>52 year old "Queen of Cougars" has has sex with over 250 young men in the past 20 years
Holy shit /r9k/cucks BTFO I thought women are desperate after 30
>52 year old "Queen of Cougars" has has sex with over 250 young men in the past 20 years
Holy shit /r9k/cucks BTFO I thought women are desperate after 30
>no link
Literally who?
That's like ten a year. Whoop de doo
And how many men want to commit to her?
she lives at the casino hotel i bet
>Juney, who has never married or had children
Maybe she is not interested in a commited relationship. It's just funny how an old hag can fuck as many young attractive fit men as she wants while permavirgin /r9k/cucks are fapping their tiny dicks to animu waiting to turn 30 and fuck young whores. Not gonna happen pal you will die a virgin kek
It's easy to get sex as a woman. Walk into ANY bar, announce that you're looking to get fucked, and 90% of the bar starts catering to every one of your needs.
Try that as a guy, you go to jail for attempted rape.
More like Queen of Roasties, amirite?
im going to take a wild stab at it and say zero people..
shes likely been sterile her whole life.
Her market value is in the tank.
Only the thirstiest beta would touch this slag slimy skank. Filthy whores who degrade themselves don't deserve respect, OP. Don't be such a virgin.
Kalfa? Zed? Gamiese file
>run down 70s boomers -> watching too much Sex and the City start fucking any basement dweller while on coke
>Basement dweller -> had a mother who never give a shit and thus fucks 50year old due mother complex
>The Joo -> win
>Her market value is in the tank
Yes that's why she is fucking men 30 years younger than her.
H-her value is tanking!!!
>Only the thirstiest beta
Says the 30 year old permavirgin omegacuck. Who are you to judge anyone?
"I meet them at clubs, out grocery shopping, at art galleries, at service stations, and it is always the young guy who hits on me"
how do you get a girl at the grocery store?
>Me: "Hey, so, I'm thinking… mexican or china?"
>Gril: "Ummm… mexican I guess?"
>Me: "That's right, cus I'm gonna eat that mexican ass boa."
i'm sure the men hold her in high regard and respect her in the morning
and when telling their friends about her, use only the sweetest and most respectful language
>give a product away for basically nothing
>what do you mean it's value is low? everyone has one!
lmao no wonder greece has debts, none of you dumb fuckers understand economics
Reminds me of the "women are locks" phrase.
In western society it's men's position to seek out sex and women's position to accept or decline. There's absolutely nothing impressive about a woman that doesn't know how to say "no."
It's like how some gay guys have more than 10 sexual partners a day. When there's no one to say "no," and no reason (BESIDES AIDS, YOU DEGENERATES) to say no, they can have as many partners as they have time and stamina to accommodate.
it's interesting to note how so many of the alt-right/traditionalist/red pill crowd on here are subservient to women. Basically stormfaggotry is a cult dedicated to worshipping white women. Essentially just feminism with an edgy spin. Both value women extremely highly and tell men to man up.
are you saying youd have sex with this womyn whos had sex with 250 people over the last 20 years?
to pay homage to the ultra post about some guy finding out his gf was a turbo slut thats
>5.5inch average erect penis
>5.5 * 250 = 1375 inches
>1375 inches = 114.58 feet
to go deeper
>100 thrusts per session
>fucks each guy on average 3.5 times
>11 inches (5.5 in 5.5 out)
that totals to
>11 * (250 * 3.5) * 100 = 962,100 inches
>add around 17,160 inches for previous relationship (her husband)
>>this number derived from 1 * 3(sex per week) * 52 * 10 * 11
>962,100 + 17,160 = 979,260
thats 24873 meters of cock..
youre saying you'd fuck a woman who's averaged more than 1000 meters of cock over the last 20 years?
Nobody eats ass after a bean salad. Gonna be the Auschwitz showers all over again.
Does this make sense in your language?
/fit/ is the best board atm you virgin cuck
Kill yourself.
t. 2006 oldfag
A woman who wants to fuck and has a body that is in pretty good shape (especially for a 52 year old) is snapping up 18-19 year old hormone addled guys to fuck them.
This isn't surprising.
Gotta love the double standard though. She does it and the media is like 'You go, girl! Be the cougar!'. A fifty year old man fucking 18 year old girls is a disgusting creep.
/fit/ went to shit after tinytrip left.
You haven't been to the US. Most women that are on the boat for the white race are busy smoking meth and getting beat by their alcoholic boyfriend.
The pretty white supremist girlfriend is a myth.
/fit/ is for wannabe normies and fat cunts that should've been exiled long ago
Oh I know, which makes their view of women even funnier
>not having a sugar mama to pay you in nice shit and that dont give a shit if you cheat.
Its a disorder.
Gross. The rebels of the near future will be those who practice moderation and don't become so debased. It will be an act of rebellion to have a big healthy family.
If her father isn't dead already this should drive him off the ledge.
It's women like this (40+, no kids) that are the reason they are pumping in 3rd world immigrates. The least she could've done is be a single mom.
Guarantee you when she's 60+, friendless, and no one to visit her she will be MISERABLE. Women of today will see firsthand the misery that becomes of this life of decadence. Would love to see a follow up of her when she is 60+.
now thats some autism
>it's a state the general message of an old screencapped post about Sup Forums itself to try to farm (You)s episode
>thought women are desperate after 30
They are.
>tfw my close family friend said "nobody loves me!" out of nowhere
It was weird
I wouldn't sleep with anyone
a) older than my mum
b) younger than my sister
Use some fancy pick up lines
>You like cucumbers? Becuse a have a big one for you qt.
Speaking in all seriousness, here where I live there are a zone of pubs known by locals like The route of the old Pussy.
A woman like OPs semen demon, don't fool around, she go for the dick without a doubt.
I'd let her suck me off tho senpai desu
You're so full of... love
And people says Murican education is bad, nigger, they have to give you the Nobel in Maths.
Well, who wouldn't?
>TFW you will never get to bang a hot cougar while you're still in your early 20s.
Serious question: Have you never thought by Joo producers always push MILF porn and glorify MILFs in general?
>Op did it again
So many triggered neckbeards ITT
Go back to your containment board redditors
There is no Nobel prize for mathematics.
because you're so alpha that you're basically
Never, no true Sup Forumsack would ever want to hear the perma-whining of a robot.
gb2 fagget
>I thought women are desperate after 30
Not for sex. If they're not too ugly and fat sex is easy to come by. To get someone that wants to settle down with them is trickier.
Great post.
>Sup Forums and /r9k/ stand together
>calls other people newfags
summer never ends
>To get someone that wants to settle down with them is trickier
Source? Sounds like an /r9k/ fantasy to me.
>he doesn't realise Sup Forums and /r9k/ have the same userbase
lmaoing at you senpai
Once we've purged the normies, sure
>Juney, who is currently working on an amateur comedy theatre production, continues: 'I am definitely not a slut which is what people automatically assume comes with the word cougar. I am "sex positive".
>unironically Sup Forums and /r9k/ have the same userbase
What the fuck is wrong with those rejects?
>did I just answer my own question?
>>he doesn't realise reddit and /r9k/ have the same userbase
Sounds great, where is her rich husband?
For a girl, I'd say 10-12 different guys a year (just about under 1 a month) is the limit for a non-slut, and for guys it's about 20ish
>Implying you wouldn't fuck that
It's like, are you homosexuals or what?
Women do become bitter after they lose their prime because they are crazy humans that get butthurt at not securing Chad Thundercock every minute.
>you are now aware that women are like cars and you should consider the mileage of these whores
I have no face
>at not securing Chad Thundercock every minute
But she fucks fit young attractive 20 year old men whenever she wants.
it's true, sorry to rain on your delusional alt right parade
"pol9k" is used for a reason
off with you roach
Any drunk guy, regardless of age, will fuck pussy that's thrown at them.
How is this an achievement for a woman? She could drop panties in the middle of times square and have men lining up to get their dick wet.
She's a broken lock.
You can just talk to them... try it mid day between 1030am and 1pm. They are hoping you will.
>I thought women are desperate after 30
they are. they're not desperate for a fuck. they're desperate for a long-term relationship and a marriage material man. but all the good men are taken by then.
she sounds pretty desperate tbqh fampai
>why aren't all these dicks filling my void up
Well thats her user but most 30 and above(unmarried) females are bitter because of that.
yeh i have a thing with a married 28 year old 3 kids
we just fuck every week and hang out, neither ever want anything more
been going on for 4 years
everyone should have that on the side
makes life livable
> has has sex with over 250 young men in the past 20 years
Women are animals user shes just really likes dick.
That's anecdotal. Any semi attractive female regardless of her age can find a guy to get marries in a heartbeat. The divorced menopausal mother of a friend of mine found a rich guy to marry after dating several other younger guys.
For marriage. And yeah I'll duck her if I see her.
>jankity janksters
i dunno man, it sounds like my relationship with porn: shallow. i just fap and forget. good for her and her fresh dicks every night, but eh.
20 years of building nothing.
>implying that you're better than them in any case
dream on , kiddo
>not recognizing formulae borrowed from copypasta
How's summer treating you?
IDK, I just walked around and women hit on me today.
Some broad as old as me mum called me stunning and wanted a side hug and a chat invited me in for a cocktail. I would have if it wasn't for the fact I was on patrol.
If she got frisky I guess I would. She was fat tho and I like high test to skinny bitches.
I would argue in favor of /fit/ but even as a memester of weak lifts I have found I am already more aesthetic than half of them cause half are skinny fat or fat.
But damn some those guys...
N-no h-homo
Holy shit that's my ex in a nutshell.
She's nuts. Too bad, she should have stuck around and not been such a stupid bitch.
It really is sad to see an adorable and beautiful girl lose it to abuse and Meth. It honestly breaks my heart.
Oh look, it's the same autistic Greek loser saying "permavirgin", spamming fedora memes and generally being a very salty and bitter loser like he always is.
Don't worry Greekbro. Suicide will be in your future. You can't continue being this miserable for long. I've seen the fate of other Internet scum like you, it never ends well.
Probably a bitter roastie. We're flooded with them here.
This! Greekbro rekting americunts!
/lgbfit/ strikes again
more than one is slut in my opinion
Sup Forums no doubt is flooded with autistic femanon sluts, social "right-wing" female outcasts that feel the need to project on here and shame men into caring about their worthless used goods existences.
But, I've talked with the Greek fag before and I vaguely remember him providing a picture of himself before the thread got deleted shortly after. I'm sure that was him.
she will find random cocks regardless, value is about long term reltionship not anti white only-live-for-sex modern bullshit
Not every country are stuck in the 3rd world following Sharia law like you roach!
>I thought women are desperate after 30
they are desperate
to get married. their marriage value goes down after 30, their sex value doesnt until 45 or so depending on the looks
She's got a fanny the size of a fucking tennis racket.
I wonder who's behind this
not politics
He's romanian.
>women over 19
>no kids
>no husband
>eggs are all dried up
>plz young men pound my worthless vag til I stop crying myself to sleep
Over a half marathon of penis.
And they wonder why I want quality control...