Vesper Lynd

>Vesper Lynd
>26 years old
>Some sort of high executive accountant working for FAFT

>27 years old
>Work retail and lives with parents
>Still sleeps on a single bed

Wtf. at that age are we really supposed to have our lives and careers sorted out by then. Her character also seems a lot more mature and worldly than I am now.

fuck this depresses me. at least bond and other male leads tend to be a lot older so I don't feel as bad.

Anyone else compare where a character is at life when they are supposed to be the same age as you.

never used to make me feel bad when I was under 25 but now it's really getting to me ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:

I used to feel bad about that too until realizing imageboards were also full of people similar to me

I would like to be that chain.

Yeah, and at 25 Luke already beat Vader while I've never flown X-wing before, what the hell

Are you sure about that? You wouldn't be able to breathe and end up suffocating.

>27 years old
>Work retail

Just off yourself

oh god.

to feel her breasts squeezed against me.

the disgust stare she has.


>27 years old
>Work retail and lives with parents

What went so wrong OP ?

Rich parents send kids like that to private schools and get them jobs through connections. Except the real life equivalent of vesper will be a liberal bitch virtue signalling about diversity and african niglets. It's literally impossible to feel sympathy toward these people.

What kind of rope do i need for my 260 pound ass?

I'd die happy.

It's fiction you moron

I'm 36 and haven't had a gf in 14 years!

40 year old, unemployed virgin with an IQ of 156 who's never completed a tertiary course, here

Ask me anything

What keeps you going brother?

How's it goin? Any nice weather lately?

i would assume someone so well off and worldly at that age either came from money or just got extremely lucky. i never met anyone in their 20s that had all their shit figured out. you're not alone, user.

chill out OP you are gonna get an aneurysm

I'm autistically programmed to never self-terminate, by an overly-religious mother

It's fucking spectacular. A brisk 15 Celsius (~60 F) during the day, and down to freezing (32 F) at night. Couldn't be happier.

That's solid. Cold weather is the best for sleeping.

>le IQ
IQ doesn't mean anything if you don't do anything with your alleged intelligence.

the depression got me

used to be a paramedic. towards the end of my career worked like a dog for 2 years and saved all my money to leave to my sister when I killed myself.

didn't go through with it lol and I don't want to be in healthcare anymore.

don't know what I want to do now though and I am just fluffing around in life basically waiting to die. but depression-wise I'm in a much better place lol

that is until I see in shows where I am supposed to be at life at this point.

Fuck, I do this too.

I'm 24. Have a shitty job that's barely a real job. Still live with my parents. got a degree but I feel like I know knothing about my field to the point where I barely ever talk or think about it.

I watch these characters have great jobs, see the world, be badass, have relationships and change the world at my age or younger.

I'm 24 so maybe I'll be a high executive accountant working for FAFT yet.

24 and i haven't had a gf in 24 years! Tell me more about how bad you feel.

Doesnt look 26

I get that, every man has his breaking point though, guess you really don't give a fuck anymore. made it to 40 whats another 30 years.

That's part of the joke, amigo. I'm quite intelligent but did nothing at all productive with it. I deserve all the mediocrity and misery that will ever come to me.

>I'm quite intelligent
If you were, you'd be doing something with your life.

You story is suprisingly similar to mine.

Seriously get fucked, I graduated first class honors in a science field and there are absolutely 0 jobs in my city and had to move to find anything career wise.
Most people our age don't have any of those things, that's why they make TV shows about it. Of course, things are different not compared to how they used to be. Talking to older people I work with, they legitimately did just go up to the boss and shake their hand and get a job

Nice collective mindset you got there pal.

Thanks for making me feel better about my life guys. You all suck at this.

I AM doing something with my life! Enjoying the shit out of Grand Theft Auto V on PC. Also, don't you fucking L.A. Noire me, you pleb fuck. I'll punch you in the cunt.

Where do you get the money? What do you do in your daily life?

i thought vesper was an orphan like james.

>this meme

Fuck you faggot, I don't have the energy to keep you happy when I can't keep myself happy.

Why even bring up your IQ other than to self-deprecate if your life has amounted to nothing? I'd rather be a forest gump than a that-one-genius-dude-who-drank-cough-syrup in that one episode of house

I receive a few hundred bucks a fortnight from Centrelink (Australian welfare - fuck yeah) and live in a 1971 caravan on my parents' undeveloped property out in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere - because the unemployment rate up in this shitburg is nearly 50%, and because I'm too fat to get the only kind of job they seemingly have around here, I think Centrelink stopped giving a fuck about "pushing me into employment, once more".

Considering I've had more than 30 part-time jobs in my life until my back broke (most of them cheap labour - I'm the kind of guy who works for others without asking questions, because questions get the shit beaten out of you), I think most folks have essentially given up on me as well. That's fine by me - the less cunts I have to associate with, the less effort I have to put into pretending I give a fuck.

Still better than being renting cuck.

That's the point - I brought it up TO self-deprecate

Honestly, OP, yeah, a lot of people have serious shit going on at our age (~25), but it's not the end of the world. I'd much rather hang out with you than those type of people. They always have a stick up their ass and are never down to earth, real people.

You should just get autistically swole and become the NEET Muscle God.

I would so much rather be a rent cuck than live with my parents. Like, the $650 is more than reasonable for freedom. I see so many of my friends at 25-26 still telling their mom where they are going or even just having to see your mom every day. That's torture. FUCK that.

Depends. I know people that literally work 60 hour weeks to pay the rent on their shitty sub-human negro rental unit with roaches and have $40 left to feed themselves for the month.

Rent is the ultimate jew.

I unironically think you are living the dream. Fuck people and fuck working. I literally wish I were you. Except lose some weight man, for you if for no one else. I need to work on that, too.

It's a movie, but all you gotta do is make good grades in high school, go to a good school, get a useful degree, and have connections in the right places.

Man, how shitty are your parents? Freedom is vastly overrated, I get the house to myself the majority of the day, and my mommy makes me the occasional meal.

If someone told me I could live alone for free, I wouldn't take it. You pay over 600 bucks a month for that?

He lives in Australia, so his internet is probably dial-up tier though.

Is she really supposed to be 26 or is that just how old Eva was? A 23 year old Nicole Kidman played a top neurosurgeon in Days of Thunder, though her character was presented as being older.

Sounds like a really shitty area to live. I have a nice house in DC where I rent a room for $650/month (cheapo for the area, luckily), and save around $1,500 a month into my savings that I never touch. Not trying to brag, really just proving you don't have to live so shittily. If I want something I can just buy it.

>I would so much rather be a rent cuck than live with my parents.
Fuck that. I'm fine with working and living at home. I get my privacy and free food. Plus mummy and pop pop put the AC on when it's hot.

Do you live in some meth town or something Cobba?

Yeah, it's worth it for me to not be around a family decor home with all these nick-nacks of cat statues and shit whatever else is in a family home. Living with a menopausal woman. How embarassing to have people over and the house is decorated by a 50 year old woman.

I prefer to be a NEET than to be "Some sort of high executive accountant working for FAFT".

Meth AND abbos


>You pay over 600 bucks a month for that?
That's about a quarter of my monthly income. Not a big deal.

>supposed to be
No such thing. Life will always find a way to screw with you. "Successful people" is a myth.

Renting is for saps. You are just throwing your money away. Unless you are renting to own there is no point in doing so.

>Joanna Newsom
>DROPPED OUT of college to focus on music
>published her first album at 22 to critical acclaim

>18 years old
>no job, no car, live at home, no gf ever
>no plan so far except to go to CC, haven't taken SATs, nursing impossible dreams

Why are Australians so pathetic?

I...I understand the concept of renting. I'm not going to live with my mom until I have $600,000 -
$1,000,000for a house, though. Is that really your plan?



Never had a gf in 27 years and most likely never will. One girl pretended to love me to fuck with me (not in the literal sense, sadly). THat's were I have lost all my confidence

It's entirely possible to be some high-mid/low-high management under 30yo if you're focused on your career. You are just not that kind of person, nothing to be ashamed of.

It's fiction OP

its not real

>last girlfriend I had was at 22
>I'm 25 now
in 11 years I will literally be you. I haven't had sex in almost 4 years.

jesus, just go and shoot up a cinema you pathetic retard

You reckon she's into guy's with really small dicks? Asking for a friend.

Literally all descended from irredeemable criminals sent to die in the desert.

>still live at home with parents
>no car
>never had a job
>Obviously no gf
>Getting fat
>Going to school for meme science(Computer Science)

How fucked am I?

you're going to school, you got a way out just try not to fuck it up

You have 5 years to get your shit sorted, otherwise you will be on the back end and you will hate it.
t. 30

>successful people are a myth
No, they just have a mix of ability, persistence and luck to overcome the shit life flings their way. Unlike you.

A believing heart is your magic, OP!

I'm you, except 10 years younger and about 10 IQ points lower.
I don't give a fuck. Building a career is an overrated chore. I'd rather have some variety than earn a lot.

If a politician offered you all a waifu of equivalent levels of attractiveness to yourself, would you support him?

For every lonely man there is a woman who isn't getting a monogamous relationship either. It's a recipe for disaster.

>18 years old kids post here
>they were born in '99
Holy shit.

>girlfriend I had
RRE...... oh, wait, sorry, wrong board. They're hard to tell apart nowadays

Women are for the most part fine with being chad's fucktoys. If she was fine with it at 25, she'll be fine with it at 35. I'm not taking the bitch.
Percentile wise, or absolute-vaue-for-opposite sex wise? Percentile wise I'm really not that bad at all, around the middle. Too bad the female-view distribution is massively skewed towards the top end.

>you're going to school, you got a way out
You're both gonna kill yourselves when you find out...

>finish high school and wander around aimlessly
>start college and drop out, repeat this 2-3 times
>live with parents until 24
>finally decide to do something with myself
>move to a foreign country to where college is actually useful to study
>don't even know the language
>no one to help
>all alone
>start life anew just to prove myself I can do it

It's difficult, like really difficult. But I think there's actually hope. I'm not better than most of you (granted some of you are fucking retarded), if I can do it, you can do it too anons.


Dude, if you haven't made it by 27 you will never make it and you should just kill yourself.
Steve Jobs founded Apple at 22, Orson Welles made Citizen Kane at 25 and Grace Kelly retired at 26.

Did you have a job before? How did you afford to move? I sometimes consider this but I've never had a job so I have no money.

You are being silly if you think finishing college in another country is gonna fix you up.
I mean, it's a nice experience and all, but your problem is that you have no clear direction, not that the education system of wherever you live sucks.

That's the worst part about it is sex. I wouldn't feel the longing as hard if I was still a virgin. The memory of how her pussy felt is slowly fading in time tho.

Workout if you're fat
get new clothes if you're not
Walk straight
Fuck bitches
Drop em

>Did you have a job before?
Nope, was a NEET after high school.
>How did you afford to move?
Leeched off of my parents. Will start working here while studying once start speaking the language properly.
On the contrary, I do have a clear goal now. That goal comes when you start acting. And not just the education but also the employment system in my country sucked. Sure, it's not guaranteed to work, I might crash and burn, but it's better to try than to waste time doing nothing.

Unless that goal is finishing college abroad or working as X specifically in country Y, you could do the same by staying and just getting your degree, and with less resources. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I just think you're looking for a new gimmick to chase.

I'm sorry to say, OP, that as a fellow loser, we just weren't raised properly, or don't have intelligence/wit/motivation.

You're supposed to leave high school at 17, and start college immediately, four years of college if you don't fuck around. By 22, you should be job hunting in your career, and within a year or two, you should have something. By 26, you should be firmly established, if you didn't up along the way.

That's the timeline for a 'normie'.


I work retail user but I had my own place and a car and my parents are dust

This ((((career)))) shit is a Jewish meme to keep people overworked. 12 hours days, nigger what. I have smoke to smoke.

>This thread

Fuck, Sup Forums feel threads always hit me the hardest

why exactly do you feel bad? because you are not attracted to the way of life of others?

Haha loser. You SHOULD feel like shit. Plenty of people by 27 have their lives sorted and have some sort of success in a significant career.

I'm 25, making over $70,000 p.a, moved out long ago and living with my gf in a nice place with dosh left over to save and spend. Working out 5x per week, eating healthily, studying on the reg.

Like to come here to remind myself how much of a loser I could be (but am not). Feels good :-)

At least my shit life made someone feel good.

trying too hard

you're a virgin and underage