Do you fear that they'll eventually stage right wing false flag attacks to build up a more cohesive propaganda narrative for themselves?
Jose James
Same here bro. They pay people not to go to a newspaper
Robert Fisher
can you prove any of what you allege? I would be very interested in your story if you could provide proof!
Elijah Cooper
how do i credibly proof to my bluepilled naive af normie friends and family that germany does indeed hide and distort crime statistics?
i showed them the leaked bka documents from a while ago. they think it's fakery by right wing nutjobs. they think everything is fakery by right wing nutjobs.
Easton Perry
what types of crimes are the refugees bought in for? what kinds of repercussions are there for the refugees? what kind of consequences would there be for you if you collated info and went public?
Robert Lee
>not carrying out raids against the obstructions to justice Just because they wear a uniform too doesn't mean they're your ally. Remove obstacles
Chase Brooks
I think the Köln rape case provides enough evidence that the German police and the German media cooperate to hide crimes committed by migrants. They lost their entire credibility and trust that week
Ryan Powell
But you guys are whiter than the USA and our nigger Muslim president so I guess you win huh, really makes you think :^)
Dylan Ross
No need. Work is done on a paper that will show a prevented right wing attacks.
Also all "attacks" that are commited "against" Refugees. What that means is mostly Refugees misunderstand something get into a fight mostly against other Migrants( MostlyAlbanians, Kurds, Turks).
There is going to be a big Report on what needs to be done that Refugees dont get attacked any longer.
The right wing isnt stupid. They know they are winning.
David Hernandez
Go to wikileaks
I'm serious. This needs to come out. The German political and law enforcement establishment is covering this up.
If the cops can cover up the deaths of sports fans at Hillsborough they can DEFINITELY hide this.
Ethan Nguyen
Can you leak it to a newspaper?
Chase Bailey
>I am not sure how many this places we got in Germany, thats why i wont tell you anything that could traced back to me.
Adam Nelson
nice bait, is your Sup Forums general dead again?
Jayden Ortiz
Exactly this! If you have the chance to change something, do it.
Levi Reyes
Reach out to wikileaks and ask how they can protect you.
You have a moral obligation, OP. You are in a position of power to really make a difference. If the progressives trust their government that much, then they should know what they are doing behind the scenes. If they can suppress stories that are politically inconvenient then they can suppress anything
Liam Ramirez
Benjamin Morris
Don't worry, it will all sort itself out.
> How Angela Merkel’s open-door immigration policy protects Germany from terrorism in the long-run
> Angela Merkel's open-door policy towards immigrants fleeing Middle East war zones will, in the long run, make Germany safer from terrorist attacks. > By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam. > More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism.
If you keep them out, they win.
Juan Flores
>Very interesting >I totally am very interested >Please provide proof as well as your name, address and the name of your supervisor > MfG, fellow goy who is just interested about this!
... fuck off
Hudson Fisher
You're a revolting traitorous piece of trash if you don't leak this classified information, grow some fucking balls and spill the beans
Jackson Scott
This to be quite honest, krautbro. You've gotta be a hero.
Chase Phillips
Lucas Mitchell
the danger of anonymous interned boards is that anyone can claim anything. Unless there is some sort of accessible, universally accepted proof what the allegation he has made, it merits no further discussion. Without evidence, this thread will only spiral into the confirmation bias and unfounded institution bashing that is inherent to the Sup Forums culture.
Grayson Brooks
Jordan Reed
because that's not obvious already.
The fact that they hided the nye fiasco and only reported on it because it got leaked tells me they are currently hiding all kinds of things
Isaiah Richardson
If you don't assimilate to their culture and adopt their laws and fucked up religion, they win.
Nathan Martin
Will think about something. We have no emblem. The building i sit in is not know for anything but "the refugees go in here". Can tell you how we set up. Me, Undercover Cop and a Psychologist She talks with them i get loud if need be Cop observes.
Read the Newspapers for dead corpse found in channel or rivers. Or the High presents of Police officers. Crime in my area went up 1500% Maybe we are the only one who have something like this. And something to get angry at. Refugees who say they need more money for months and then steal, get more money. Instead to lock them up(Which would coast more is the explanation) We give them 200 more Euro.
I have 4 Kids and a Beautyful wife. My family has History. I cant I just cant. Plus i am one ugly motherfucker.
Agree. I am just here to give some who are willing to believe confirmation that many of the Higher Officals are commiting treason. Maybe someone will read this and who is willing to throw away his life will step forward.
Daniel Gutierrez
Germany will become an islamic state, that's how they'll stop "terrorism", because it won't be terrorism, it'll just be muslims killing fellow muslims, like they've done in the middle east for thousands of years.
Juan Taylor
Dutch Police and MPs hide all crimes that could be commited by Refugees.
I work at a Place where refugees come when they commited a crime.
Nothing is allowed to be talked outside of this building. You could say i got a clearing for Classified Information.
If the Axe attack didnt happen, nothing would ve come out. Untill the shooter and even the shooter couldve been easier linked to the Right.
I am not sure how many this places we got in The Netherlands, thats why i wont tell you anything that could traced back to me.
Luis Myers
Where in Germany do you live?
Leo Scott
Tyler Rogers
>there is an official statistic and an inofficial statistic the latter being WAY more dramatic (i.e. higher numbers etc.) than official report
care to comment on that?
Ryder Edwards
can you tell us more about the process at the institution? A criminal refugee is delivered to your building, then what happens? How many "clients" per week are we talking? What kind of crimes?
Nicholas Reed
>I have 4 Kids and a Beautyful wife. My family has History. I cant I just cant. >Plus i am one ugly motherfucker.
>many of the Higher Officals are commiting treason
Logan Adams
If you're legit. Then do it and go out like a fucking hero. Have a scotch and a smoke and crash the fucking plane.
Zachary Harris
Didnt idaho law enforcement try to cover up muslim rapes also?
Parker Fisher
If you don't leak anything you're just like one of these Stasi fucks.
Ryder Perez
>thats why i wont tell you anything Yeah thanks OP, nice thread.
Jeremiah Smith
>it'll just be muslims killing fellow muslims
It's something the author forgot to mention, muslims hate each other even more than they hate us.
Most of the beheading videos you see is kebab on kebab crime, like some sunni guy killing a roach, kurd or shiite.
Jason Watson
William Watson
either OP is a hero or a faggot
Xavier Wright
If this is true and you don't make it public, you are what your ID suggests you to be: SAU+
Kek has spoken.
Isaiah Carter
Jaxon Flores
Ethan Gray
>German Police and MPs hide all crimes that could be commited by Refugees. Nothing new, happens here too all the time
Jace Robinson
THIS OP, if what you're saying isn't troll, then you actually have the power of changing the country. Don't be a faggot. Don't mess this up man.
Juan Evans
I fully understand your Point but three days ago I saw for the first time somebody bleed to death in front of me. The last three days I have been thinking about short life can be and how peacefull Germany once was. I came to realize that everything can change in one moment. The question is do you want to lye in your death bed and think about what you should have done... and I understood that I want to die in peace.
Brody Robinson
Ian Martin
Use a VPN, a throwaway email address and send it to wikileaks.
You have to understand that the majority of us here want to do something to help out countries against the problems that came with the migrant crisis, but we just can't do anything.
We're stuck waiting for migrants to rape our wives and murder or children until we have the tools to fight back.
You don't. You have all the cards in your hands to make a difference.
How many more families will need to be destroyed before you'll decide to leak this information?!
Daniel Kelly
Wyatt Scott
We have no computers. Only use Fax and hand written documents. We get a phones from them. Police and der verfassungsschutz drive that thing.
in my area its 1500% Many dead women. Some get found by people and get reported to the press. Offical body search teams, search for dead bodys befor a civillian finds them.
Rape murder is so high that your head would spin. Rape in Refugee Shelter is so common that even the people who work there are giving up to stop it. Social workers who dont want give the right more ground perform sexual acts for the refugees. Prostitutes paid for be the German Tax payer are provided.
Just a snipped what i saw and hear.
Man i just dont know
Elijah Brown
> fI aw for the first time somebody bleed to death in front of me
What happened?
CIA shills ain't no got no vacation?
Robert Perez
how many staplers have been stolen
Dominic Phillips
Adrian Stewart
What town are you in?
Carter Nguyen
I'm recommending every african peddling chinese crap on the beach i can get my eyes on to go to Germany. Convinced today a small group of long bearded malawians to go to Germany since the locals like islam and it's full of beautiful blonde women looking for a strong muslim man to settle down with.
Departed with large smiles and shook their hands, they promised me they would have gathered enough money to move in Germany asap. While leaving i could swear one of them was informing his buddies overseas about the existence of such a wonderful land in his native tongue. Hope you appreciate the gift germany,your women will have plenty of brown muslim kids that will teach you how not to be a nazi
Regards, Italianon
Jonathan Barnes
Well yeah, the burden of proof is on the OP and it would lead to confirmation bias without any proof, but the anonymous boards thing is a double edge sword, since it's not worth whistle-blowing on here and end up getting multiple government-mandated nutsack stabbings at his nearest "Re-education Centre for Love and Acceptance of Refugees".
Now wikileaks or something else on the other hand...
Isaac Kelly
Ayden Harris
Just a guy riding on a scooter without helmet.
Anthony Martinez
>The last three days I have been thinking about short life can be and how peacefull Germany once was.
You're too cute mate. Hahahahaha.
Nicholas Scott
>sitting by while women get disappeared, raped and ultimately murdered >"n-no guys i have a wife" stop it mate
Kayden Anderson
He's baiting. Isn't it obvious?
Saged and reported.
Nathan Roberts
James Powell
>Prostitutes paid for be the German Tax payer are provided. Fucking hell we memed so hard about it that it actually happened holy shit
Thomas Lewis
Tu es für dein Vaterland.
Wyatt Campbell
>Fax and hand written documents. copy them, take pictures
>We get a phones from them. record those calls >Police and der verfassungsschutz drive that thing. even better, expose them
>in my area its 1500% do you have documents/statements from officials who prove that?
>Many dead women. Some get found by people and get reported to the press. >Offical body search teams, search for dead bodys befor a civillian finds them.
Yeah, I heard/read about those recent stories.
3 dead bodies in Glosar and 1 dead women with a child in Münster
Are refugees involved in those cases?
>Rape in Refugee Shelter is so common that even the people who work there are giving up to stop it. >Social workers who dont want give the right more ground perform sexual acts for the refugees. >Prostitutes paid for be the German Tax payer are provided.
This sounds fake desu.
Jack Thompson
verfassungsschutz learned its lesson last time they used emails and computer documents.
There are NO i repeat NO computer in this building. From what i hear almost all Confidential Infromation is a paper document. A few higher ups email progress to the Head Office of the Verfassungsschutz. But again nothing that is written down here leaves this building digital.
I have internet(my won phone)
Grayson Mitchell
In my liftime it was. In my town I could go to a bar leave my wallet on the table all night long and nothing happened. I was able to let my girlfriend walk home alone after drinking all night. Not anymore.
Parker Clark
thanks for the reply - seems to overlap with the info i have from people inside the machine
they have the same problem as you do - they are scared to lose their family, jobs, security etc. and nobody will bite the hand that is feeding them
point is - we now live in a world where you can blow the whistle relatively easy without risking your ass.. get informed how to open a secure connection (open/hacked wlan -> 'yourfavoritelinuxdistribution' -> TOR) and help make world a better place
Jason Miller
remember OP, silence is the same as collusion
that part was already known
Julian Evans
Digital scanner apps.
Or just quick pictures.
You can save or families, user. You have that power. Please use it.
Colton Bailey
>When you realise the Stazi is exactly the same as it used to be today
Xavier Evans
Honestly i think OP is lying. No i'm not a refugee apologist and the german media and authorities do hide the crime refugees commit. but 1500% increase in crime, dead bodies found in rivers,'classified' documents?
Apparently i live close to a refugee center my self. haven't noticed a thing (tilburg)
Benjamin Wilson
>I have internet(my won phone) then you can record phoine calls with it
>paper document
Nolan Jackson
>Social workers who dont want give the right more ground perform sexual acts for the refugees. Fucking christ. Europe is a huge triggerfest for me.
It's real, but it doesn't say anything with refugees until now.
Joshua Kelly
You're right Bigger Shops mustn't Call the Police if Refugees are caught stealing. They report to the district office instead and they pay for the loss.
Don't trust any official crime statistic. They are forged.
Jaxson Fisher
Honestly? Go back to fucking reddit you retard. Why did you create this thread in the first place then? We all fucking know that shit like that happens, but there aren't many opportunities where we have a chance to prove it and back it up with evidence. You are just being a faggot, admit it.
Samuel Taylor
>Officials: Man's body found at waste facility in Goslar, Germany; 2 women found dead at building, unclear if related wew
Joshua Brooks
No prooves, no bump
OP is a fear shill. I like that you are trying to radicalize but still, fake as fuck, unless proove
Austin Perez
that last naaah was something i forgot to delete.
Gavin Miller
Don't forget that the English of OP is absolutely atrocious.
There's no way a German writes English this badly.
He's just some East-European 12-year old having a jolly old time.
Cameron Butler
does the place get frequent police visits?
Blake Gonzalez
Change something.
Not many can change the system but you are in a position where you can hurt it. Do it for your Vaterland.
Daniel Lee
THIS you selfish fucking kraut, i hope your wife and kids and up dead and raped, in that order....unless
Andrew Baker
Unless you post adress of said building
Kevin Diaz
Well if he has a wife and 4 children he might be older. or originally east German and growing up
>Prostitutes paid for be the German Tax payer are provided. Nah, you are talking shit. There is no way none of the prostitutes took the chance to sell her story to the media.
Lucas Rodriguez
You logic is sound
Leo Mitchell
> There's no way a German writes English this badly.
Of course. There is a selection bias on English speaking sites meaning you get to hear the good ones. People over 40 are usually terrible in English and about half before that age. OP, if legit, was probably sent by krautchan or something.
Adrian Cox
I don't know, it houses 400 refugees. I'm not a original tilburg citizen just a student that started living there (a year almost). But i feel safe and have not read about crimes or something they commit. Biggest problem here are drug related crimes
Ryder Walker
A year ago you would have said the Guide To Good Sex would never happen.
Eli Wood
Give us proof, OP. I'll leak it.
Samuel Miller
>copy them, take pictures
>record those calls
>even better, expose them
>do you have documents/statements from officials who prove that?
>Yeah, I heard/read about those recent stories. >3 dead bodies in Glosar and 1 dead women with a child in Münster >Are refugees involved in those cases?
The truth is if you want to believe me. Some Crmies get commited by other Migrants or people with a Migrant background. They speak fake broken german in an area where refugees live. Others are rominian gangs who take the chance at this chaotic time.
>This sounds fake desu.
I just give you stories. The things really happend. I get a day 5 People i deal with. They talk about what they expirince. And many Social workers are so stressed that they dont see any other option. Yes they get to us because they have sex with minors. Because they are social workers they arent allowed to have sex with them.
Julian Powell
am on my phone cut me some slack.
Dylan Martinez
I'm insanely pessimistic so I would have totally believed it back then.
I am not saying that the state wouldn't go that far - I totally believe they would if they thought it could further their cause.
I am saying that there is no way this would stay a secret for long if you involve people like prostitutes in it.
Jason Russell
>Others are rominian gangs who take the chance at this chaotic time.
Did you mean Romani (gypsy) or Romanian?
Oliver Phillips
It's not like the German media will publish anything damning of the German government, is it?
Logan Cooper
If you want to read about a refugee center that does have problems check news about Nijmegen Heumensoord. Gays being bullied so hard they flee, ISIS recruiters being there. It's a fucking mess