Wow, the last two seasons of Seinfeld are trash.
>zany meme plots not rooted in reality
>no longer any jerry stand-up intros and outros
>no larry david
>heavily-flanderized characters
>awful finale
No wonder Seinfeld ended the show, probably realized how shitty it was becoming.
Wow, the last two seasons of Seinfeld are trash
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Eh, you're not wrong. They're some of the most memorable episodes though, and still had a lot of fun shit in them.
Nobody is going to tell you they were better than the Larry David seasons.
I think Seinfeld is quite strong through out, and its weakest season being season 1. There are a lot of great episodes in those last seasons. I know it is a bit of meme to hate on the finale but I agree that it is pretty bad, thought not the worst way the could've ended the show.
i liked the way they ended the finale with the button bit from the very first ep
Even the first season is good, it's just dry compared to the rest. Seasons 3-5 are my favorites to revisit
>jerry gets offered some ridiculous amount of money to do another season
>turned it down
must be nice being so rich that you can turn down 100 million dollars
Yeah, the Merv Griffin episode is one of the worst in the entire series.
>Kramer just finds a TV show set
>George pays for a squirrel's medical bills
> Jerry plays with toys and drugs a woman
That's like TBBT tier writing.
Yeah, it's not bad I just think it doesn't hold up to the rest of the show. You can't deny that tonally it is somewhat different too, I assume because they were obviously still figuring things out about the show.
Seasons 3-5 also happen to be my favorites, but then I just really love George's character and that's about when his character really took off.
Same. George is too whiny in the first seasons and becomes a cartoon character towards the end.
>Jerry druggin his gf to take advantage of her toy collection
>George getting angry at animals for not upholding the "agreement" to get out of the way while he's driving
Kramer is great in that episode but I agree that all the other subplots were terrible
wtf? are you kidding? It's literally one of the best episodes of the show. You probably have just shit taste. I actually feel bad for you.
>no longer any jerry stand-up intros and outros
this is a good thing
>>Jerry plays with toys and drugs a woman
this one wasn't bad though. jerry had always been a manchild with his infatuation with superman, and he had always been a dick to people.
If the episode was aired today, it would be completely shitted on by feminists.
What's your point?
The 90's were good times
First point is bullshit, the rest aren't really problems. My god, your post is absolute trash. It's like you're desperately trying to be cool by nitpicking something good.
And you just know the spineless twerps who browse the board are going to go for it.
Wait why did larry leave?
He didn't want to do the show anymore.
>Because he's MY Butler..!
PC was just as big in the 90s, they're just more visible today because mass social media makes it easy for them to gather and gives them a platform to share their opinions with everyone.
I noticed in Seinfeld that the only movies that weren't fake (Rochelle, Rochelle) were horror movies. One was a poster of The First Power with Lou Diamond Phillips. And the other was Child's Play which was prominently displayed in Jerry's VHS collection. Also Mr. Jingles is supposed to be a puppet who comes alive.
Fuck Larry the kike
i love the last 2 seasons because it is nuts. Like if Seinfeld kept going from where it ended in the last season, it clearly would have ended up where Sunny started.
like that whole episode of the cast at the car dealership is like something out of an ok episode of the first season of Sunny