Is this it?

Is this it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>leftists trying to use meme magic
There is something profoundly pathetic about this.


Gonna need 10 more BLM and muslim terrorist attacks STAT!



You know how they are made, dont you?

>Trusting polls three monts before the election, not to mention right after the conventions

This election is the GOP's to lose. Sanders could getting within a couple million votes of Clinton in the primaries despite the sabotage and collusion going on inside the DNC is a testament to how weak a candidate she actually is.

All Trump needs to do is stop acting like a troglodyte and picking unwinnable fights like with Curiel and the Khans.

>Reuters, Ipsos, Rasmussen, CNN, ORC, CBS, YouGov, PPP, Bloomberg, NBC, WSJ, The fucking Economist

The polls funded by major corporations (who will lose profits under a Trump presidency) are oversampling Democrats and showing Trump losing big league as a way to influence public opinion against him


It is only through the divine intervention of kek, can Trump win. Pray to him

>The polls funded by major corporations (who will lose profits under a Trump presidency) are oversampling Democrats and showing Trump losing big league as a way to influence public opinion against him

Not to mention the leaked e-mails prove they are taking marching orders directly from the DNC


sage all CTR threads

this picture looks comfy af.

Trump got stumped?

There's some evidence that post-convention bounces reflect differential changes in response rates, rather than changes in opinion. See Trump has the Shy Tory effect going for him, which was also the reason why polls showed Remain in the lead all the way through. This isn't over by any means.

At the risk of sounding like sour grapes. It's almost a good thing the media is so desperate to potray hillary as being ahead.

Mostly liberal lefty types are the only ones who pay attention to this polling shit. And right wing types too. We both already have our opinions which will not change under any circumstances. Trump could poll 20% and I'd still hate hillary.

So as long as hillary is polling like 3 or 4% ahead that means liberal lefties who secretly hate her and jerk off to pictures of bernie may rationalize not going to the polls. After all she's 'ahead'.

I guess Shy Tory is called Bradley in the US.

>hurr durr trump goes up for small periods exactly every 106 days even though that's only the average in a sample set of three with a range of fucking 107.

Nigger that is the stupidest shit I've ever read.

American education, everybody.

But don't these polls only mobilize right-wing voters?

The left will pay for this heresy towards meme magic

the bullet in the chamber had to line up eventually

>Throw jab out at Muslim cunts trying to use their sons death for political gain
>Lose 10 points

This is what a I find kinda funny about politics. The idea that there's a huge swath of people out that just flip-flop between Trump and Clinton when even the slightest hint of controversy rears its head.

Why the fuck they did this to our sweet prince may he rest in peace


Well, he wants to ban porn, so yeah, fuck him

I think they will. But what theyre trying to do is 'dishearten' trump supporters. If she's up by 15 points maybe people will be concvibced to not vote. Also, many people generally want to vote for "the winner", crazy as that sounds.

How can it change so much in a week?

Do people wake up everyday, look at some article and say "wtf I hate Drumpf now" or "wtf I hate Shillary now"?

Hey, Rio's going to start soon. You for sure would get gold in mental gymnastics. :)

As far as I know Reuters changed its methodology for polling in a way that favors Democrats, which could account for quite a bit of that Clinton gain.

It's rigged.


I dunno..
Kinda depends on if wikileaks and ISIS deliver..
Clear proof of Clinton pushing to arm ISIS + a large string of attacks from ISIS *might* have an impact.

More from new polls: Trump is in 4th place among non-white voters IN A TWO PARTY SYSTEM

Trump will win in the end

>polls are bullshit guys, don't worry we will win

>It's August 2nd
>Saying it's over

Are you fucking retarded?


Romney was crushing Obama's shit in the polls all through 2012 and he ended up getting his ass handed to him on election day so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

fpbp aslo praise kek

Was is "it" when Trump was way down a month ago, and the shitposting with RCP graphs his new levels?

Every day, we get thirty RCP graph screenshot threads, saying either "Trump stumped" or "it's happening" based on the direction the end of Trump's red line is pointing. Are we really going to have to suffer through this until November? There isn't any real way to filter it.

I ducking hope so

Yeah it's really fucking annoying. I feel your pain.

are you retarded?

This is Hillary boom after DNC, but she will be falling at the end of the week The bad thing is that she will still lead after the bust. Poor Murrica...

Fear not, the intercept of KEK approaches soon