8 years
8 years
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Finally, Republicans have fucked this country up enough.
just die filthy parasite
sorry bud
will she be more effiecient(destructive) than obama?
Any chance for her to kill the 2nd ammendment?
just die parasite
Republicans are terrible people only out for themselves democrats care about every American vote democrats come this election!
Posted this yesterday aswell bot.
sage all CTR threads
>8 years
Sounds pretty accurate. That's about what she's going to get.
In prison
>mfw she change the law so she can be elected 3 times
No, Gun sales will go up yet again, Obama has been great for ammo and gun sales as well.
The US needs some Michelle Obama love too.
>trump is hitler bloobloobloo
>hillary is elected
>the european refugee crisis routine is imitated in US
>a real hitler rises as those who cannot flee are ripped from their homes with their families and executed
>the european civil war is well under way, the fascists are winning that one too
imagine the beautiful multicultural utopia we'd all be living in, if only insane immigration extremists and globalist anti-labor cost zealots didn't have their way
Will you go full brazil mode?
>a real hitler rises
Who would vote for such a person?
White men?
2008-2016 Barack
2016-2024 Hillary
2024-2032 Michelle
2032-2040 Mark Zuckerberg
Woman should be a president for life! You're not a misogynist, aren't you?
Don't forget Chelsea!
I hope she comes to Dallas like the last Dem who visited Texas.
Kanye's going to win in 2020
hey secret service, here's a POI
>3 minutes of nonstop coughing
Is she even healthy enough to last 8 years?
You keep posting this shit for three days straight. How about you shove Ahmed's cock up your mouth and keep away from your keyboard for a while?
>8 years
8 beers
kek indeed!
Don't worry, I promise to switch it up a little next year.
god damn it
OP is retarded, her prison sentence will be longer than 8 years
Praise kek
8 years of Hillary.
Then 8 years of Michelle.
keep this fuckin fag trendy shit off the board. their are places for your kind on the internet, pol is not one of them.
Lets be honest both of them would be 1 term presidents
Don't forget Natasha and Malia!
From what I gather, she's got virtually NO support base.
>needs to buy seat fillers
>If elected, civil war cuz the peeps aren't gonna have it.