Things that could get you killed

Is there anything I could say online, especially here, that could LITERALLY get me killed?

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you, no. but if someone intelligent were to disseminate detailed, plausible information on how to build a dirty bomb in the US, that might get him kidnapped or killed

this isn't Russia. FBI would investigate you, and possibly try to sell you materials to get you arrested

Yea but
mostly top secret stuff like antigavity designs and free energy devices or engines that run on water
Also certain stuff relating to the tavistock institute conspiracies

I want to kill the President

sure, but if a terrorist cell grabbed you first, then you could be in deep shit. im just offering ways you can die simply by giving out info

but i dont want to die just yet so i cant tell you

Care and share your folder user.
I am open minded except perpetuum mobile "science"

Technically there is a series of words that if you happened to say right now would get you killed, yes. The same goes for being a millionaire.

You will never know what those series of words are.

Post classified information about the ayyliens and surely you will have someone from Men In Black strangle you from behind with a piano wire

no user absolutely nothing now let me tell you about hillary cli

Care to put that shit on Mega or something? I'm in the Netherlands, police here is too afraid to knock on people's doors to question them. No one here takes each other seriously, the atmosphere is really strange in this country, but it's probably the language.

Used to be but meme magic stopped working, there were loads of disappearances around Sup Forums but I always found it to be silly. The thing was, supposedly, if you talk about candlejack you got kidn

Not here, you are but one penis in an ocean of piss, you're protected by the vast amount of shit talkers on here, too big to do anything about.

haha yes like the australien leak here on Sup Forums which was dis missed as fake and gay.

Plenty of people were saying that with Bush, and I'm sure it's no different with Obama.

Nice ID faggo

Blasphemy of almighty KEK is dangerous. I wouldn't advise it.


KK Gay

10/10 ID would recommend

>Hey user, would you mind doing the thing that you just said is a realistic way to be killed?

just do it don't be a shitcunt

Reveal something bad about the Clintons.

Actually in this modern era they would investigate you, give you a koran, send you to a special training workshop then overlook any major arms sale you did while having a press briefing prepped in anticipation of whatever it is you are planning to do.

Want to is not going to, your sentence isn't a credible threat

>dirty bombs
>not a meme
Those things are literal garbage.
They don't do any more than a regular bomb, but you need to somehow acquire a heavily regulated material instead of just buying fertilizer and shit.

It's basically an idiot trap to help catch mudslimes.

Post your name and address, someone will be by shortly.

Aym Rand collected social security I guess that makes her evil since she plays both sides.

Taco cat spelled backwards is still taco cat. They don't want you to know that

You could describe yourself. We would make fun of you, and you would commit a suicide..

It was a suicide, come on now

saying the right words can.

The director of a documentary titled 'grey state' was assassinated together with his family.

Grey state was initially meant to be a fictional series about an increasingly progressive dystopian totalitarian US. Legend has it his predictions and plot were so close to apparent real plans and intentions, that he was just assassinated.

Also a large amount of the drugs & rock'n'roll superstars that die of overdoses are assassinated. It's always made to look like drug overdoses because, well, that's just very credible for most of those guys. They are usually killed by producers/managers or whoever stands to benefit from royalties according to contract in case the actor/musician is deceased.