Name one thing wrong with being AnCap

Name one thing wrong with being AnCap

and don't give me the roads meme



What did you expect?


What forces someone to follow the N. A. P.?

Believing that there wouldn't be wars between private security firms.

If you attack someone, you're automatically forfeiting your own "right" to not be attacked.

No roads...

It makes your dick shrink.


If you have bigger guns noone will fuck with you.

the free market will fix it

Right, that's cool and all, but what happens when I bring 5-10-15-20 people along with me to attack you? Or hell what's stopping me from claiming that the place you reside isn't my house? Also, if I kill you, does that mean my right to not be attacked is restored, I mean if your son attacks me, isn't he a separate actor?


sooner or later, puberty's gonna hit

Are you asking all of that because you are legitimately interested or are you just shitposting? Either way, read Rothbard and you'll have all your questions answered.

>Name one thing wrong with being AnCap
It's a forerunner to aristocracy.

And read Hoppe afterwards. You could potentially skip Rothbard.

Defense policy.
You would get rolled on by any organised nation.
Free market is great, but defense is all about prevention and Free Market just reacts to a need.

If Ancap the US could litteraly get invaded by Mexico.

That's kind of a lazy cop out on your end, I'm not going to go read an entire book, just because you can't answer hard questions

you'd be forever buying cement

Question for anclaps. In your fantasy world, do contracts work on the honor system? What about deeds? Wills?

Do you know how many times your questions are asked every single day on /pol?

I could answer, and I have answered before, but at this point I'm not gonna spoonfeed retards that can't spend 5 minutes in Google.

I would be willing to be you are not even legitimately interested in anarchocapitalism, you just want to shitpost.

The NAP is a spook and your utopian retardation makes Communism look good by comparison

The thing that's wrong with all capitalism. You can't create infinite economic "growth" from finite resources. That is all.

Also, capitalism contradicts most of what anarchy means, by its very nature. Stating that you, or anything, is "anarcho-capitalist" is oxymoronic.

... that is the laziest cop out. You started this thread, answer the fucking questions.

>I have no answers, but you're the stupid one

You don't use cement for roads. You use asphalt. For minor DIY repairs you could use cold patch.

anarchism is pure capitalism

it is definitely not socialist

It would hurt their rep bro, businesses are only forces for bad when the government makes them follow the law dude *hits bong*

This maori cunt gets it.

This, just follow the Constitution, it lays out what you need to do to have a good government.

The human creativity is infinite. Space is close to infinite, if you look beyond labour and resources you discover the glory of capitalism with all the innovation you can imagine.

yes, you are a really fucking retarded burger.

Now this is shit posting

>e-e-educate urself
Fuck off to tumblr then. If you answered this so many tones, why not have it written and saved to save time etc?

Wrong for whom? If you're going to be the winning warlord, life may be ok after the fighting, though possibly a bit stressful.

Final question. How do you guarantee access to the market in an anarcho capitalist society?

>tfw my child prostitue workforce isn't netting me enough profit to buy another nuclear silo

When your unorganised, amateur uprising occurs, how will you defend yourself from the most powerful military on the face of the earth? Someone, in your idealistic utopia, will have all the power, as few become richer and richer while everyone else becomes poorer. The few will have complete power due to their ultimate access to money, and lack of restriction by a government. You will be hopelessly enslaved, you pathetic fuck.

b-b-but wat if mah gun shoots a perzon and not me do i go jail then? wat if it was da lazer gun will obama take it anyway............?

>american education
>kids on summerbreak

kill yourselves

AnCap society is the easiest way to lead into rule by corporations. Wal-Mart would essentially become the government.

Well that's the burger education system for you.


The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, leader, authority." Thus, the term refers to a person or society "without rulers" or "without leaders."

A capitalist (that is, an owner of resources and / or means of production, simply put: capital) is sovereign ruler over his property. At its head, as it were.

By the way, RoboCop is essentially the anarcho-capitalist's dream world. Because that's exactly how life would be.