to knees*
>and your trousers don't fit proper-lagagagl ulggha
>*swallows load*
something like that?

I'm fit, nothing in a store is tailored to fit someone who isn't obese or skinnyfat

I get clothes tailored for work, but otherwise I wear a white trash wifebeater because that's what girls want anyway

fight me you fag

wearing a collared shit in your own home or public is just a sign you've been domesticated. get fucked.

I'm not gonna wear a pussy uniform. when the race war begins and natsocs have a uniform I'll wear that to go get froyo with your faggy friends wearing button ups casually

No one has ever gotten a job in sweatpants, that is for sure. Sweatpants= most likely unemployed


how dare you?!

you are so manly calling me out for having my health shit on me and being able to lift weights without just losing weight and being in pain forever, unlike me, please go on about how manly your are on the internet to some anonymous stranger who will be lucky to be alive in a decade at this rate

wtf are you rambling about you faggot

Jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are fine.
Sweat pants? Fuck no. They're for people who poop themselves.

if this pic related is what you call well dressed gentleman you must go for some fashion advice becouse you suck major nigger dicks on fashion

Alphas wear what they want and still maintain higher status than others. Betas judge others' clothing. If you're a swole alpha there is literally nothing wrong with wearing the newest fashionable sweatpants. You're a low test beta if you feel the need to put on a suit to go buy groceries at Target.

>go to /fa/ for fashion advice

That literally made no sense. Shut the fuck up.


/fa/ is for fags.

>It seems anywhere you go these days, be it the mall, university or even church, all you see are men in sweat pants, t shirts and sneakers.
That's why. If you dress up like that all the time you end up looking a fedora guy, unless you're from some blue blooded family. I only dress up when there's a social situation that calls for it.

Just LOL at thinking you're superior to this guy because he has sweatpants.

Y..yeah but I've got a suit on

I wear my sweatpants every day. Grey cotton NIKE ones with a big blue NIKE logo on them. I striclty only wear white Lacoste trainers.I have only wore a shirt to weddings/funerals. Trousers and shoes are for inerviews and little faggots who are self conscious about appearing poor or ugly.

Guess what ? When you are as good looking as me it does not matter what you wear. I returned to education last year and I pumped four different birds from the uni, one of which was 17 year old Irish girl who liked being choked. Two Bulgarians (one of which i became unhealthily obsessed with rimming her asshole) and some gamer girl from the gaming society, big nipples both pierced. If you are wearing a suit just for walking around shopping , going to uni/school, or anything other than business/office work or an interview then you are a cucked beta faggot and people like me who make little to no effort will effortlessly take all the pussy thats laughing at your ugly ass looking like Mr Bean in your fucking suit you seen in the window of River Island.

do you know who cares about fashion and how well they dressed?
women and homosexuals.

so what are you, a man who just wears whatever is necessary, or some sassy queeny bitch who needs to wear a show stopper to impress all his/her catty bitchy friends?

>Caring about the opinions of others
Top cuck m8

Is this pasta?

because I'm not a multimillionaire like Shkreli

>because I'm not a multimillionaire
you just need to work harder and try a bit harder user

Martin Shkreli is a trash ass bitch. Prove me wrong

>tfw strong father figure and still beta

I dress how i like, comfort over fashion.

is this.... a /fa/ meetup?

jesus christ I want to murder these people

I could easily kill them with my bare hands

okay i'll try really hard


it's not working


man this making money shit is hard


Any girl who'd fuck a guy who dresses like a nigger would and likely is fucking niggers.

Which makes you the beta bucks and ultimately explains why you dress like such a poorfag.

I'm still looking at this. maybe it's where I live but I don't se too many people dressing like this.

is this what people do?

I'm trying to anayze it.

it's like they tried to dress like their favorite anime character

Nah, I think it's just a pathetic rambling pile of buzzwords from a little man desperately trying to fit in.

You need to chill

How adults dress is a subjective opinion.

I'm an adult and I dress how I please because adults get to make their own decisions.

so girls fuck him because he's alpha...

and that makes him beta bucks...

which means he needs to dress like a beta.... in order to become alpha...

>caring what other people think of you

Kek stay blue pilled m8

wasn't one of these guys a mass shooter or something?

Horsey is such a faggot

Is martin shkreli supposed to be some sort of fashion standard?

I hope you realize he streams 12+ hours every day on youtube, and he pretty much always wears dirty t-shirts and hoodies.

i went to a new england boarding/prep school so when i was 14-18 i really enjoyed fashion

i was an original /fa/ sufu styleboard user around 2006.

i had very rare pieces by all the best designers

my supreme collection would be worth approximately ~$100,000 today if i had not sold it

however, as i grew older i learned that no one cares

now i just watch sweatpants and black tshirts

i cringe at poorly dressed cucks though

also martin shrkeli is a faggot

Yeah, I know that and watch him sometimes. He isn't really a fashion guy. I really like him just because he's a douche and a richfag but also smart. He's a nice meme.

>now i just watch sweatpants and black tshirts
>i cringe at poorly dressed cucks though

Shut the fuck up. You only know what you read in headlines. I personally know Martin. He's the kindest guy you'd ever meet. Some random dude who got sick got a check from Martin for an entire years rent. Dude didn't even know him.

I don't dress fancy because I'm not a fancy person, there is no point in me wearing nice dresses like those if I'm not an executive or anything. At best at work I wear shirts and discrete jeans.


He was on Milo's podcast. He came across as a bit of a dick in a good way. He sounds like a smart, fun guy.


You said
>If anyone has a problem with the way I dress they suck my dick.
You sound a little upset. Maybe if you dressed better it would help improve your self esteem and you wouldn't be so sensitive.

why do I see this garbage posted every single day

fuck off shills

>dat second button


Part of the problem is "slovenly" is what is being pushed by the "media".

Recently I went into a dept. store a tier above Tar-ghetto. In the mens dept. a t-shirt was on display. The sleeves were too short and there was a tiny pocket that was too small for a pack of smokes or even a flip phone.

The sleeves and pocket were bright yellow and the rest of the t-shirt was purple. The maniquin had skin tight grey jeans and a beanie on the head. On the feet were the ubiquitous fluorescent sneakers. They cost about 30 cents to make. They sell for $25.

I wouldn't wear that fairy outfit to mow the lawn or change the oil in my car.

Its funny how we are expected to believe the science behind global warming, but it is demanded we reject the science of biology when it comes to gender and sex.

>not dressing for maximum comfy


why even live

>posts an image of a jew

This. Women are troubled by what they wear.


>I'd personally rather be comfortable than fashionable. Impressing people with clothes is something faggots do.


Everybody else saying something else is a NEET that never had to wear a three-piece suit in a sunny day and sweat like a pig.

Shkreli isn't jewish you fag.

This is the look I go for on chilly days, comfy desu

ffs this thread again although I enjoy the topic its the same fucking text as yesterday comeon shill be creative