Nigger president

>Nigger president
>Black people everywhere
>Mosquito-born viruses

my literal mfw America is the new Africa

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Americans are the ground zero of all modern degeneracy and are by the most in denial about their situation of things.

Please recolonize us

Get fucked after Brexit.

>literal mfw
You do have shitty yellow teeth

SJW law has decreed that black men are white people though.
So we're actually whiter than ever now.

We are already doing that lol

>1 post by this ID



Another empire crumbles to dust.

>whiter than ever

Toppest Unga Bunga

>So we're actually whiter than ever now

Tanned Americans



This. I want a muslim mayor

There's no way this is real.

You Capital city has a Transgender Nigger . . .that suits you more.

At this point I think we can all agree that the Americas were a mistake, Russia should activate the final solution and transform that god forsaken continent into a fuming crater so we can start anew without repeating the same mistakes.

no it's fake.

You know, I honestly can't tell if that pic is real.

>Ordinary Germans

Get fucked for choosing brexit.

That's the point


I suppose unnecessary capitalization suits you Brits. So does suicide tbqh

>be bong
>realise waking up was a mistake

lol what's wrong sanjai?
You need to go back?

>talking about degeneracy and denial


It's very obviously fake.

You already have a Muslim president.



Considering your soldiers are experts at suicide (because of muh feels) - you would know more than me.

>America in denial
>Proving Fritz's point

Kek. The US is literally Tumblr: the Country.

I dont see Germans on here making excuses for the state the nation is in.

Meanwhile you faggots are in denial about your situation and prefer to shitpost 24/7

Typical response
Too long winded and far fetched
Honestly brit "bantz" are cringeworthy

high concentration of niggers in one place will lead to africanism.

Where a country slowly turns into africa

in 200 years will have colonized America stolen its remaining resources and leave the prodominatly black population to starve

It's not really bants when it's completely true..

If it really becomes Africa they'll leave the resources where they are because they cannot into mining and agriculture.

that shit better be a joke
>rape only lasts a few minutes

Not talking about the psychological dmg the victem gets to deal with for years

>10 year old statistics

Poor banter

Taking up other seats with your legs is being a dick though

They will actually go in full denial about this and somehow blame the losers(both on the literal losing side and on the pyrrhic winners side of it) of WWII for somehow influencing them.


We Europoors accept the gravity of the situation we're in American's are delusional.

>Half the children born in there country are non-white.
>Black president
>Hillary next
But all they say is >MUH GUNS

Its especially funny since theyve pretty much handed over their entire nation to the jews who in turn did everything the nazis warned them about

They fight Israels Wars, they let them run their Banks/Media/Education System and proudly circumcised generations of men proving to be the best goys ever

Even now in a time where their family unit is dead, coal burning is normalized, fags can marry, trans is being pushed as normal, white privilege is taught in school/universities they think they can point at us and laugh

Its pathetic

Europe will fix its shit eventually as it has throughout History. Borders will move again but they will take back what ours.

That is of course unless the world police jumps in again killing native Europeans again to defend "muh freedom"

Why is Obongo considered a black president?He's as white as he is black

really makes you think huh?

Even their would-be dream president (Trump) is a self proclaimed champion of LGBTQXYZ+ issues and wants to ban porn from the internet, they still fall for it.

Imagine if a European leader started to say this stuff . . . Americans would be the first to call them 'cucks' and laugh at it . . .. . but when it happens to them . ...silence or a fuckload of excuses.

at least the Germans on Sup Forums admit that they are in trouble. Most Americans don't and just get offended at the slightest criticism

I like Trumps banter and respect him but he is a clown and this whole Election is nothing but a giant shit show

If you put something inedible in a sandwich does that make it edible? certainly not it's still inedible.

>My literal my face when
>Not a newfag/shill

Pick one

That's a really shit metaphor, Germany

Lol. Pantshiters BTFO

>Trumps banter
That's all it is.

Has ANYBODY heard him make a good speech? . . .NO!

He says a few words, or a sentence, then his 'audience co-ordinators' start a chant and getting the crowd to clap. - Sometimes you can see a glimpse of them during a camera shot . . .facing the crowd and waving their arms.

It's like a huge gameshow full of empty promises.

Time will tell.