Ban people for replying to "your mother will die in her sleep tonight"

>ban people for replying to "your mother will die in her sleep tonight"
>Don't ban the people posting "your mother will die in her sleep tonight"
Bravo mods... bravo...

>caring about 'die in her sleep' threads
>ignoring all the other shitposting and shilling threads
>gj (((mods)))

>Inb4 "this user was banned for this post"

I literally just replied to one post that had that line in the very bottom of a long text filled image and said that the people who post these should be banned or something

Your mother will die if you don't reply to this post AND get banned for it

Is that where everyone went? This place died within 20 mins...

Yup. It's a literal holocaust, except this time it actually happened.

complaining about Sup Forums policies or staff is also a bannable offence
i've been banned before for posting pic related

yo momma gonna die. no imoominies


>implying the mod will ever respond to this

What do you expect?

Mods need to step up their game and do mass bans.
They could easily just code some sort of an algorithm that allows them to ban everyone in a thread and everyone who uses a certain phrase.

They could take a shit thread like this and with a single button simply permaban everyone in the thread instead of manually giving out bans to people.

Get on it, mods. Ban everyone in this thread already.

I know for a fact they have a list with IP they like and IP they don't.

Ever wonder why sometimes you don't even have to solve the capcha, you can just post right away? Well, they think you're funny. Can't solve the damn thing even if you know you're right? They're fed up. I've been banned three days and after the three days I got an extra 24 hours. Just a loophole so I can't appeal it and just to piss me off a little more. These guys are not really upstanding citizen per say.

so, National-Socialism was an emotional reaction to find meaning in life.

Mods?!?!?! More like SHILLS.

I'm fairly certain Goebbels didn't invent National Socialism.

he should be this is meta as fuck and offtopic


ban yourself nigger

This is the correct response

How do you know they weren't banned?


>ban stupid people

works for me

>Off topic
Rich coming from an Australian

Do I have to reply to this one to save my mother?

everyone knows Americans are the worst when it comes to off topic shit posting, by sheer numbers alone

proof here

>people ITT saying that the mods are justified
>Not realizing that replying to this will get them banned

>implying it doesn't take 10 seconds to evade a ban
who are you calling stupid?

>by sheer numbers alone
Ah wow. An Australian that can't into "maths". Americans also make up the super majority of users here, plus a good chunk of those users are using American VPNs

less than 10 seconds for me

How does that mean I can't into the numbers you stupid faggot

You just proved my point ya fuckin drongo

I love you mom

didn't invent, but he took part in it to find something to be excited about.

Otherwise life is boring.

Mods did great

you if you reply to those posts


Americans make up most users or at least people with American IPs and thus make up most of all kinds of threads.... except cuckolding porn threads, that's you guys.

I love my mum, I can't risk it.

Yes, which supports my assertion that you're the biggest lot of shit posting off topic retards.

Your inability to understand this very simple concept leads me to believe you're a true American.

Your implication was that it was something extraordinary, like how big your wife's bull's penis is

I never implied that Jamal Cletus Hernandez.

>American education
>thanks common core

You strongly implied that you shit posting Australiam piece of refuse

Fuck you niggers it mum will die if you don't reply