/Star Trek/

Bajorans Gone Wild edition.

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Are Bajorans Jews or Palestinians?


a bit of both i guess.
they got genocided like the juice and they are unsuccessful militant, religious nuts like the palestinians.

Too poor and irrelevant to be Jews.

Bajorans got their homeland back. Palestinians are still occupied.

Could Q just BTFO the wormhole aliums out of existence with a click of his fingers?

Probably. Outside of the wormhole, the prophets seemed far weaker than Q

How long until Cardassia notices that the Ferengi control their entire media apparatus and the largest lobbying group in the Union and are using it to genocide them?

They aren't comparable to any real world group. They aren't Jews because Nazis didn't invade a Jewish nation nor did the Jews defeat the German military. Likewise, the Palestinians haven't won and won't win.

My wife and I are about to watch this episode tonight. I hope she likes it,
it's one of my personal Voyager favorites.

So he gave the best Vulcan performance in all of Trek right? I can't remember a single bad Tuvok episode.

I didn't like the one where he and Harry were fighting for the affections of a holodeck character that turned out to be an uggo on a space station somewhere using it to role play.

I think Tim Russ is the kind of guy who cries himself to sleep at night because he isn't actually vulcan.

Don't be mean. And I'm sure his Amazing Gaza Kush helps.

Sup wifeposter. How's she liking Voyager so far? Has she given up all hope yet?

I don't think this episode is appropriate for your wife's son. It might give him nightmares

She actually loves it man. To her it's like the most comfy, non-challenging Star Trek ever. She does hate Harry Kim though, that episode where he gets blown out the fucking airlock she was like YES! YES! GOD YES!

Kek, we don't even have kids yet, but I am finishing up my cuckshed in the backyard.

I feel like in the first 3 seasons Voy was putting out just enough good episodes to stay afloat and this is one of them.

>hating kim
completely acceptable desu


Normally I would agree with you, but watching these episodes from a fresh perspective as an adult it seems like Voyager is mainly riding the wave of potential it had early on more than anything.

Most of the episodes are quite mediocre, and the Kazon aren't really interesting at all, but Voyager is still taking the time to establish that they don't have infinite energy, and they actually have to stop on planets to harvest food/gather supplies/mine fuel. In fact, there's that whole 2-3 parter in season 2 where Tom Paris is acting like a dick for seemingly no reason to infiltrate the Kazon, and meanwhile Janeway's trying to negotiate mining for this energy source they need on a planet. It's very much what the main thrust of conflict should have been throughout the show.

But sometime around season 3/4 they just get god-mode and stop caring about any sense of danger or conflict whatsoever. Infinite torpedoes, infinite food, Voyager never has a scratch, they can repair anything instantly. It's so lazy and disappointing.

But if you pull back and look at the show as a whole, I would almost guarantee those seasons have more individual great episodes than the first few seasons.

Do you agree with his sentiment?

I said - We Want to Hear the DOCTOR!

If I follow correctly you mean that episodes from S4 on were better executed but the show starts to stray away from the 'rules' of the setting.

Do you think that this was avoidable? Or was Voy doomed to be one of
1) Mediocre episodes in a reasonably compelling setting
2) Well executed episodes, but in the flimsy 'planet-of-the-week, with a post-episode reset button' setting

No, it's gatekeeping. I grew up with Star Trek, have seen every episode/movie as well, and I don't think people should have this kind of elitist attitude about it. Star Trek is going through a period of rediscovery right now because all the shows are on Netflix, and every day we have new anons who are looking to get into it.

I do believe everyone should watch it in order, but you at least need to give every shot a chance if you're at all interested in it.

>sings in vector calculus
What did they mean by this?

>episodes from S4 on were better executed but the show starts to stray away from the 'rules' of the setting
That's a great summation of it.

Knowing what all went on during the production of Voyager at the time, I think it was doomed from the beginning. At this point Rick Berman was The Boss™ of Star Trek, and they had the formula down pat. He's said before that Voyager was an attempt to get back to basics like TOS, but it's so bogged down by all the mythology of the shows that precede it that there was no way that was ever going to happen in the first place, so they just doubled down on the fan-service to keep the show on the air in the later seasons with all the Borg shit and bringing back the catsuit character.

Not at all. I've met a number of people who have used Voy as their starting point in Trek just because they caught an episode on Space.

I'd figure this is because it isn't nearly as serialized as DS9 so there's less required knowledge going into the show. It also (arguably) has a stronger start than TNG and lastly the style/aesthetic of the 90s makes it more accessible than TOS.

Any chance we'll see best girl in Star Trek Discovery?

I have no idea what the sauce is but I remember somebody posting once about a book where the Prophets invaded the Q continuum. Apparently they caused some real damage.



That's really harsh, I made pic related and love TMP. Voyager is only okay, I say terrible so people are pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.

Great tastes but I predict zero chance and I won't be watching it to find out.

Datas episodes always hit me in the feels

>Comparing TOS with Doc Who

>I made pic related
I have a minor nitpick with this movie, which is that if you watch some of those movies before the shows that came before them you miss out on a lot of neat details. Like if you watch Undiscovered Country before even watching TNG at all, you miss out on a lot of why the events depicted in that movie are so important.

Same, just watched Data's Day

Do you deny that they are both cheesy 60s sci-fi?

>Like if you watch Undiscovered Country before even watching TNG at all, you miss out on a lot of why the events depicted in that movie are so important.
How so? I think seeing Worf on the bridge in TNG after seeing how hostile relations were in TOS and the movies you'll get it just as much as if you see it the other way around.

Because a big part of TNG seasons 3 and 4 were building up to Undiscovered Country. Yesterday's Enterprise, Khittomer Accords. The movie makes a lot less sense without all this.

That's a fair point, but TNG viewers needed reminding of these things, the Klingons shown in TOS are definitely always the enemy but that abruptly disappeared in TNG, Undiscovered Country does a good job of framing what's at stake on its own, with the Admirals pointing out that they'll attack unless peace can be achieved quickly.

Yeah I mean like I said, it's a minor nitpick, but the tv shows and movies were all made for the contemporary audiences of the time. It's really something special to watch the movies in context.

Another example would be how your chart says to watch Nemesis before Voyager, when "Admiral Janeway" would be lost on the viewer

You can already guess that she's going to survive the journey home.

implying she didnt die in the last episode.

>tfw don't understand any of what geordi is talking about or wesleys/datas solutions for the problems entire episodes are based around

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

>I can't remember a single bad Tuvok episode.

The one with the kids who aged backwards was pretty bad.

he killed millions

Post your favorite Ezris.

He should have killed them all

They are space ISIS. A cancer that needs to be eradicated.

No. DS9 is the worst Trek.

That's not really what I meant, it would be more like "Who is Admiral Janeway and why are they focusing on this person"

Muh Six Million Gorillion Innocent Bajorans!

>tfw work in software development
>come home and watch TNG
>start having "it ain't me" flashbacks to conflicts at work, imposter syndrome, and engineering/architecture problems

I just watched that one the other day, the only bad part of it is child actors. Tuvok is pretty based in that episode.

>Do you have any children?
>I have two children, a son and a daughter
>What are they like?

>Nazis didn't invade a Jewish nation

*AHEM* Poland *AHEM*

Has anyone else noticed the insane amount of balding and bald men on Star Trek? I mean obviously Patrick Stewart, but when you get into the DS9/VOY years it's like every single guest star is a baldlet that needs to buzz their head.

I mean just LOOK at Eddington! Holy shit, can you imagine someone being allowed to act on tv with this kind of JUST haircut?


I enjoyed enterprise from start to finish. It's great.

He doesn't cry.

The man is a genuine weirdo.

I hate that cunt, noone can deny he's got into the whole maquis thing because he's a giant attention whore

t. Sisko

>Riker will never be your number one dad

I think it's more that in the 80s/90s it was more socially acceptable to cling onto and style every last hair you could hold onto, whereas nowadays it's more fashionable to buzz or shave completely when enough of it recedes past a certain point. There are still lots of bald actors on TV, you just don't see those hideous haircuts anymore because they all keep it trim or shaved.



Hurrrr in da future we cured every disease and cancer and shit but for sum reason we can't cure baldness.

What a shit show.

Patrick Stewart specifically addressed this by saying "In the future we've become civilized enough that we don't give a shit if people are bald or not".

Don't respond to troll posts

I don't know why that thought would occur to anyone. We never needed to know who Admiral Nechayev is when TNG focused on her.


More like Admiral Bitchayev
I bet she's a fucking bitch in bed too

>"Captain I sense.....something.....I sorry, I cant be more specific than that..."

>"Thank you for your invaluable insights counselor, it will be taken into consideration"

>"Captain the enemy ship is charging their disruptors and aiming at the ship elementary school! I suggest we raise shields and fire immediately!"

>"Lets not be so hasty Mr. Worf, lets sit back and see how this plays out. Perhaps blowing up our children is their way of communicating"


Please no not this again

>"You will engage my pussy in combat when I order you to do so"

>Captain, shields at zero. They've punched through the hull on decks eight, nine and twelve. Core breach imminent and they're charging their weapons up for another shot. They've also abducted several of the crew and have replaced Lieutenant Paris's liver with Neelix's severed head. They are not responding to our hails but have "KILL ALL FEDERATION" auto transmitting on a loop. Recommend return fire.

>Now now Mr. Tuvok... we're guests in the Delta Quadrant. We must make an attempt to understand all alien species we encounter. Beam over a bouquet of lillies and a box of chocolate.

>Very next episode

>"Captain, the Kazon ship has been disabled and is retreating, the logical course of action would be to cease combat and resume course for Earth"

>"They can leave when I say they can Tuvok, fuck the Prime Directive, beam that space nigger crew directly into the vacuum of space then collect their corpses. I want them as dead as Tuvix. We can recycle their matter and replicate some coffee"

is this what it's like to peer into the realm of the legbeards?


>Admiral Bitchayev
Daily Reminder

They're the alien trash of the galaxy but I do enjoy Bajoran girls. Something about BAQP chicks turns me on. Makes me want to bully them...pillage their homeworld. Something like that.

people are too hard on her. picard personally tried to take over earth and no one did anything.

Is this pasta? Cause I just saved this

Daily Remind that Martok is running for Congress.

>“I disagree with everything Reed supports, including his unrelenting support of the Trumpster,” said Hertzler.
>Hertzler will run “in the persona of Mark Twain,” and he will present his ideas “through the brilliant humorist for all ages.”

MMhhaahaa yes, mmhmm.
WOO! ha!

Oh god...he'd have a better chance running as Martok.

>I want them as dead as Tuvix


What a time to be alive.

These are all positive things.

It's pretty simple user, just reverse the polarity on the stenna relays to generate a feedback loop that will generate a vernian pulse in the interplexing beacon.

>That shot where everyone is walking the stairs and it cuts just before we can see up Ezris skirt

Those were Bajorans so nothing of any particular value was lost.

Fake babble. Although actually I'm a little disappointed that they never reference Verne.

The Bajorans never defeated the Cardassian military either. Bajor basically ran out of useful resources to exploit, and their defeat by the Federation made holding onto the occupation economically untenable.

Watch it all, the good and the bad, and judge accordingly.

Is that the Picard turned into a kid or the nephew who died in a flaming inferno because his father had one too many glasses of Chateau Picard wine? They used the same actor didn't they?

Slim to none. But maybe she'll show up to replace Chekov if there's a 4th JJverse movie.

Nechayev did nothing wrong.

Oh dear.