How Angela Merkel’s open-door immigration policy protects Germany from terrorism in the long-run

> Angela Merkel's open-door policy towards immigrants fleeing Middle East war zones will, in the long run, make Germany safer from terrorist attacks.
> By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam.
> More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism.
> This is not something that can be said of the marginalised and radicalised Muslim communities of the run-down suburbs of Brussels or Paris which breed and harbour terrorist networks.

If you keep them out, they win ! It's genius, what could go wrong ?

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The absolute madman

> 775 responses to my article are split between Germans who support open-door immigration and Brits who don't.

Sounds about right. The German will always swing wildly from one extreme to another.

The author forgot most violence is kebab against kebab like Sunnis against Shiites or Roaches or Kurds. They hate each other even more than they hate us.

Importing more middle-east craziness to Europe doesn't sound like a good idea. Thinking Islamist will be grateful and spare you if you're nice enough to arabs is just delusional.


and another one

And another one


Just dumping my muzzie webm folder now









The point being : Europe is pretty comfy, why fuck it up by importing crazy assholes ?



Why do these idiots have a Westernized view of Islamic culture

*free real estate*

>The point being : Europe is pretty comfy, why fuck it up by importing crazy assholes ?
Yes, you've gotten comfy.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Now you get to enjoy your punishment.

>Yes, you've gotten comfy.

The bible citations are a little heavy handed but I agree to a point. We've put ourselves at the center of our universe like there's nothing bigger or above us and focused all our attention on enjoying the present moment.

We're increasingly hedonistic and self-centered, having disconnected our actions, or lack thereof, with their inevitable consequences.

I don't trust our institutions to get us out of trouble, they've proven they either can't or won't and even the pope is cucked to death. We're drifting rudderless.

> By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam.
> More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism.

So ... what's with the recycled heads (pic related)? Do they just collect them and drive them 'cross town and rent them out to any ISIS who needs some street cred?

Honestly large number of mudshits in cities makes it pointless to explode a dirty nuclear bomb. Reminder that among 80 killed by that truck 30 were muslims.

Just import them all, Merkel. You can't sleep at night if just one Syrian refugee is in Syria. Go ahead. One more million next year and every year until the Middle East is empty. You wanted this future.

No problem, I'm sure they will integrate perfectly.

A French guy who was captured by ISIS already talked about it.

People living in ISIS territory are all just waiting until the local religious police patrol rolls out of the street, so they can flee the city trying to get to Europe.

That's all the people care about.

ISIS is FUCKING AFRAID of Merkel and her open-door policy.

It is fundamentally destroying the foundation of the ISIS ideology that the West is trying to destroy Islam.

As long as Europe keeps accepting immigrants, ISIS will be losing control over the population in its territories.

And as ISIS keeps losing terrain and soldiers to the Iraqi army, Kurds, the Syrian army and Syrian rebels, eventually there will be a point where ISIS will be surrounded not just by enemies outside, but also enemies inside. When there are no longer enough religious police on the streets to keep the population under control, ISIS will fall.

>It hurts less if you stop fighting

Thanks, Mutti.

a fucking toothpaste

this is amazing.

>ISIS is FUCKING AFRAID of Merkel and her open-door policy.

I've heard a variant of that argument. Some guest on the Sam Harris podcast explained how the Syrian civil war was in fact a tribal conflict for dominion over the population living in the territory controlled by each faction.

Yes, people fleeing is depriving ISIS from their tax base and manpower pool but sheltering them in refugee camps acorss the region makes more sense than bringing them over to Europe. Most of these people will never integrate and will never want to leave. They're a huge burden and a liability, so will be their children and grand-children.

Germans thinking they're too smart to have the same problem Belgium France or the UK are experiencing is both arrogant and delusional. Taking them in by the hundreds of thousands if not millions is suicidal on a economic, demographic, social and even cultural level.

ISIS is not that much of a threat to us to take those chances. Let Assad and his Russian pals sort it out or whatever.

I'm always surprised at the production value of their snuff porn, they clearly put a lot of effort in their propaganda stuff.

The cartels are a lot more creative and scary with their gore but don't bother with the carefully framed shots and slick slow-mo action.

>Sounds about right. The German will always swing wildly from one extreme to another.
heh, been that way since '33..

>there are people who genuinly believe this drivel

Let it all burn, we are done.

And every european country will look like a muslim hellhole. Great.

It's the roaches fault, they dumped them on the Greek coasts they should all be sent back or kept in Muslamic countries.

Sry france. You managed the muslims wrong. You never integrated them. They live in their own communities inside your country. There is basically zones of your country where there is just muslim people living. If you exclude someone from your society you have to be sure that they will do their own thing and hate you for it. Here we do things different. They dont put muslims in special areas. They put them right where the germans live. This has a nice effect. Germans and muslims find out that they arent that different at all and start careing for each other. I dont want to tell you how many times i got invited for dinner by my turkish neighbours. They are realy friendly and kind and their kids do good at school. The one son is running a successfull business and is employing germans and turks. They are really nice people and never said anything bad about germany or christianity. They basically are saying that without the help of germany and the germans living here they wouldnt be able to live their life like they are. They mostly blame the low education in muslim countrys and thoose people voting for bad politicans for the situation in the middle east. They also say that trump is no different then Erdogan or Assad for basically baiting people the same way they did. Anyways makes you think enjoy.
Your fellow neighbours

If you commit genocide and ban them from entering the country, the problem is solved too...

I'm sure some fuckery is afoot they're not telling us about. Countries like Turkey are probably blackmailing Europe with the threat of letting the refugees loose and shipping them to us.

> in the long-run
i.e turning Germany into a caliphate

That is retarded. The muslim ghettos are that way because they keep fucking and having kids at our expense and white people progressively fled the area.

A relative inherited a house in what used to be a nice little working class residential surburb a few decades ago, there was only 2 white families when they sold the house.

There are plenty successful and peaceful muslims in France too, they're not a problem. It's the large numbers of cunts that came with them that are. The trick is you can't tell them apart until it is too late.

You'll learn. You'll ruin your society in the process but you'll learn educated secular turks and illiterate arabs are not quite the same sort of muslims.

How about Merkel also starts giving them some german lessons?

The muslim ghettos are that way because your society created them. I heard for years about the problems young muslims have to find a job in your country. Even if they have a good diploma or arent criminal and living a good live. Oh muslim name? He wont get the job. Of course this resolves in that areas where you put the muslims before have a higher and higher unemployment rate. This resolves into those areas having higher crime rates. This resolves into thoose muslim people dont seeing a perspective. This all ends in muslims hating the french staate. This ends in muslims beeing so desperate that they listen to crazy imans telling them to fight their problem : the french staate

Just legalize all drugs and they'll be atheist within 5 years.

>Oh muslim name? He wont get the job.

You're trolling or retarded, I can't tell which. I'll humor you one last time for the sake of argument.

Qualified muslims are perfectly able to get a job nd a normal life here, there's plenty of them working in technology for example, many have been my bosses or my coworkers. No one here cares about that, I've reviewed many resumes and never anyone has mentioned anything about race, that's just not how you run a business.

If you drop out of highschool and think stealing shit, raping and abusing girls, mugging people and dealing shitty hash is a career option however, you're going to have a bad time. They are entirely responsible for their own failure as a community.

Now stop being a faggot.

Majbe it changed a little bit now, because your society is slowly noticing what they did wrong. Anyways i dont see any real "muslim ghettos" in germany. Seems like you are doing something wrong

Mudslimes on drugs, just brilliant. Give them a loaded gun and a handgrenade while you're at it.

>Just legalize all drugs and they'll be atheist within 5 years.

Muslims are degenerates just like anyone else, perhaps even worse than many natives. They drink, smoke hash and fornicate with both sexes whenever they can and then feel bad about it.

Washing their "sins" away has been a motivating factor for many of those involved in the recent attacks. The Orlando and Nice attacker were both closeted fags, one of the guys involved in the Paris attacks had worked as a male escort and frequented gay clubs.

Cannot be unseen....

This policy worked well in France... oh wait...



What did Eric Cantona do to them?

So appeasement again? Yeah, cause it worked so well last time...

>tfw you're a refugee who flees to the west to get away from murderous lunatics and because of open door policy there is nothing that prevents them just fucking following you in

Liberals don't seem to understand that refugees fail to find a safe haven in the west if we're also accommodating the very people they're taking refuge from.

What a fucking joke.

You just described ISIS.

Pretty grim with his eyes still moving after his head is cut off. You will actually still be alive and thinking for 15-20 seconds after decapitation.

Out of 80 people in France, 30 were Muslims.

How wonderful.

>Liberals don't seem to understand that refugees fail to find a safe haven in the west if we're also accommodating the very people they're taking refuge from.

Or to put it another way, we must be doing something right if so many people want to come here. Maybe we should be more cautious and try harder to keep it that way.

I'm not opposed to legal immigration on a case by case basis but there is no upside to mass immigration.

Law based, high trust societies are inherently better than their honor based, low trust analogs. The type of society you have results from culture which comes from demographics. If you replaced Africans with white people, Africa wouldn't be the same. Conversely, if you change the demographics of Europe, it cannot possibly stay the same as a people, culture and society.

When the inevitable terrorist attack comes he won't reassess his views in light of contradictory evidence but just blame the Germans on not being welcoming enough. We'll then hear tales of discrimination and how the Germans, like the French and Belgians, didn't do enough to help integrate people they had no obligation to accept in the first place.

This is well put.

You should go into politics.

>he won't reassess his views in light of contradictory evidence

Never, the guy is a piece of work. I've read and heard too many like him not to think this crop of progressivism is not a form of mental illness by now.

In that case Germany doesn't need a security service team to monitor the Muslim population for extremists, presumably.

>> By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam.

If you aren't at war with Islam you are a slave to Islam.

I won't read this, I'm so done with the mental gymnastics, it's fucking insane.

Yesterday i saw in my store german lady with her little kids
One of them called Ahmed and he was Ahmed
Breeding with inbred sandniggers already began
RIP pure Aryan blood
Hitler turning in his grave

>German intelectuals

Well he died in Argentina so I'm sure he learned to chill around niggers on his last days, cursing the eternal Aryan and their incompetence

This is some top tier mental gymnastics.
Kill all muslims, no more muslims no more islamic terrorism, easy.

This. Which should scare anyone with a brain right now.


Wow let's commit more sins to wash away the others. Brilliant!

>Implying there are white people left in Paris and Brussels

Germany is so retarded it hurts.

Didn't read, sage and hide all shill threads.

What is this?
can you subscribe to isis tv?

>Germany not at war with Islam

Yeah that's the problem because Islam is at war with you.

> What is this? Can you subscribe to isis tv?

Lurk long enough and you'll find them. We haven't had new ones in a while though. The muzzies are slacking.

Damn they got good editors lol

what was censored on his t-shirt?

There, have a cute squirrel.

Yep. They do put effort in producing those.

Hahahahahahahaha. Sure, Murat, suuuuuuuuuuuuure. Dreckiges Kanackenschwein.

How the fuck should I know, some Adidas logo ? Maybe those guys won't fuck around with the threat of a copyrights infringement lawsuit.

Islam has declared war on Germany. It doesn't care that your open and submissive, it cares that the leadership is not Islamic and the law is not sharia.

This is an invasion.

Why can't they see the blatantly obvious?

Scream bloody gore!! He's still alive after his head's been chopped off, looking at the sword what slayed him.

Pic related, Germany in a nutshell.

Uhhhh what, WHAT?


What kind of kike wrote that piece of shit. How do you even come up with that garbage?

>François Hollande has frequently announced that he is at war with Isis. For many Muslims who feel they have become criminalised by their religion the French President might as well be declaring war on them.

Literally what? Isn't it the mudslimes who always whine that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam?
But when People hat ISIS, they suddenly feel attacked and threatened?
I swear, Mudslimes and Leftists are the worst hypocrits on earth.

it's just funny how they care about such details, for example censoring the buttocks of a body, but display the violence in utter most graphic sense.

>muh death to infidels
You sound just like them, you lunatic.

Wut? That's not what he said

>bloo bloo muh integration
A lot of asians, not just chinese, also keep to their own, never integrate. I don't see them going on murder sprees.



>destroy Germany before terrorist have a chance to do it themselves


I'm all for helping out refugees, but when those refugees hold. in mass, possibly the most antithetical to western culture religious dogma there is on earth right now, that actively encourages terrorizing one's enemies, gives tips on how to do it, allows pedophilia and vividly describes the grossly lax conditions in which followers of Islam may practice it, discourages integrating with non-Muslims, encourages wanton hatred towards non-Muslims, and it just goes on and on and on with one horrible story to the next.

Islam has done their societies nothing but ill, and the whole fucking world needs to realize that just 'pretending' that Islam isn't the core of all Islamic societies problems isn't doing anyone any good.
Muslims are not Islam, Muslims are people. People deserve to live well and not be indoctrinated by sick, harmful ideologies, both to the immediate lives around them and the integrity of their physical human, man, woman and child society.
It's twisted and irresponsible for people to just accept this shit as if it's 'just another' fucking interesting cultural addition to our rapidly improving, rapidly advancing melting pot societies, like Mardi Gras, or Saint Patricks Day or celebrating Chinese New Year because it's another brilliant excuse to fire gunpowder bombs into the air and watch the explosions for fun, and you can never have too many of those.

And Islam is just fucking not any of those things.

Muslims are welcome, as humans, but they have to understand just how godawful that ideology is. Go back to being humans like the rest of us, you're far, far better off that way.

Drowning :

Stoning :