critics hated Dawn of Justice but loved this. I don't understand.
Critics hated Dawn of Justice but loved this. I don't understand
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This one was competently made.
Personally I liked the fact that in Wonder Woman I had any fucking idea what was happening on the screen while I was watching it, as opposed to the decision in BvS to go in a different direction.
They didn't cut it like they did with BvS
BvS was shit, this was actually decent
Even though Gal Gadot can't act, Chris Pine carries the fuck out of it
You'll get it when you're older.
This was bad, BvS was actually good.
They say anything for shekels, this movie was just OK but lost the plot in the end with the CGI and splosions all over the place.
>I don't understand.
They got confused by the themes in BvS so they had to simplify it for WW
if they had said they hated WW they would have been chased down and burned at the stake for hating women, so they lied and said it was good
Has good acting ever really been required for capeshit?
theres no fucking way chris pine is ethnically jewish
He is
>ethnically jewish
literally impossible, read "the invention of the jewish people".
Swedish jews look like Swedes and Israeli jews look like mudslimes, jews actually racemixed a lot during the centuries.
Or do you really believe Woody Allen, Nathalie Hershlag and David Hasselhoff are the same race?
It stars a woman who plays a moral character for young girls so of course they are shilling this while The Mummy gets so much hate and they don't even say how outstanding Sofia Boutella acted in that because she played a rebellious evil character
The theatrical cut of BvS deserved bad reviews, it was horribly edited
The Ultimate Edition is a brilliant masterpiece.
Haven't seen Wonder Woman yet but I assume it tells a much simpler story more effectively than the BvS theatrical.
>Do you really believe that Kit Harrington, Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams are of the same race?
A character learns something and makes an arc.
>The Ultimate Edition is a brilliant masterpiece.
Technically Jon is a mixed race guy.
Simple movie with a straightforward plot that the ADD critics can follow while looking at their phones mid-movie to text back to their "homie"
BvS is a masterpiece and hundred years from now people are going to shit on Rotten Tomatoes and their biased "reviews" and the kids of the mongrels that make up that shit site will have logs stuffed through asses and they will repent for their parent's sins
>less pretentious
>easier to digest
>stronk wymyn
I fully understand. Too bad Diana fighting WWI soldiers is boring as fuck, because they can't hurt her.
Shes a big woman
>not gal
user I...
They were completely different movies and this one was good. What's the confusion?
Keeping up with the Joneses (2016)
The editing for BvS was horrid. It jumped from scene to scene in a completely awkward and jarring way.
This movie actually seemed that it had a competent editor, and (before getting to the WW1 parts, which is justifiable) was not afraid of color.
what movie is this?
I thought Gal Gadot's weird acting actually worked quite well here because it gave Wonder Woman a odd other earthly vibe
>gay Gal
The stand alone film that has plenty of times to deal with personal issues that successfully have ppl find sympathy the characters. That is what happened. Running time of 2 to 2&half seems a lot for a few character, but it doesn't provide enough space & time for the multi main character to be fully developed.
Because Dawn of Justice was terrible and Wonder Woman was good.
Wow, how shocking.
Is it weird I got a boner imagining Gal dominating that womanlet
>hollywood critics
>trashing a film with a female lead and unleashing the wrath of a million keyboard bond landwhale feminists
Not likely
WW was pretty good but nothing special, it also had its cliches and was saved by its twist ending more than anything else
>and was saved by its twist ending more than anything else
uhh what?
the ending was the worst part of the movie
>was saved by its twist ending more than anything else
the shittiest part of the flick that everyone points out as a downside?
>was saved by its twist ending more than anything else
here's your (you)
when will womanlet bullying stop guys?
The Mummy fucking sucked though
What is this?
>Hundred of years from now
>RT being remembered
When will they learn...
Whats thé différence between the two?
I liked the 3hours long version desu
Just a hundred- when movies of this era will be looked at to understand what we thought of and how we think.
Dawn of Justice focused on 3 male main chars
This moviefocused on a female main char
Do you see the difference?
>all the children... And the women... In my homeland, dead!
>*turns to look at the camera*
>Why did nobody help them?!
Its weird how Jenkins only left in this scene for the American theaters.
someone post blue eye photoshop please
really makes you think
It would be more weird if you didn't.
Only a quarter
Everyone knew they would love this movie. Critics opinions don't mean shit. They loved WW because it was a female superhero. They hated BVS because it was Man-kino. I haven't seen WW so I can't say if it lives up to the hype or not but I'm not surprised the critics love it for political reasons. In fact I expected it. Being a critic is a job for self loathers
stop goysplaining to me!
christ she is freakishly ugly, like sarah silverman in that shower scene. why are jewish woman so hideous and yet hollywood insists on creating reality distortion fields where they're "attractive" in the media?
It's weird how that thing she wears on her head slopes down her rigid caveman brow at such an extreme angle. Also does she just make the same expression in every scene?