This is a thread for all LGBT Sup Forumsiticians out there. I realize that as a gay nationalist we don't feel a part of the community as much as others so I made this thread for the fellow gays here to discuss issues relating to conservatism, nationalism, etc. anything goes.
Sup Forums LGBT
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw bearmode
>get guys asking me out all the time
>young girls (18-22, the ones i go for) not into me
should i become gay just to get some (boi)pussy?
I can cure you (for a price).
Being a "gay nationalist" only makes sense in western liberal democracies which already have gay rights. It wouldn't make sense in Islamic Republic of Iran.
What you do in your bedroom is your business. Not mine.
Go away faggots
are you the fag from the other thread whining about being old?
I wish I had a gay neet bf from Sup Forums but im a jew. How to fix?
Are you attracted to men?
Fight Islam, Defend Jewish-Christian-Homosexual Identity!
lel, greet is such a kike loving homo
nope, didn't know there was another thread. i'm also pretty young (24).
no, I like pretty, sweet, feminine, girly, innocent girls :/
Girls have the shittest tastes in men lad, they all want some swimmer twink faggot
I really should make an app for right wing, traditional gays.
I really like this guy. He reminds me of my ex-boyfriend. Shame he's such a Zionist though.
I swear, the first thing this alt-right kike would do, if he get's elected, is to tell his coming-out.
fuck off to your containment board homofags
I've never been to that board and I never will. Lefties are cancer.
But /lgbt/ is shitty, slow, and a blue board. ITs mostly trans and tripfags anyways.
Yes he is.
/lgbt/ is basically just a tripfag shitfest
then you need some damn confidence and learn how to pickup sweet feminine girly whatever.
You forgot the "divorce" panel.
look into traps
conversion therapy only works if you don't want to be gay in the first place
>abrahamic religions
moar beefy guys in briefs plz
If only it were that easy, Austribro.
Probably a fatty.
You really should. I can assure there are plenty of right wing gay people out there. More than you think. The only reason why you see most gays lean to the left is because the right has traditionally been hostile towards gays. Gay fascism ftw
Fuck off cunt.
I didn't say your treatment was going to be easy, but you'll thank me in the event you don't succumb to suicide.
>make a """""dating""""" app for traditional gay men.
Again even if you killed, or AIDS killed ALL the gays living in the world, gay occurs genetically so we would still appear. Just don't post in these threads and hide them. You know how many "who is Sup Forums's waifu?" bs threads we have to deal with?
If there were an app for Sup Forums gays to meet I'd use it all the time.
Fags get out.
5'11", 275lbs, been powerlifting for 4 years. 9 inch wrists.
But yeah I've got a fair bit of fat on me. All real men do ;^)
yeah to fuck each other in the ass and have aids orgies.
Very traditional and anti-degenerate of you.
Where's the contradiction? You can be a white Christian nationalist who practices monogamy. Like me and my boyfriend. I just happened to be born gay. I'm no different. I still hate kikes and mudslimes just like you mate.
get over yourself mate
mmmf u got pix of u in briefs?
jews like me are mostly immune to aids.
Kill yourself.
Not all gay men engage in orgies dude. Gays can be monogamous too.
Perhaps it might be more classy than the degenerate shit that currently exists.
I'm 26, married to my husband of 56. We're happy, monogamous since I met him 7 years ago.Am I degenerate?
I hate faggots too: gay pride parades and all that bullshit is disgusting to me. They make us look bad.
Why are Australians so gay?
it's easy if you're not an autist.
Kill yourself.
Yeah I have no desire to marry a man twice my age but I do want a husband.
Given the disproportionate amount of slavs that star in gay porn, that's ironic coming from a Russian.
>open homo
You will not survive Our Lord's judgement.
Thou shalt not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman. It is detestable to the Lord.
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
I would not know. I have never watched gay porn. Homosexuality will probably be banned again here soon fortunately. Things keep moving in that direction.
just learn it, learn the skills from your bros or other people. at the beginning its hard but you can pick it up.
Fuck off faggot. Homosexuality is a mental problem and we hate retards here.
Yeah because we all obey all the laws in the Old Testament now. Do you keep Kosher Chile?
Why is Leviticus only selectively enforced?
I know it sucks to live in some shithole in russia but calm down ivan
>Posts pic of Nazis
>When Nazis killed gays
>tfw 3 inch dick
aussie girls aren't austrian girls m8 (sadly)
Only flaming homos that were publicly known. Like the head of SA. Other then that there were tonnes of homosexuals within Nazi ranks. Check the literature.
I really dont mind smaller dicks. Easier to suck. I do mind guys that don't buy cute undies.
No you're not a degenerate, mate. How's the marriage been thus far?
I really hate the gay agenda that's been pushed as well.
Last one is a verse of Revelations you homo, you have never studied the whole bible have you?
People did it secretly, found and they died.
boipucci is life :3
I am a jew.
My dick's actually 6 inches lol.
The first person to suck it will be a good, pure, traditional girl who I intend to marry.
Dude fuck off with this. Have some standards
Nice try mate. Well I am a Christian. If God allows me to burn in hell for all of eternity for something I was born with them so be it. Until then I will not stop being a Christian. Try my best to be as traditional and least degenerate as I can despite my condition.
So ur str8.... why are you in this thread
>homosexuality is a mental problem
Citation needed
>ritual laws
>moral laws
learn the difference. Reminder that homosexual behaviour is also condemn in New Testament
There's nothing wrong with being gay man. Being gay if anything is less degenerate in this modern world than being a super horny straight faggot like many are. You can take the higher path. Contribute to humanity without the burden of pursuing women.
I will vote in the upcoming referendum for gay marriage. If the Spartans had it, we can too.
You faggots should go to your gay board. Not to Sup Forums.
There are other boards dedicated to sharing porn.
Where in the new testament is it condemned? They also condemn eating shellfish, not going to the ritual baths after ejaculation or menstruation, masturbation, and the wearing of two different fabrics. Do you follow all of that?
Where's the straight board?
There is no board for right wing gay men. Don't say go to /lgbt/ it's full of retarded Libshits.
If you don't like the thread, ignore it.
All boards except for /lgbt/ are dejure straight boards. Now fuck off. If you want to discuss politics fine. If you just want to post about being gay, this is not the board for that.
No, because cancer always grows.
Seriously, why can't they just not reply if they are so triggered. Worse than SJWS desu senpai.
Faggots are an abomination. They must be beaten to death. They are fundamentally evil and demonic
Do you mean de facto? There is no rule on this.
>Being a "gay nationalist" only makes sense in western liberal democracies which already have gay rights. It wouldn't make sense in Islamic Republic of Iran.
Good thing we don't care what the childfuckers do, right?
Personally I feel like gay people should be allowed in the community but need to know they're not exactly the focus of it.
I like cock quite a bit, but that's not going to help (or hinder) the cause so it's kind of unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
>coming from a Greek
Read it.
Rule is on politics. You talking about being faggots is not politics.
Ironic coming from a Greek kek
Spartans didnt have gay marriage. They tolerated (even promoted) faggory but if it interfered with breeding they would get pissed so there wasent pure gay spartans they had to reproduce so no gay marriage
We just want one thread. ALL THE OTHER ONES u can post about traps and waifus and whatever degen bs breeders get up to.
Phrase it in your own words.
>I was born this way
Said a pedophile.
You guys need to stop comparing yourself to normal people. Homosexual behaviour is the same mental illness like pedophilia or bestiality. There is no gay gene, it's just brain malfunction.
Talking about girls and traps is not politics either. Until its uniformly enforced I'll gladly ignore your whining.
In the New Testament (NT) there are at least three passages that may refer to homosexual activity: Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, and 1 Timothy 1:9–10. A fourth passage, Jude 1:7, is often interpreted as referring to homosexuality. None of the four gospels mentions the subject directly, and there is nothing about homosexuality in the Book of Acts, in Hebrews, in Revelation, or in the letters attributed to James, Peter, and John. Jesus may be restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples when he cites Genesis during a discussion of marriage (Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9).
The presumed references to 'homosexuality' itself in the New Testament hinge on the interpretation of three specific Greek words: arsenokoitēs (ἀρσενοkοίτης), malakos (μαλαkός), and porneia (πορνεία) and its cognates.[1][2] While it is not disputed that the three Greek words apply to sexual relations between men (and possibly between women), some academics interpret the relevant passages as a prohibition against pederasty or prostitution rather than homosexuality per se, while other scholars have presented counter arguments.[3][4][5] The historical context of the passages has also been a subject of debate.
Die already you subhuman poofters disgusting sodomites
I don't see going into threads about nationalist waifus threads and complaining faggot. Do you see how many shitposting threads there are? Stop be a cry baby. If you don't like the thread, fuck off. Very simple
Spartans actually went extinct. Their birthrates were so low they were always shrinking in population. Spartan method was ultimately retarded.
Don't need to. Read ti and you would know.
They should both be stopped as well. It is all cancer unrelated to politics.
>We just want one thread. ALL THE OTHER ONES u can post about traps and waifus and whatever degen bs breeders get up to.
I'm not saying the thread shouldn't be around. I'm giving my honest opinion on the topic.